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Sound Reasoning

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Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
The Year Gun Control Died
Gun opponents would leave predatory cops armed and their victims helpless.

Read the entire article to the end. Don't scan through or skip anything (like I did the first time). Lets keep 2A politics out of this since we all agreed to keep 2A politics out of THR.


For fans of legal restrictions on self-defense rights, 2020 is a disaster. It provides continuing evidence that to push gun control proposals is to advocate that the likes of Derek Chauvin—the Minneapolis cop who killed George Floyd—should be armed, while the communities they terrorize should be helpless. It is also to insist that when police fail at their supposedly core task of protecting the public, people should be deprived of the means for defending themselves. As many Americans lose faith in law enforcement and do what's necessary to shield lives and property, it's unlikely that they'll be an enthusiastic audience for future disarmament schemes that would make those of us who don't work for government even more vulnerable to those who do.

Back in January, prominent gun control advocate and then-presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg responded to reports that an armed church security guard stopped a would-be mass murderer by sniffing that such behavior is inappropriate.

"It may be true—I wasn't there and don't know the facts—that somebody in the congregation had his own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people, but it's the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place," he said.
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Those of us who've been inside the RKBA movement for many years are capable of understanding the irony so many of those who are most against citizen gun ownership seem to be those that also clamor the loudest against police brutality.

Everyone needs to read the Reason article. It articulates so well the hypocrisy of gun control efforts by the liberals who insist the law enforcement arms of each level of government need to be checked -- and underscores the concept of the right to keep and bear arms as a means of preventing oppression by a tyrannical government.

Want to "de-fund" your local police? Who you gonna call?
The trouble with it is that it is aimed at thoughtful people. If significant numbers of those existed, we would not now be in this position.
You never know. We may be just crying in the wilderness, but there's always a chance someone will hear us. I'd like to believe that both the COVID 19 situation and the sudden, massive spotlight on how policing works in this country is raising peoples' awareness ... Witness the huge influx of first-time gun buyers as soon as the coronavirus scare broke ... And I'm seeing a lot more public statements from minority gun owners who are basically saying, "Do you understand now?"

I disagree that another gun control push is necessarily coming. I've just seen several more very recent instances of people in my state defending themselves and their homes with firearms, and this is being reported in a fairly neutral fashion by the MSM, alongside the usual coverage of the COVID 19 situation and the protests. It's a good sign.
Since when has the anti-gun crowd ever listened to sound reason?

I think there may be a distinction made between anti-gun and anti-law. An anti gun group may protest in front of a gun shop, for their reason. An anti-law group just breaks the ones they want, when they want. Not really uncommon either, if you have ever been going the speed limit because you were pulling a heavy load and everyone else was blowing by you, that’s an example.

Whenever people talk about “control” while not enforcing each and every law on the books, down to the person, no matter position or status, oppose them each and every time. Don’t let them put you in jeopardy while they are safe. If they tell you that you are safe, yet impose restrictions on you that they do not abide by, you should be suspect of their intentions.
You never know. We may be just crying in the wilderness, but there's always a chance someone will hear us. I'd like to believe that both the COVID 19 situation and the sudden, massive spotlight on how policing works in this country is raising peoples' awareness ... Witness the huge influx of first-time gun buyers as soon as the coronavirus scare broke ... And I'm seeing a lot more public statements from minority gun owners who are basically saying, "Do you understand now?"

I disagree that another gun control push is necessarily coming. I've just seen several more very recent instances of people in my state defending themselves and their homes with firearms, and this is being reported in a fairly neutral fashion by the MSM, alongside the usual coverage of the COVID 19 situation and the protests. It's a good sign.

Well, I think you are wrong, though I still hope that I am. I never have seen such an orgy of thoughtlessness in America; such an eagerness to believe in obvious untruths. I suspect that "this new reality" is a very real thing, in the worst possible way.

Or maybe I'm just an old drunk white dude who needs to be put out to pasture.
Some democratic strategists type person I saw said to the effect ' you can forget any meaningful gun control for the next 10 yrs... it's going to take a generation before we can advance effective gun control.
You never know. We may be just crying in the wilderness, but there's always a chance someone will hear us. I'd like to believe that both the COVID 19 situation and the sudden, massive spotlight on how policing works in this country is raising peoples' awareness ... Witness the huge influx of first-time gun buyers as soon as the coronavirus scare broke ... And I'm seeing a lot more public statements from minority gun owners who are basically saying, "Do you understand now?"

I disagree that another gun control push is necessarily coming. I've just seen several more very recent instances of people in my state defending themselves and their homes with firearms, and this is being reported in a fairly neutral fashion by the MSM, alongside the usual coverage of the COVID 19 situation and the protests. It's a good sign.
Well, you would have thought the Rodney King riots (and 1968 for that matter) would have taught people this lesson, but history is lost on the left because they have no problem rewriting it to fit their narrative.

