Tancredo announces intent

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Dec 26, 2002
Outside The People's Republic of Boulder, CO
Tom Tancredo has formed an exploratory committee to raise funds for a run at the high office.


Which is a good thing in my eyes. 'Cept for the active fade in on the page that reads "for a Secure America". :uhoh:

The first thing that comes to mind when I read that is the scene from Star Wars Episode III "Revenge of the Sith" when Palpatine address the Galatic Senate announcing the formation of the Empire, for a "...safe and secure society." :uhoh:

I'm sure that the "secure" referance is to our borders.
Paul and Tancredo, anyone?

If the Republicans are smart, they'll jump on the Tancredo platform and get their base back....

If they sabotage Tancredo in favor of McCain/Gulianni (as they've done to other candidates before), then all that's left is for the GOP to pick out their own tombstone....

Sorry Bro, I must have missed the movie connection. I don't watch many movies unless they revolve around Harleys, guns, swords or lesbians. Preferably all of the above.

Biker- Ya gotta see "Biker Chicks in Zombie Town" A hilarious movie. Has everything you like plus zombies!
Dino De Larentiis involved with "Bound"? Done deal.

M'kay, now to "Biker Chicks in Zombie Town" then off to Blockbuster.

Tancredo, if nothing more, will bring some critical issues to the fore. If he is only a gadfly he will serve a vital purpose. Of course by the time he runs we may already have an amnesty in place. That doesn't matter because the REAL "debate" is just starting and will not be resolved by any "comprehensive solution" forced down the gullets of the American people.

I'm afaraid that you're probably right about the amnesty. However, I'm hoping that we can still avoid the "REAL debate" through the political process.
I really am...

But, longeyes, amnasty will result in civil war down the road. When states begin to craft anti-illegal legislation, and simply kick out the illegals, ignoring the fedgov (it'll happen, trust me), those Mexicans will move to sancuary states, and that is when things will get nasty as the new jobless, hungry, angry Mexicans who never heard of MALDEF, Mecha, and La Raza get demogogues to rally around.

I'm not disagreeing. Any scamnesty will result, eventually, in some form of civil war and a complete disaffection of much of America from what it will perceive as a truly rogue Government.
The only thing the establishment (in this case the republican establishment) listens to is donations. Don't give to the RNC, give to Tancredo's campaign and FAST. This guy would get my vote over a Libertarian candidate and THAT'S sayin sumpthin.
Okay, this is starting to get interesting.

And I was about to renounce any party affiliation.

I might just have to go to low ready on that one.

With both Paul and Tancredo in the mix, the "moderate" crowd is going to have to "make promises" they don't mean to keep.

I'd just have to hold my nose and drink something alcoholic if they actually got into office.

I think I'd better lie down for a spell.
If they sabotage Tancredo in favor of McCain/Gulianni (as they've done to other candidates before), then all that's left is for the GOP to pick out their own tombstone....

I'm a lifelong repugnant, oops, Republican who has sworn off voting until a candidate comes along with some stones re immigration/illegal immigration.

I voted for Bush, twice, and am disgusted with that man. He has repeatedly thumbed his nose at America and deserves to be impeached.

If Tancredo gets the nod, I'm in. Where do I send my $$?
Looking at his voting record, I see little to set Tancredo apart from any other GOP Congressman. That said, this Wikipedia entry looks promising:

His outspoken advocacy for what he terms immigration reform, particularly since his criticizing of George W. Bush's border security controls, has made him persona non grata in the White House. Tancredo and Bush's political advisor, Karl Rove, got into a "screaming match" after Tancredo claimed that "if the nation suffered another attack at the hands of terrorists able to skirt immigration laws, the blood of the people killed" would be on the president’s and Congress’s hands. Rove responded by calling the congressman "a traitor to the party", "a traitor to the president", and warned him to never "darken the doorstep of the White House."

Anybody that Rove is that hacked off at can't be all bad...
Rove responded by calling the congressman "a traitor to the party", "a traitor to the president", and warned him to never "darken the doorstep of the White House."

I like Tancredo even more. :cool:
Biker said:
Paul and Tancredo, anyone?
Right here, please. :)

I thought I was never going to vote for another Republicrat again until I heard about Paul's candidacy. Tancredo would be fine, too. This nation is in dire need of a Paul/Tandredo presidency.
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