Strange characters taking pictures of my daughters and niece!!

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Nov 10, 2003
Hey guys, i wanted to run this past you guys and get some insight, and different views on this. The more i think about it, the more it pisses me off. Yesterday, me and my family were at the park, and i missed it, but my wife told me that 2 shady looking characters were taking pictures of all the little girls. My daughters are 3 and 2, and my niece is 2 as well. So, before i can make it over to them, they get in there truck and take off. They were prolly between 18-22. Real Gothic looking. This did not settle wel with my wife at all. What do you guys htink?
The time for action was probably on the spot....a good vehicle description and a license plate and a call to the police would have been my course of action.
I would keep an extra close eye out for them any time you're out. If you see the same guys again, they may be up to no good. If not, they may have just been taking pictures of kids playing. Sounds kinda freaky in this day and age, but likely no harm was meant. As long as the children weren't approached, no harm done. It's possible too that they could be students working on an assignment.

Better to be safe than sorry though and be extra vigilant.
Maybe if you have a decent description of them and the truck you should probably talk to the police. I am not sure if taking pictures is necessarily a crime but it will keep the police alert to the situation and maybe they can catch them doing it again. Funny how you mention something like this seeing how a couple weeks ago their was a Law & Order: SVU episode with a guy that was taking pictures of a little girls in the park. I know it's TV but they hauled him in and gave him a good tongue lashing but did not charge him with anything, plus they were just trying to use him as a witness to solve the mystery of who shook this little girl into a comma.
It's not illegal to take pictures of people in a public place. If so there'd be an awful lot of paparazzi in prison. The most one can do is ask the person to cease doing so and hope he complies.

Maybe I'm being paranoid but this raises the hair on the back of my neck. I'd report it no matter how much or how little information you have. Too many wierd/bad things have happened to let this just be forgotten. If nothing else, hopefully the police will be a little more watchful around places where small kids play.
When it comes to your kids, there is no such word as paranoa. Never take any chances, call the cops. If for no other reason than to get in a report. Other people could have the same questions. And just in case you do have to shoot them, you'll have the prior police report to back you up.
I know its not against the law to take pictures. But no one has the right be taking pictures of my daughters or my niece without my permission. PERIOD!! I could care less about the paparazzi, were not famous, no reason to be taking pictures of 2 and 3 year olds anyways. Wouldnt you agree?
I would file a report with the police. That way, when their patrol car swings around the park, they would be more aware of a potential problem.
How far away were they?
How far away from your children were you?
How many other children were there?
Are you 100% positive they were taking photos of your children?
Did they look like students of degenerates?
Can you tell the difference?
How many legitimate reason can you think off for them to be taking photos?

I agree it's a cause to be concerned, but it's not cause to overreact.
I presume that you'd never let your children and neice get into a situation that could cause harm to them.
I be more worried if they were just hanging out leering. When I was in college my camera went everywhere with me. Hells Bells it paid for 75% of my tuition. I was taking about 20 rolls of film a week. I took photos of anything and everything.
I understand your concern. But, a lot of amateur photographers do what is called "street Photography" where they go out in public and take pictures of people goig about their business. the usually reasoning behind this is to try to capture images that portray normal everyday life in an artistic manner. You really have no legal recourse to stop them from taking the pictures. now professional photographers would ask permission so that they could get a release form if they wanted to use the images for commercial purposes. I have known a number of gothic types who are interested in that type of photography though.
best case scenario, these kids were just amateur photogrphers, in which case its good to see them doing something that isnt unhealthy
worst case scenario, they are stalkers, if this is the case they will be back again, I would just keep an eye on the kids and see if the people show back up, if they dont then I wouldn't worry about it.
I know its not against the law to take pictures. But no one has the right be taking pictures of my daughters or my niece without my permission. PERIOD!! I could care less about the paparazzi, were not famous, no reason to be taking pictures of 2 and 3 year olds anyways. Wouldnt you agree?

Well, by your own account of it not being illegal, that would be where you are wrong. You are at a public venue, you have zero expectation of privacy. Just because you feel it is your right to approve or deny things doesn't make it so.

You don't state what kind of park it is, and threat assessment really depends on that. If this is the corner park where lots of people go there from the neighborhood on a regular basis, I'd be more concerned than if it were a state park where folks go at much more random intervals. In the first instance, the worst case is that they are taking pictures to figure out who will be there regularly for some unsavory purpose. In the second instance, they are taking some pictures that really probably can't do you or your loved ones any harm without them collecting some additional info.
I know its not against the law to take pictures. But no one has the right be taking pictures of my daughters or my niece without my permission. PERIOD!!
You're contradicting yourself, either they have the right to do so or they don't; legally they do have the right to take the pictures and there's nothing you can do about it besides removing the children from the public area.

Here are a few snippets from a guide written by an attorney ( and posted in this thread
The General Rule
The general rule in the United States is that anyone may take photographs
of whatever they want when they are in a public place or places where they
have permission to take photographs. Absent a specific legal prohibition
such as a statute or ordinance, you are legally entitled to take photographs.

Examples of places that are traditionally considered public are streets,
sidewalks, and public parks. Property owners may legally prohibit
photography on their premises but have no right to prohibit others
from photographing their property from other locations.


