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So what do we do if we go 'red'?

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Mar 10, 2003
West Oakland
I came across this article while surfing around and it occurred to me- What exactly am I supposed to do if we go to Condition Red? It really depends on where I am when it happens; if I’m home, good to go. At work? Well… am I supposed to go home? Even worse, my wife works in downtown San Francisco; I work near the airport- getting downtown to pick her up would be interesting at best. Should she stay put and wait and see?

This is getting complicated.

If the nation escalates to "red alert," which is the highest in the color-coded readiness against terror, you will be assumed by authorities to be the enemy if you so much as venture outside your home, the state's anti-terror czar says.
Does that apply to the entire US or just NJ? I've wondered what would be done if they went to "Red", but I've never heard anything like that.
If the general area of a city goes bonkers, the worst thing in the world to do is get out on the streets to "rescue" a loved one. One hopes that said loved one has enough sense to pound sand. I grant that in the movies, all women go bat-brained in emergencies, and some percentage would in real life.

Seems to me the thing to do is discuss such a problem BEFORE it happens, rather than have to start from scratch after things go all to garbage.

Art- I completely agree about having some sort of plan in place before the SHTF, but quite honestly all the pre-planning my wife and I have done was in regard to earthquakes as that seemed to be the biggest potential for disaster/mayhem.

Now, well, it’s a whole new ball of wax.

My darling wife is a pretty savvy character; she’s a production manager for Banana Republic and has been to some parts of the world that Americans aren’t that popular in (‘cause as you know- all the best clothing is made in 3rd world countries). She’s been to Pakistan (about three years ago and it still freaks me out to think about it), India, Turkey, China, all over the Persian Gulf (they wouldn’t let her in Kuwait, she being a Western Infidel without a male family member ;) ) and Israel (the factory there gave her a bodyguard, I kept bugging her to ask him what he was carrying). So she can handle her self well.

But damn it all, she’s my wife and I’ll be the one freaking out.
If you've got a good earthquake plan you may be most of the way there.

Look at FEMA's site fema.gov for their citizen preparedness guide and http://www.ready.gov/ for the Homeland Defense versions.
I'm not sure what happens in condition "red" as I've never seen any chart outlining the specifics of each condition.

I'd venture to say I'd get stuck working at the prison manning double posts. So far I haven't seen any indication of increased radical activity or heard any word on the yard, but then I work in the Disciplinary Confinement Unit so I'm pretty much isolated.

I'd expect staging of prison riots would be high on the list of the terrorists in an attempt to tie up some of the resources of LE agencies.

Good SHooting
My plan includes smearing Jello on the floor, setting my couch on fire and then I'm going to barracade myself in the bathroom with a walkman, a CD of Eye of the Tiger and a corn cob pipe. I figuire I'm going to go nuts anyway so why not have a plan?:D
So far, I like firestar's plan the best... :p

Our plan is to mee at home (20 miles south of Indianapolis) and stay put for a couple days. Then take country roads to her dad's cabin about 40 miles away. That's pretty much as close to the middle of nowhere as you can get around here. Distant enough that anyone on the property had really better be sure to let us know they're there before we discover them being there. ;)

Plenty of guns and ammo and food and reading material. Generator, that kind of stuff.
When I was a wee one, they taught us a song, so we'd remember what to do.

It went like this:

Don't Touch!
Leave The Area!
Tell An Adult!

If You Don't The Big Scary Eagle Will Eat Your Eyes Out!

Oh, wait, it wasn't that song, it was this one:

When in Danger, Fear or Doubt,
Run in Circles,
Scream and Shout.

Yep. That sounds like the Condition Red advice I read on ready.gov.
When I was young they taught me to duck and cover.
Only later did I come to realize they really meant bend over and kiss your a$$ goodbye!
My greatest fear is how many of my friends are going to be banging on my front door telling me to give them a rifle. I have had so many guys and girls say "I'm coming over your house if things get rough."

I am not Noah's Ark.
Hell, I've had UPS drivers tell me they know where to come if trouble really hits. Something about all those ammo deliveries ;)
If they declare condition red, the first thing to do is secure your bank account, 'cause the Homeland Security Dept is going to be upping their budget by leaps and bounds...
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