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Stop The NRA fundraiser

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Nov 18, 2005
small town Iowa
I just got an email from "[email protected]" (with my name worked into the subject line,) asking me "what are YOU going to do about gun violence?" It goes on to say that "a clever donor has started her own email campaign asking her contacts to contribute $32 or more today to help sustain our campaign to ask our nation's leaders, What are YOU going to do about it?"

Isn't that just CLEVER? It's just so CUTE to ask for a one dollar donation for each shooting victim! What a fun fund raiser! My response:

I'm working hard to make sure that qualified members of the public are allowed to carry a concealed weapon. If the Virginia Tech slaughter proved anything, it showed that WE are responsible for our own protection. All the police can do is try to solve the crime.

I should've mentioned how revolting the entire idea behind so blatantly using this horrific tragedy to raise funds for their organization is, but sometimes I type faster than I can think...
are they a real group, I mean I could make something up and have people send me money to a paypal account and then just use that money for whatever I want... totally dishonest, but an easy way to tug at heartstrings and make a load of cash...
Do the exact opposite!

Hmmm, how about we fight back by sending the $32 to a no-compromise 2nd Ammendment group such as JPFO or GOA...

I wonder what would happen if we did this every single time the Brady campaign or some other gun grabbing group asked for money. There's power here; I just know it. Just look at what's been happening to every news poll posted here.
are they a real group,

Yes they are....,they are the Brady Campaign.:fire:

Copied from my email and also it says Brady Campaign across the top of the email.

You can also mail a check to:
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
1225 Eye Street NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Send them a check for $0.32. It will cost more than that to process and they will send you literature that costs more than that to print. You will probably cost them a couple of bucks.
it's amazing they are so blind to see that here and columbine the police do not protect these people...but only they should have them and they will protect you...

pure idiocy...

I get these emails too. I like to see what the idiots are doing. I always respond and tell them exactly what I think, but the emails keep coming anyway.

I like the check for $.32 idea, along with a letter explaining how you donated 100 times that amount to a pro-2A group. Even with matching funds of some sort, if 10,000 or so of us did this, we could create some havoc in the organization.
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