'Son Of A Gun' - Mythbusters..

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Oct 29, 2010
England at the moment
Just watched and enjoyed a great episode of Mythbusters where they attempt to prove/disprove the amazing ACW story of the soldier who was shot in the 'nether regions' with a Minie ball (yeeeouch!), which then supposedly transferred some 'viable genetic material' to a woman bystander when the same bullet hit her! Allegedly she fell pregnant as a result!

Great story, fairly comprehensively disproved by the guys at Mythbusters, but the real treat for me was seeing that Enfield being shot, albeit at very short range. Anyone else seen it? Know who the marksman is? The range they used looked familiar from some of the photos I have seen here on THR too.
Can't answer the who and there, but watching that big bullet go through the bag of genetic material sorta gave me the cold chills.
there was a lot of that kind of ''shooting'' going on, and I remember the story. The author that recorded the story opined that a kindly country doctor concocted the story to make the reality [a baby] a bit more palatable for all concerned.
Watched the episode and found it very good it's amazing how imaginative people will be when they need to explain the uncomfortable.
Great series
ladylike lies

Ive heard it all now,and the myth busters are full of them,I stopped tuning in when they said that the part of the movie saving private Ryan where the sniper gets shot in the eye thru the scope was busted,mainly because they could not reproduce the shot with sporting ammo,in California they cannot posses armor piercing ammo,believe me a 30.06 solid dangerous game bullet or a armour piercing round would have penetrated the scope and the eye of the Nazi sniper,by the way the movie is a true story.:neener:
They would have had to name that kid Superman cause he really would have been faster than a speeding bullet !
by the way the movie is a true story.

Like all movies that constantly say one thing and the viewers hear another, this movie was BASED on a true story. The story Saving Private Ryan was based on something that happened in the Civil War. The place they defend after finding Ryan in the film is in fact a fictional city.

The shooting through the scope was based on a Marine sniper during the Vietnam war; Carlos Hathcock and it was a verified kill and the Mythbusters,: after many Emails and regular mail crying foul of their findings, repeated with FMJ ammo and a WW2 Russian scope and did get full penetration and a kill to their dummy head.:neener::neener::neener:
Not that I'm that scientific but alot of there "techniques" are not quite accurate. A good show, but just not accurate. For instance the myth of the tailgate up or down to save fuel economy they used two different trucks. One up, and one down. Not accurate! We all know that two remmies, both same maker using same loads, are going to fire different so you can't compare that way. I think it's fun to watch them blow stuff up but there not scientists.
Yeah, blaming someone else, or something else, for actions of deeds has been going on a long, long time. Like someone mentioned, getting The Clap from a toilet seat. Remember the second child takes 9-10 months to be born. The first one can come anytime! Just accept it as a fact and your life will run much smoother.
The shooting through the scope was based on a Marine sniper during the Vietnam war; Carlos Hathcock and it was a verified kill and the Mythbusters,: after many Emails and regular mail crying foul of their findings, repeated with FMJ ammo and a WW2 Russian scope and did get full penetration and a kill to their dummy head.

Actually, they filmed the second episode the day after they filmed the first episode. After they wrapped filming of the first episode Sgt Normandy asked them what they were trying to prove, they told him and he said come back tomorrow. They filmed the second episode, but unfortunately it didn't air for several months.
Personally I dislike Mythbusters. I would never watch it again except my wife loves it. When ever it comes on she asked me to watch it with her. I think she likes to see me yell at the tv.

I don't like that show.

They attempted Hathcock's sniper shot through a modern multi-lensed scope and said it didn't work although the one Hathcock would have shot through would have only had 2 lenses.

The bullet didn't penetrate more then 4 lenses so they said it wouldn't work. What?

They attempted Hathcock's sniper shot through a modern multi-lensed scope and said it didn't work although the one Hathcock would have shot through would have only had 2 lenses.

In addition, I believe Sgt. Hathcock used a .300 Winchester Magnum cartridge and the Mythbusters only used a .308 Winchester as I recall. Their testing methodology therefore was not totally valid.
I stopped believing anything Mythbusters had to say regarding guns when I caught a glimpse in one of their episodes of a handgun with an Empty Chamber Indicator inserted down the barrel.
There are some things that technology and science haven't explained yet. And until we have a better understanding, probably can't be duplicated in a laboratory. For instance. When I walk across a yard holding metal dousing wires, why do the wires spread apart when I cross over a septic tank, buried wire or buried pipe? My college physics prof said it is fake. Not only did I show him it wasn't, I had him doing it within minutes.

Tesla claimed he developed a small apparatus that could use gamma radiation from space to creat enough electricity to power a car. Yet no one has really tried to duplicate his research.

I understand they did a thing about the impossibility of an ice bullet. Horse crap. I have done it. Low speed, smooth bore, cylinder choke, and glycerin added to the water.
The story Saving Private Ryan was based on something that happened in the Civil War.

believe me a 30.06 solid dangerous game bullet or a armour piercing round would have penetrated the scope and the eye of the Nazi sniper,by the way the movie is a true story

For all the complaining about Mythbusters, there is AMPLE need for mythbusting around this forum ;-)

Scopes in the CW were about a yard long and rare. Bullets were soft lead. "Saving Private Ryan" is, apart from some aspects of the initial landing, pure fiction based on movies the director grew up watching. It has almost nothing to do with WWII. The famous shot was done by the great Gunny Hathcock, who was a world class champion shooter not a country bumpkin dug up from central casting.
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i think the people who complain about mythbusters are also the same people who:

1) have never done actual science
2) fail to realize that the show is for entertainment
3) have never seen an actual editing room floor

first and foremost....actual science is almost always boring, laborious, and tedious work.....its boring doing it...and doubly boring watching someone else do it....something that doesnt make for the greatest TV.

secondly, its an entertainment show.......they need to make it exciting for people to watch it....which is a direct conflict with my first point..... the work they do is not intended to be cited and sourced in future scientific work.....its meant to make you go "ooooh!" and "ahhhhh!" for an hour.

and finally......they only have an hour to work with.....most of the stuff they do gets cut out in the editing room.......much of the stuff you see is only snippets of the actual time put into the building, researching and testing of the myths.

you people are expecting far to much out of a TV show..

for you people wanting to see actual science....go to your nearest university, and watch a lab room for an hour......bet youll only do it once.
That "bullet through the scope" story dates at least to WWI. It could be true (a bullet, once fired, has to go someplace) but it has been told about every engagement in which snipers were involved and about anyone even claiming to be a sniper.

As for SPR, the whole story is nonsense. No president is going to give that kind of order. No commander is going to order a company to wander around in enemy territory sort of in hopes that maybe they might accidentally encounter Pvt. Ryan and bring him out because his politically powerful family wants to have someone to run for president some day. And no commander is going to release a soldier to some unknown officer on the basis of some paper. Any such orders, if they were to be given, would be passed down through the chain of command by official message, encrypted and authenticated. If the unit could not be located, Private Ryan could wait until it was.

And could Private Ryan have been elected to anything when (not if) it was learned that his family pulled strings to get him out of combat?

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