Taking a CCW gun on a first date.

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Don't carry it.

Instead, wear a sign that says "ATTENTION MUGGERS: This is my first date with this girl, and, as such, I'm unarmed. Please don't attack me! I'll be back next week!"
I'll defend the fanny packs.

Depends on where you live and your habits.

Here it rains lots. I change from work clothes, to rain gear and back several time per day. Usually, I'm in a hurry. Add to that I ride motorcycles. They come in different styles as well.

So imagine trying to search all the pockets for each change of garb. Fanny's simply click on and off. They rotate out to the side for the cafe racer and make the prone ride comfortable.

Waist belt carry with the fannys simply don't work. So for carry, 638 or 649 in the pocket, on ankle, or in another fanny beneath the purse one works for me.

And yes, on the first date you should carry incase you need protection from her! :p
For some of us the Fanny pack

is the only way to carry. I live in the Peoples Republic of Illinois and their is no other way. Encased, unloaded, in a case designed for its carry with our FOID card on us. Otherwise we must go around unarmed. Guess which I chose?
I go on a fair amount of first dates. I pocket carry a SW 642 in a Hedley Pocket Holster. I wouldn't dream of not carrying.

Incidentally, I've never been "made". I usually wear a slightly oversized shirt, untucked. That seems to break up / cover the vague bulge in my pocket. I'm in the "don't ask, don't tell" group when it comes to CCW. I have dated a few women for weeks / months, brought them home, and they still have no idea that I carry. Although, the big black gun safe in the bedroom tends to give away that I own guns ;)

If I meet someone that I really fall for or if someone more casual discovers it and starts asking questions, I'll have "the talk". If I'm just dating someone on a more casual "freinds with favors" level, I see no need to give her ammo that she may use against me if things go south.

By the way, I've already figured out pretty much how I plan to have "the talk" when the right time and the right woman comes along. I intend to explain to her that the fact that I carry is a private matter, like what she and I do in bed. In same way that she wouldn't want me sharing the details of our sex life, I don't want her sharing that I carry.

Another suggestion: I too am a bit... No, I'm a whole lot overweight and I use an IWB type carry. I'm right-handed and I found that a left-hand IWB holster tucked into the small of my back was quite comfortable and easy to reach. When looking for a suitable holster I found that manufacturers built their holdters so that the butt of the gun would point up. I also noticed that when people put their hands behind their backs (for cuffs, etc.) it was usually with their palms out, making the 'butt-down' holster more natural to use.
My experience has been that many women don't like guns but will tolerate a boyfriend/husband who does. That being said, a woman who is merely tolerant might be put off if she knows you're carrying on the first date because she doesn't know you too well. My advice would be to tell her you carry and explain that it's for her protection, not just your own. Then, let her decide if she would be comfortable with you packing. I haven't had the opportunity to cary on a first date because you can't carry in restaurants that serve alcohol in Ohio. My girlfriend doesn't care that I carry, she says it's funny. She thinks I'm paranoid lol.
Personally I don't carry on first dates.

There are plenty of good girls out there who are perfectly open to the idea of gun ownership, but would still be quite shocked/surprised to find a gun on your hip the first time they go out with you.

My gf knew I was a gun owner and was fine with that soon after we started dating, but I didn't tell her I had a carry permit till four months had passed.

My reasoning for this is twofold: first, it gives her a gradual exposure to the idea rather than throwing her in the deep end on the very first date. Second, it provides protection for me as well, because it gives me a chance to explain to her that gun ownership isn't a secret, but it also isn't really anyone else's business, and that she shouldn't go trumpeting the fact to all my neighbors/mutual acquaintances/etc.

This process has always worked great for me. Obviously others will disagree and that is fine.

Whatever you decide though... I would leave the fanny pack at home. :cool:

Yep, I carry on the first date. If you don't like my RKBA ideas, you're darn sure not gonna like the others! Weeds out the weak-willed right away.
I got smack talk about this once. My answer was "What would you rather I defend you with from a mugger, my fists or my firearm?" End of conversation.

My girlfriend doesn't care that I carry, she says it's funny. She thinks I'm paranoid lol.

She won't if you ever have to pull it!
i had a friend who was a San Jose (CA) Police Officer and was carrying in a dance club a few years ago. citizens seem to have great difficulty obtaining CCW's so if you're carrying in CA generally you are either a cop or a crook.

he was dancing with this ghetto girl when she felt he was carrying. she was like, "Oooooh I like that baby," she must have taken him for a thug and was turned on by the fact he was carrying.

so i guess if you're dating a ghetto girl not only take her out while carrying but make sure she knows you're carrying it and not only that make her think you don't even have a permit for it so you're thuggish :D

that ought to make her excited!
I think it would be even stranger if I went on a date and the person wasn't a gunnie. I'd definately take a gun but I bet it would wig them out.

Well, hell..me going on a date would be strange enough, eh? :)
Of Course

I guess I am lucky. Everyone knew I worked Armoured Cars for a living. The closest I came was one your lady remarked she thought I would be armed. I told her I was. It was never a problem.

I found the right one and married her. She gets upset if I do not have my gun with me. Gets a little upset if the answer is no.
No not yet, because I'm still here in the Persian Gulf and can't go armed with firearms (or anything else for that matter) when circulating among the civilian population, I do carry a lethal weapon though, just not a firearm. I'll be back in Tucson next week on leave and have a couple of first dates lined up. I'll let you all know what happens. I'm a little surprised by the amount of response this thread has brought and I thank you all for your imput.

Since Arizona is an open carry state, I may just do that. Then it will be a Colt 1911 or a Browning P35 (Hi power). Arizona women may be a little less sensitive about guns as it is pro RKBA state. I guess I'll find out.
Now are we talking about some internet cuties? Don't be ashamed.

An older doctor I work with has had some pretty amazing dates with ladies he's met off the internet. :D
TABING, I'd go with your "series 70 1911 Combat Commander in Satin Nickel" in an IWB. No point in making your date feel more apprehensive than she already would on a first date, and open carry would probably do that.

And I met my wife on the internet, no stigma there nowadays. :D
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