Sure anything can be sharpened

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What is "white steel"?

Hitachi White Steel. said:
Shirogami / White Paper / Shiroko / White Steel
Named for the paper put on billets of steel at the Hitachi factory. Graded at #s 1, 2 and 3; #1 has the highest carbon content and #3 the lowest. Generally speaking #1 will hold it’s edge longest but be the most brittle, #3 is the toughest (chip resistant) with shortest edge life. #2 is the most commonly used white steel.

White steel is a very fine grained carbon steel made from a very low contaminate iron loved for its ease of sharpening and ability to take a very fine razor sharp edge quickly. White steel is a favorite of sushi chefs for knives in which a very fine finish is essential. Not the easiest steel to forge and temper properly, white steel done well is a testimony to a smith’s skill. White steel is fairly reactive and requires care to avoid rust as it has virtually no rust resistance.
I have some Hitachi White Steel wood chisels and they are a joy to use.

I also have some in Hitachi Blue Steel that take forever to sharpen but are crazy sharp and hold an edge about the best of any chisel I have ever used.
Rather than simply being very sharp, I think that clip speaks far more to a very thin blade with a precise flat grind, no micro bevel, and a high polish finish. Blade geometry designed to keep friction to an absolute minimum.

It's very impressive.
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