Springmom gets her first deer

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Going for 300 yards might just have been a tad arrogant. No, it would have been a LOT arrogant, and stupid besides.
Wonderful! My heartfelt congratulations to you. I hope the rest of us can take your wise words to heart.
Well, now...I don't in any way mean to put down anyone else who can make that shot confidently. I know there are folks who have, and more power to them. I just know that I would have been iffy at best and irresponsible at worst (and arrogant too, thinking "wow, look what I did yesterday, I can for SURE get this one...." I know my own failings too well :rolleyes: )

I must say, I think this will get me off my duff and down to American Shooting Center in southwest Houston. They, unlike my favorite range up here, have a 200- and a 300-yard range. If I do this again next year, I want to have had some practice at those longer ranges. At least I'll be basing my shoot/no shoot decision on data rather than on moxie :D

Thank you, all of you, for your kind words and congratulations. They do mean a lot. Y'all are the bomb. :)

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