tacticooled shotguns

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-A bit off topic (and not meant to cause controversy or to be argumentative in regards to the OP)-

The very word tactics implies, and I quote, "the art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end."

Hence, whether one has a flashlight on the gun, a certain type of stock, a particular sighting device(s), whatever...all of these are just tools, which, in all honesty, mean absolutely nothing if they do not meet a specific need or plan. What these needs are and what the plan may be, are very subjective.

My point is, too many focus on the hardware and how it looks or whatever..all while ignoring the fact that the very term "tactics" implies an effective idea on how to best achieve a particular goal. Only when this idea has been solidified, should the implementation of various devices, whether necessary (or at least helpful) or useless, be decided. This, of course, becomes a personal choice based on ones needs and capabilities....and particularly when relating to weapons, ones preferences.

Whether one has a weapon for HD, PD, hunting...whatever; we all have to eventually decide on what equipment will (or will not) help us meet a certain desired result and/or fulfill a specific plan. Therefore, regardless of which equipment we choose, we are all essentially making an equipment choice based on our perceived "tactics." Hence, the phrase "tacticool," in an of itself, is rather superluous.

Now, I am not supporting the idea that one should add just about every accessory he/she can think of to a shotgun simply because it MIGHT prove useful. After all, each item should provide an immediately practical and useful advantage, whatever the circumstances, all while keeping deficiencies at a minimum. But, this is where it get dicey, what one deems practical, necessary and useful often proves to be quite subjective, to say the least.
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If you get right down to it, TACTICOOL is just a joke.

Anyone who worries how something looks over how it performs is insane anyway.
I always laugh when I see any type of sighting system on a shotgun

On one of my 870's I have a "rifle-sighted" barrel that is sighted in for 50 yards for slugs.

I use the front sight just like a bead for my A-zone and B-zone shots AND I have the added utility of having an effective and accurate sighting system for 50 yard shots too - all out of a shotgun!

This thread has that odor about it of a bunch of school kids pokin' fun at the one kid who isn't wearing the latest label that everyone else likes. :uhoh:

Make the tool fit your needs for the job you intend it for... be happy to have it... and let the next guy do the same.

I've got three "tacticool" shotguns... a Winchester 1500XTR that was missing it's bead, so I bought a hi-vis bead to put on it, I have a Rossi SxS coach gun that had "tacticool" cosmoline on it when I bought it... didn't care for it so I cleaned it, and I've got a Winchester 1200 Police in matte stainless that came with wood furniture and "tacticool" flop down rifled sights on the 18" smooth bore barrel. When I was in LE... to fit well 'tween the seats of the patrol vehicle... and for convenience as I was crawling on my belly while doing building searches/entry, I had pistol grips fore/aft and a side saddle for more ammo. Now... since I'm not doing that line of work, decided to put a Knoxx SpecOps stock on it... for no other reason than I wanted an adjustable stock on it that wasn't affected by inclement weather. My old side saddle won't work with the new fore end... so, I'll be adding their rear stock mounted holder... and m'be a flashlight/laser combo to it.

I don't give a rip whether anyone else likes it or not... just don't find yourself as an uninvited "non-guest" inside my house. I might grab any one of my "tacticool" scatter guns, or any number of handguns (wheel type or autoloader type), or one of my evil black rifles. If said intruder is REALLY lucky... I my just whack him upside his head with my Walker-Colt replica and knock him senseless.



Decided I didn't care for the fore pistol grip... installed the one that came with the SpecOps stock.
Those are tactical. I see nothing TACTICOOL about them.

I think the point is being missed. TACTICOOL implies COOL for COOL's sake. It is different than TACTICAL with should have purpose.

TACTICOOL smacks of Mall Ninja, and playing video games in mom's basement.


Maybe its just a stupid term that really serves no purpose.
Some of you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Keep thinking like Jim Zumbo. See how far that got him. Numbnuts. Maybe you should go join the Brady Campaign because a pistol grip kills baby kittens and barrel shrouds cause global warming.
Another one who fails to see the point.

Too much attitude when the TACTICOOL crowd steps in.

Have at it, Mall Ninjas....I'm done with this highly entertaining topic.

BTW....I think the OP was trying to keep it light, but that didn't exactly work out, huh?
Sorry, but the higher than thou and uninviting attitude by the sporting crowd isn't funny and light hearted. United we stand divided we fall. How strong is our unity when some of us are blatantly prejudice? Just another point to get picked apart by the anti's. Keep your snobbery to yourselves.
Ok..last comment from me.

You silly dress up boys cause more harm than you can imagine. You are the stereotype that the anti's hate. Its one thing to put FUNCTIONAL and USEFUL things on your firearms, but to do it JUST FOR LOOKS is ridiculous.

I don't know of a single "sportsman" who doesn't know how to defend himself and his family, and they could care less is their guns are COOL or not.

Over and out.
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