Stabbing outside our condo: Thoughts?

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You'll have to find a healthy balance then. Talk to the landlord/lady/entity and see about installing bars over the windows, as well as installing any bracing bars on sliding windows/doors, etc. Also ask if you can add a discrete camera above the doorway (this will help resolve the final method of entry...doorway shenanigans...if they don't know it's a camera, they wont block you see the eyehole covered, you can take note of appearance and call the police immediately).

Since she's not into the concept of defense, you both should be into the concept of deterrent. Bad guys will go for the "easy target" just make you and your wife appear to be difficult targets, but not targets of interest either. That will minimize the odds of Bad guy encounters.
I've had a stolen tank drive down my street (15 years ago or so)

Did that air on "World's Scariest Police Chases"? Or some show like that?

Anyways I would consider putting up bars on the inside of the window's if you are concerned enough. Good luck working everything out.

We're not going to get into the old "just move to another state" sort of argument over marriage issues here. It isn't on the table...

First of all, remember that you are in love with her and that she is with you. Approach from that vantage point and I guarantee that your methodology will be that much more effective.

I've found (in my vast knowledge gained from 7 whole years of marriage:rolleyes:) that both sides need to respect each other. I've also come to truly understand what it is to feel the need/responsibility of protecting the family.

Personally, I wouldn't ask her permission to own a gun. Get one. And be ready for the confrontation that will occur. This is one of the few times that I will advocate the use of logic in arguing with a woman. Many times it is unwise to win. At any rate, apply your logic with love and firmness and you'll win.

I guarantee she won't be happy. But she will be grudgingly accepting.
How about purchasing a good quality handgun safe, one that used combos & biometrics rather than just a key and installing it somewhere safe in your bedroom (out of child reach).

By doing this, you can slowly get her consent to keep a pistol in it because it is always locked & child safe. Maybe even leave the magazine out (I'd leave the slide locked open on a pistol for faster loading -but it looks "safer" to the untrained). Eventually you may get to the point where she won't remember it anymore, and you can just load it and have it handy.

Just don't make a big deal out of it and she may never know.
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