Sonic Robbed Same Day Gun Ban Announced

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Sep 13, 2011
Sonic Robbed Same Day Gun Ban Announced

This is actually two stories in one.....

Also the article goes on to mention that several "Jack In The Box" robberies occurred since the policy went into effect. Including one on May 20 2014 in Houston TX where the robbers went from table to table robbing customers because they knew that the customers were unarmed according to "Jack In The Box" policy.

"On that same day, according The Topeka Capital Journal, two individuals who may have realized law-abiding citizens were unarmed walked into a Topeka, Kansas Sonic and robbed it."

if the shoe fits .. If a restaruant wants to advertize it is a no gun safe to rob establishment ,, and it gets robbed the advertizing is working righ ????
I realize that correlation is not causation. That being said, with a long enough history of correlation you can reliably predict the outcome of certain decisions, such as the number of shootings (or robberies)that take place in places that are posted against legal carry of defensive firearms when compared to the number of shootings (or robberies) that take place in places that are not so posted. How many robberies of gun shops happen compared to, say, fast food joints that are posted? Night-time burglaries, smash-and-grabs, sure those happen, but day-time, business hour robberies of gun shops are pretty damned uncommon, and for very good reason, fast food places. not so much. I think this was very predictable,a s would anyone who thought about it for more than a few seconds.
seems pretty sketchy to me.

would be interesting to survey sonic customers. i'll bet the vast majority have not heard about sonic's or JIB's policy changes. And I doubt they had time to post signs either, given the article says 'same day'.

it's a coincidence.

edit: i'll grant that maybe the robbers heard the news and thought it would be a good target. i'm just saying i doubt there were fewer guns in the restaurant than the day before
Last month in Texas, an armored truck was robbed in a Wal-Mart parking lot, clearly signifying... nothing.
I honestly don't think the type of people who rob fast food restaurants bother to find out the gun policy beforehand. As in to see if it would be a soft target.

And this sentence seriously?

During the May 20 robbery the suspects not only targeted the store but also went table to table robbing patrons, whom they knew were unarmed per Jack in the Box's policy.

The robbers knew everyone was going to abide by jack in the box nicely asking people not to bring guns? Which is pretty much what their policy is rather than an actual ban.

These guys are probably petty criminals who saw a cash register full of money, and customers that would also be good for some easy cash.

We're a minority most people don't carry, and many that do will cooperate in a robbery situation not viewing it as a threat to their life (not always the case but thats a topic for a different thread).

People willing to commit armed robbery are different from you and me. They at the very least risk their freedom for at the most a few hundred dollars. Is it so hard to believe they'd also take their chances on someone being armed.
Sonic's gun policy doesn't apply to me most of the times I visit a Sonic...because I stay in my car.

That said, it's difficult to get a correlation simply because we don't have any accurate statistics on such crimes with respect to posted and unposted places of business. All we ever really hear about is whatever makes it to the media, and that's a rather sporatic, biased selection anyway.
Unless there is a "proper, legal" sign, I don't give a crap what their "policy" is. I rejoined Costco, even though they have a prominent "No firearms allowed" sign by the door, because it doesn't meet my state's signage requirement. If they ever ask me to leave, I will comply and have them refund my membership fee again. Like I did when the sign went up.
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Ironic, but that's about all. Other stories I've read, prior to the policy change, mention how the Sonic that was robbed had been victimized a handful of times before the policy change was announced. Same with the Jack in the Box. So, ironic, but not caused by the policy change.

I carry, despite what corporate policy may be. 'No guns' signs do not carry the weight of law in Michigan, like in many other states. I can be charged with trespass if I'm asked to leave and refuse. But I'll catch that was charge regardless of the reason I'm asked to leave. So its less about the gun in any case.
Personally, I really enjoy sitting in the car eating my food because it reminds me of my childhood when Mom used to take us to Pops BK, one of those Sonic-like places where you pulled up in the parking spot under an awning and a waitress used to come out to the car, take our order, and then bring our food on a tray which hung on the window.

When my wife and I take our kids, which are 12, 14, and 15, to a Sonic, it's easier and more fun for everybody to get out of the vehicle and stretch our legs at a table. Even in her Expedition, there's only so much room for people our size to put all the food, drinks, and napkins while in the car.
unless someone can show statistics which prove that on a % basis stores with a "no gun" policy get robbed more often than stores in the same industry with a "pro gun" policy... this is bs.

actually running those headlines is no better than "mother jones" or so having an article like "since CO magazine limit went in effect no more mass shootings".
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