Taking a CCW gun on a first date.

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I imagine most of us who CCW, at one point or another, have bought into the idea that a fanny pack was a good idea. However, it doesn't take most of us very long before we've junked that waste of money. They're a poor way to carry--too heavy up front; a poor method of tactical employment--you sweep yourself before you get the gun up towards your target; and they absolutely SCREAM "THIS ISN'T A MAN-PURSE. I'M CARRYING A GUN IN HERE!!" [The only thing more obvious than a fanny pack are those "Shoot me first" 5.11 vests. I saw a LEO once in an airport who was trying to get by with a damned fishing vest--way too short for what he was trying to do with it.]

Do yourself a favor. Ditch the fanny pack. Go out and begin to replace your pants/shorts wardrobe with pants one size bigger than you already wear. Get a good gun belt (If you don't know--there's a world of difference between a belt and a gun belt.) and an IWB rig. Or go the shoulder holster route. [I don't have any experience with them, but personally, I think I'd have most of the same objections to shoulder holsters as I do with fanny-packs. But to each his own.]

Regarding whether/how to tell the first date...I agree with Marshall's advice. If she's a keeper--bring it up. If she's a throw-back--why should she ever know?
Best to find out how she feels about the subject now if it comes up then later when things can be more difficult.
The problem with Tucson in summer is that's too hot to wear any more than shorts and tee shirt (I am on vacation from the Gulf where it is even hotter), so I like to be comfortable. Maybe I'll just put my Makarov in the pocket. I've tried IWB but I'm a big guy and it wasn't comfortable.

Maybe I should try to pick up a girl at the range. That would solve all the problems.
Dear Guns & Ammo:

I never thought it would happen to me, but there I was, with a member of the opposite sex, in my own house! (A REAL one this time, honest)

Well, things were getting pretty PG-13, and when her hands reached my waistband she moaned, "Oh my, is that a gun?"

"You bet, dollface. Sig P225. With night sights."

"Ooohhhh...I love a man with taste in fine German firearms, and oh, a spare magazine!"

"You know it, Peaches."

"All the others had those awful polymer guns."

"No way, babe, just alloy and steel for me."

"I love a man with a single-stack. All the others felt like they had to prove something with their high-cap mags and accessory rails..."

Of course, that's never really happened, but I can dream, can't I?
I bring up the subject IN ADVANCE of the first date. I find out IN ADVANCE if they're for or against guns. That way - the problem is solved and I know whether this one is worth wasting my time on - PRONTO!

As a matter of fact, I've also done the "invite them to the range" First Date a couple of times. Amazing how you can turn "fear" into "fun" and add some ladies to the ranks of those in support of gun ownership/gun sports/2nd Amendment Support!

Wonder if she is on another board asking," should I take my gun on my first date?" :p
The problem with Tucson in summer is that's too hot to wear any more than shorts and tee shirt (I am on vacation from the Gulf where it is even hotter), so I like to be comfortable. Maybe I'll just put my Makarov in the pocket. I've tried IWB but I'm a big guy and it wasn't comfortable.
As you can probably guess, I live in AZ too (Phoenix area for me). I too have to confess to being on the big side and I generally carry a G23 IWB. I've gotten over/around the discomfort issue. Carrying is supposed to be comforting, not necessarily comfortable. But again, I've found that bigger pants/shorts and a good belt make the discomfort manageable.
The problem with Tucson in summer is that's too hot to wear any more than shorts and tee shirt
Try a pair of shorts, wife beater tee and a button down shirt. Works for me with a Kimber 1911 every day. Buy your pants one size bigger, as well as the shirt. That way you won't print.

Im with AZLibertarian on the rest of the suggestions.
No fanny pack. Not because of the gun, but because of what she'll think when she sees a man with a fanny pack. :D
The problem with Tucson in summer is that's too hot to wear any more than shorts and tee shirt (I am on vacation from the Gulf where it is even hotter),
As long as the shorts use a belt, and you can wear the T-Shirt un-tucked, you'll be fine with an IWB holster. Or you can go with shorts, a tucked-in T-Shirt and a Hawaiian shirt or gaucho shirt over the T.
If she isn't worth defending then why would you consider going out with her? If she finds out about it and doesn't think you are worth defending, is she worth going out with?
Maybe I'll just put my Makarov in the pocket.

Is that a Makarov in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? :D

It's much better to get this out of the way near the first date than to wait until a later time, say when you make it into her bedroom. It's doesn't exactly help the mood when you have to stop and have the gun conversation after your shirt comes off.
I carry 23.5/7. This is me. When on a date, I act like myself. This means the gun goes too.

As far as all the "what if" situations go:

By the time any girl I date has even the slightest clue I even have a CCW license, I know they are O.K. with firearms. They pretty much figure it out on thier own and bring the subject up. The way I dress, the bumper sticker on my car, or the home decor gives the fact I'm into guns away.
The question is not IF you should carry, but WHAT. For example don't carry a Glock or Hi-Point on a first date. Go with something classy a 1911 or BHP. I think the SP101 would be fine. NO FANNYPACK.
OK, OK, It's my series 70 1911 Combat Commander in Satin Nickel, or my Glock 17 under a Hawaian shirt (which is maybe as bad as a fanny pack).. Most all my other handguns are blue and it's too sweaty in Tucson (we have a monsoon in summer) for them. Now I know how most of you guys feel about Glocks but they are light, corrosion resistant, and they ALWAYS shoot. remember US Marshalls "Get rid of that nickel plated sissy pistol and get a Glock, LOL.
Let the flames begin.
I imagine most of us who CCW, at one point or another, have bought into the idea that a fanny pack was a good idea.

I didn't even think they were a good idea when I was 10, and had no idea that "common folk" could even carry guns, or that they might carry them in the fanny packs.

Its just an awful place for a pocket, and i take pity on all marsupials on earth.
I wouldn't say that Hawaiian shirt was as bad as the fanny pack, but maybe you could poke around the closet and find something else.

A solid color would be best.

How about plaid? You got anything in plaid?

I hope you have a good time. :)
Take it, if she has problems take her directly home and find a decent woman.
Shirts and any long loose shirt work real well in the desert. Don't even need IWB if you are big enough.

You should carry in case she attempts date rape on you. Just watch that hair trigger and accidental discharge.
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