Members of the public have a very limited scope of privacy rights when
they are in public places. Basically, anyone can be photographed without
their consent except when they have secluded themselves in places where
they have a reasonable expectation of privacy such as dressing rooms, restrooms, medical facilities, and inside
their homes.

Permissible Subjects
Despite misconceptions to the contrary, the following subjects can
almost always be photographed lawfullyfrom public places: (continued)
accident and fire scenes
bridges and other infrastructure
residential and commercial buildings
industrial facilities and public utilities
transportation facilities (e.g., airports)
Superfund sites
criminal activities
law enforcement officers

As much as you may not like it, they are well within their rights. Nobody asked them why they were taking the pictures so you cannot say anything about their reasons for taking said pictures. This runs awfully close to a person observing a legal open carry situation and calling the police about a man with a gun.
Well, i am not quick to judge or place stereo-types. But they were acting like retards, hanging on the rims upside down on the basketball court when we arrived, so somehow i doubt they are amateur photographers. They did not approach the kids. I am not over reacting, Now talk to my wife and she might not take anyones advice that this is permissable. I really wanted to get your all thoughts on it. I remember there faces, i know what they were driving. Thats good enough for me, right now. We live in a small town, so if they are hanging around, i will see them again.
What are you going to do when you find them? Take their tag number and leave a note that you're concerned about their behavior toward children and that you'll be contacting the authorities?

That's all I would do - let the cops do the follow-ups.
This is an example where it's a good idea to fight fire with fire. Keep a camera handy, even if it's a disposable. Something hinky like this happens, turn your own camera on the perps. Get them, their faces up close, and their vehicles from many angles, and of course their license plates. This will discourage them from using any of their pictures of (in this case) your kids, because they will know they are traceable.

Well 45r, i see what your saying. But actions speak louder than looks. If a dude in a suit was hanging from the rims of the local park upside down hottin and hollaring, i would have still cared that they weretaking pictures of my little ones. I mean honestly, 2 boys, 18-22 if they were doing it for school, i would hope would have asked. And secondly, why drive off, when i start walking your way if your not up to no good?
im not into this kind of thing at all but i have come across voyuer forums where people post pics they have taken of women in public. they are mostly butt and chest shots with an occasional upskirt. i hope the kids you encountered arent these kind of people.
Travis had what I consider to be the best idea. I realize that this pair did nothing illegal, but when it comes to your children, I would rather err on the side of caution. I tend to trust my intuition. There have been times where I have gotten a "bad feeling" about being somewhere and decided to leave.

If this seemed "shady" to you, maybe there was a good reason and maybe not.
This is an example where it's a good idea to fight fire with fire. Keep a camera handy, even if it's a disposable. Something hinky like this happens, turn your own camera on the perps. Get them, their faces up close, and their vehicles from many angles, and of course their license plates. This will discourage them from using any of their pictures of (in this case) your kids, because they will know they are traceable.

Best advice yet. Legal or not is beside the point. The only important question is, are these people a threat?

If you ignore it, you could be national news. Another kidnapping and rape/murder. If you hunt them down and shoot them, you WILL be national news.

If you acknowledge that they MAY be a threat, and take some sensible precautions, you should be able to avoid either extreme.

Much better that way. You really don't want your 15 minutes of fame over this.
But they were acting like retards, hanging on the rims upside down on the basketball court when we arrived, so somehow i doubt they are amateur photographers.
I fail to see how the two are mutually exclusive. It's not just whitebread yuppies that get into cameras.

...I'm not a Redneck because I drive an Acura?
...I like Sarah McLachlan so I probably don't own a gun?
I would think a child molester would want to be low profile, not drawing attention like you say these guys were doing. I would go ahead and report it though. The police will probably increase patrols for awhile and that can't hurt anything.
The issue is not one of right and wrong, but of potential danger. It's not wrong to hang around the bank -- but a person who does that with no real business there just might be casing the joint.

I'd do this -- if you have a Concealed Handgun License, carry. If not, get one and then carry.

Get your own camera -- the bigger and more ostentatious, the better. A telephoto lens would be nice. Borrow one if you have to. Next time someone takes pictures of the kids, take pictures of them. Remember, if you don't have an expectation of privacy, neither do they.

If they retreat, follow at a distance and take more pictures. When they get in a car and leave, get a picture of the license plate.

Complain to the police -- there's no reason you have to wait for a crime before giving information to the police. With pictures and license number, the police can run a check. These people just MIGHT have a record, or might have committed unsolved crimes.
Amish Bill, i agree with you completely. Just because i listen to rap, doesnt mean i'm down in the hood. I was not making similarities. I was just reacting to what i felt like was an uneasy feeling. Believe me, when i say i'm one of the most unlikely people to place judgement upon people, its just not my place. But it IS my place to keep a watchful eye out for my little ones. And if someone, is doing anything to make me feel unrest, i take heed. Thats all i was referring to. Had it been me and my brother in law down there by ourselves i could have cared less, if they were hanging on the rims and acting like idiots. Heck i probably would have even posed for them. You know, gave them a shot of my nice white Butt for their camera.
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