Gun control may be put on the back burner for now, but they will keep it on a low simmer. It will be back.
Seems this cycle repeats itself...remember Obama being the gun salesman of the year?
I don't believe many minds will change or refrain from telling independent minded folks how to live and what to do.
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This is why the antigun groups have been very quiet this year. Gun control runs counter to both the COVID and the police brutality narratives. The groups will be back, though.
They'll be back as soon as they come up with a good load of BS that some how sells why you should be defenseless in a pandemic, with looters and rioters operating with impunity with no police. Pretty much like "a purge movie" meets "13 monkeys" and has a 3some with "madmax".
Lost in the gun control arguments in the US is that we the people already own hundreds of millions of guns. Add that to the defund the police nonsense. Add to that the Covid restrictions on regular people and the lack of restrictions on rioters and "protestors". Contrary to what the media wants you to believe, people aren't stupid.

BTW, It's not the police that are the problem, it's the people that hire them. Look for the root cause.
Read the whole article, and we are right back to square one.

We will lose the 2A rights for sure. Especially if we continue or politicians continue on the same course. All they have to do is threaten and burn. And Politicians will comply, give in. These riots will not be the last, they know they work, they know how to strip rights and gain power.
There will be more. Face it, if this present Protest is part of a War, then they sure won this battle. And never underestimate your enemy. 2A rights have never been more frail than they are right now.
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VERY good link and read THNX:thumbup:!!

OK, sorry though. The ever shifting, rip it up again and move it, ever moving goal post. 1st, police brutality. Then racism, all lives matter shift, de-fund the police is now...well...maybe just cut the $ and switch it to social workers w pepper spray. Or milk & cookies...what was the original problem again please? It's already being directly linked back to the Covid-1974:p thingie.

Sooner rather that later the shift will be right back in the original goal post hole, subjugation of the :uhoh:ENTIRE populace. I mean, the ''other side'' can see a ''need'' to speak out ever once and awhile (i.e. 1st A) with it's supposedly necessary violence, and now, the occasional ''need'' of a firearm? But, accepting these as full time rights?

Needs, necessities and occasional desires become...correctly...rights?
The narrative and reality do not match; we find ourselves unable to profess the truth as an attack on the truth is always eminent. I wake every day living far out in the suburbs of St. Louis with the TV news reporting more shootings and deaths in the north city and north county - every single day (reiterate: “every single day”). The shootings are always the same source and the same victims - it is normal behavior now - it just goes on and on - it seems unstoppable.
I used to get frustrated and upset that the truth is never told or spoken; after being conditioned to the hypocrisy and the lies, I can now say that I just do not care anymore. I live far away from the madness, I do not venture into the madness. If the madness ventures out this far, I have plenty of protection. I will give my wife my best effort of a defense and we will see what happens. The lies and the sick agendas are so overwhelmingly now that again, I just do not care anymore. Let them kill each other every day, continue to tell me that I do not see what I see and I will defend my wife at all cost if/ when the madness arrives. I can only hope that the truth will eventually win out.
If the police are "defunded" (even if they are reduced but not abolished), citizens' groups will have to step in and provide community policing. And this will only be possible with privately-held arms. I see this as reinforcing the original idea of the 2nd Amendment. If the public is going to self-police, that completely destroys the concept of civilian disarmament.

This is a major contradiction within the left-wing ideology in America. The two positions -- gun control and disbanding the police -- simply cannot be reconciled.
I get tired of political rhetoric that becomes etched in stone with regards to gun issues..The above will get this locked, BTW...

'Hell yes I'm gonna take your AK away"..along with the stuff from the guy in the big chair, '21 YO, RFL, UBC, those sound like good ideas"...

Back to guns and not about Russia, SCOTUS, impeachment...there is no organization that is using the demonstrations to either defund the police or ban guns in the US..something put on a cardboard sign does not=a law..and Bush wasn't behind the 9/11 attacks...

Where does Bloombergs money go again?
There is no 'plan' to cause civil unrest so guns will get banned..is my point.

At present, you are correct.Let's hope it stays that way. As Alexander A said, there is such a huge disconnect there that most of the anti-2A backers see it. ANTIFA does not, of course.

..there is no organization that is using the demonstrations to either defund the police or ban guns in the US..something put on a cardboard sign does not=a law..and Bush wasn't behind the 9/11 attacks...

It is more correct to say there is no ONE organization that is using the demonstrations. There are many, and they are often at odds with each other. That should be exploited. Some are local, some national and some global.
Because of less than a handful of posters who refused to follow the forum rules they agreed to when they signed up this thread turned into a dumpster fire.
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