Speaking in Code

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Code is used to address various situations.

Akin to Hospitals using code over intercom , still not scaring patients, and family.
i.e "Dr. Redstat please report to Ortho" - Red denotes fire, and in this example the fire doors and alarm have signaled in the Ortho unit.

I hate cats, so in various places "cat" was the signal a situation had come up.
Perhaps some folks entered, acting funny, casing the place...

"Oh phooey! Anyone tell Steve the Vet called and his "cat" is going to be okay?"
Practiced plans went into action, and fast!

To anyone else, this sounded innocent, whether in a business, or even seated in a diner and someone would say "how is the new cat?" - I knew they were concerned about someone coming in, or whatever.

Even as a kid, out with adults, code words.
Certain things meant certain concerns.

If I saw something and wanted to let others what direction, code was used, for where, I/we did not say left, right, behind, in front...

Say you and I are seated in the middle of a restaurant, facing each other to watch behind the other.
Someone comes in from behind me " how is the silly cat?" then the other person simply uses hands or moves salt shaker (whatever) to let me know, where behind me they are, which direction they are moving.

Instead of you looking up, making eye contact and therefore if the person is up to something, sees you watching them.
I do not have to turn around, instead I can scan behind you, and inform you of anything going on.

Make sense?

Just how I was raised.
person simply uses hands or moves salt shaker (whatever) to let me know, where behind me they are, which direction they are moving.

I like this idea. That way you dont draw attention directly to you by turning around.
However, what if said BG is moving with other GGs ? How are you to know who is who?
That is on reason my GF KNOWS to let me watch the door. It is second nature for her to just sit where I can watch the room.
She trust my instincts more than her own. She has been known to OVER react or to be nieve about some things.
I really like the idea of codes but I can't carry here. My wife and I know that at home, if one of us says "Go get Nina" or "Go tell Nina", the other one better show up heavily armed and quickly, no questions asked.
no one?!

The chair is against the wall.

even if some one DOES reconize it you found a red dawn fan, and either an ironic college student or a fellow gunny, or both
Communication is a very valuable tool - and is recommended even if one cannot carry, or finds themselves in NO CCW area.

Communication is the key.

Criminals use communications be it signals or codes, whether they do or do not have guns or any weapons.

Makes sense for Law Abiding Folks to do the same.
I don't get why people ask me.

Family members usually.

"Are you carrying?"


"Are you packing heat?"

it's annoying. I don't need people hearing that, and the answer is always yes... so why ask?

My answer is always, "What was the answer the LAST time you asked me?"
The only time I've ever been asked that question seriously, it was phrased with a dead look in the eye, and "Are you?" :scrutiny:

Not "are you carrying?" or "feeling heavy today?" or whatever.

When my reply was "No...", a Kel-Tec P32 was pressed into my hand. "It's warmed up" was all I was told.

The worst part? My index finger is too big to fit inside the trigger guard of a P32. :banghead:

Fortunately nothing came of it.

The chair is against the wall.
Funny. I was gonna propose that.


Wife and I haven't started carrying yet, but we do have an informal language of "aware/alert" if we see something that's wrong-in-context.

Meaningful look, shift of the eyes toward the source, and a mention that, "aren't we going to be late for <whatever>?"

The phrase-of-the-moment won't sound alarmist to anyone else, and will probably sound like the kind of banter married couples develop ("you know, that burger just didn't agree with me, let's go" -- only we had tacos for lunch). It's all in the delivery. You're saying something that's clearly non-sequitur or wrong or irrelevant, but the delivery makes it meaningful.

We've found ourselves at the mall, noticing gang-banger-wannabes, watching the tension, and "suddenly remembered" we'd forgotten to pick up our photos. All our photography is digital, and we print our own, so "remembering to pick up photos" is clearly not a casual remark.

Once we start carrying, it will probably involve yet another piece of "married banter."
Great thread. Certainly has me thinking. Will talk to the wife tonight. Thanks.
The only people that know I carry assume I do it all the time.

If there's any need to confirm it, we refer to it as my "heater" so anyone in earshot can think we're insensitive to racial issues rather than on the alert. Nothing to see here, folks, typical suburbanites playing tough.

Oh, and the proper response to the challenge question is "maaaaan we straight thug!"
I only have a gun on me or under the pillow when we camp

Never had any kind of discussion about a code or anything of the like, but was prompted by a creepy guy who pulled up late into the campsite next to us and didn't set up a tent or anything. The girlfriend said, "are you bringining your book to bed tonight?" I don't read before going to bed. Ever since that is the code for me carrying.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep
No code phrases, but she did ask once if I was heavy. Other then that she usually just nonchalantly checks my 4 o'clock.
Best "code" wife and I ever worked out was if something was about to go down or looked like it was, I would tell her to "go to the bathroom, NOW".... She knows I carry wherever I go, legal or not (except where I have to go through detectors) and that if I want her out of harms way I'll use that phrase. Thank God we've only used it once and then things changed quickly and she didn't "need to go".....
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