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Stupid kids.

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That's one stupid fish. A real Dum-Bass.

But, that's okay, because "chicks dig scars." So he is really a cool guy.:rolleyes:
Proof positive that some people NEED to be shot...

If one looks closely at the label of the vest, it reads "bullet resistant" not bullet-proof... Then again, if you're dumb enough to actually let someone shoot you with a firearm, then a label won't help very much...

Makes me wonder though:
Who made the vest/firearm/bullet?
Will there now be a lawsuit against any/all these companies?
Is there going to be a law passed that bans people from wearing bullet-resistant vests while being shot at by their friends???

He almost got the Darwin Award

From a certain viewpoint he may have. Not certain ( I am not an expert ) but not all male spinal cord damage patients maintain the ability to reproduce ( at least without expensive help and public aid will not pay for that type of service ) so he may be out of the gene pool.

Don't most vests say on the label (the one I have seen did) not for rifles or knives, or words to that effect.

I'm surprised he didn't just have his buddies shoot him in the head. I mean, bullet proof vests like, magically protect your body, right?
Webert then fell to the ground and said, “I’ve been shot.â€
That one had me laughing for a solid ten minutes. Captain Obvious takes a bullet. I don't think I've heard anything that funny in years.
My interceptor vest has a big tag on the inside that says it will protect against 9mm submachinegun, fragmentation and lesser threats. Warning will not protect against knives or sharp objects.

Maybe those retards thought... "Hey 7.62mm is smaller than 9mm, so the vest will work on it!"

In any case these guys are numbnuts and hopefully any jury in the world would throw out their case against the riflemaker/ammo company/vest company.
Another argument for better Mathematics and Physics classes in school. As well as reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking skills development.
A trip to the woodshed wouldn't damage the poor dear either.

Yeah, there's a lawsuit here in that the "bullet" went through the "bulletproof" vest. The mathematically disabled are victims of the gun industry. Ninth grade Physics.

(back in 1966 anyway)
See there is a reason to wear ballistic plates taped to your back:neener: either that or the bullet was teflon coated:evil:
Right then.

Once again class, repeat after me:

If anyone ever asks you to shoot them, 99.999% of the time, the correct answer is NO!, immediately followed by a swift exit, in case the next guy doesn't know the correct answer.
Sanchez’s attorney calls it a tragic accident,

I'm confused about which part of this was the accident?

He deliberately put the vest on.
He deliberatly asked his friend to shoot him.
The idiot friend took aim, so that couldn't be the accidental part.

At least they aren't blaming it on the gun.

I admit I know very little about bullet-proof vests, but how many people would volunteer, let alone ask, to be shot even with a caliber that they knew the vest would stop? Isn't it sort of like asking you friend to hit you with a ball-peen hammer?
Seems to me that it was a waste of a perfectly good bullet-RESISTENT vest.

It's sad actually. Just because the kid did something stupid dosen't mean he should have to live out the rest of his time here on Earth in a wheelchair. Then again, this was pretty stupid. It does add to the meaning of my sig. line, though.

I'm with dinosaur. The tragic accident was the failure of this idiots parents to either use some form of contracaeptive or abstain.

I say pull the plug on the idiot, it's obvious he's been brain-dead for awhile.
Yep... another damn' Dumb-Ass.......

This is one of those two-person idiocies that our Sheriff's Office traditionally calls a "dumb-and-dumber" duo.

This calls for the SiG Lady pep rally cheer:

What WERE they THINKING??!!
OK, but one question wasn't answered...

Was the vest stolen? I mean, I know some of the dumbest people I know have high paying jobs in my company, but where did this kid get a vest from? I doubt he saved up to get it!
While it is indeed, a pity that he didn't Darwinate hisself, mostly, I just don't want to be the one (as a taxpayer) buying his dumbass a wheelchair. Can't we make the putz that shot him his bodyservant for life? Makes sense to me - pair up the dummies so's the rest of us don't have to trip over them, yes? It was stupidity borne together, let them live it out that way.
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