Speaking of C&R, what about when you move?

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Dec 27, 2002
Austin TX
Anyone know what the requirements are when you move to another state? (Yes, I know, "go look it up," but right now my info is buried in my basement remodelling project, aka construction zone.)

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Sounds like I'm going to have to call the ATF...Army's due to move me in June...ugh.

Does it bring a requirement to notify the chief LEO at your new residence, as well?
What if you are changing phone numbers? Since filling my application paper work I've switched to a cell phone only & have cancelled the phone number I put on my application.
Since your phone number is not on the license, an amended license application won't be needed. I would think that a letter, email, or phone notification to BATF would be sufficient.
Also, FWIW: If you happen to be moving around the same time your license expires, you can use the renewal form to change your address and skip the amended license paperwork.

Well, I haven't tried it yet, but that's what Daisy said. :)
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