Ted Nugent to attend State of Nation tonight

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I have read and watched MANY interviews with Ted. Yes he gets loud. Yes he speaks his mind. Yes he curses. Yes he sometimes comes across as ungentlemanly. So did our Revolutionary War heros that freed us from the Britts. Had we faced the Red Coats in gentlemanly formation for the entire war, that war would have been cut very short. We needed other tactics.

No Ted might not represent EVERYTHING everyone of us believes. So what? I bet I don't either. Guess what folks, I only big game hunt with a bow. So are the members on here going to chastise me for that? Seems a little bit like cutting our noses off to spite our face. He is an advocate for our sport and our 2a rights. He uses his fame to get his voice heard by thousands if not millions. And we should stand beside him. He doesn't have to be perfect. He doesn't always have to say the perfect phrase. But I would stand beside him in a firefight with bad guys in a second. And be proud to do so.

At least when the sad day comes that Uncle Ted passes, HE will be remembered nationally as a strong supporter of the 2nd Ammendment. What will the members of this forum be remembered nationally for?
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I hope Ted is smart enough to realize he is being used as a stooge, but I doubt his synaptic pathways are firing that effectively these days.

This is just ignorant. Google the Ted interviews with Piers Morgan and you'll see an intelligent, articulate public speaker and debater who's clearly in the top percentile when it comes to quick thinking on his feet. Ted's interviewers are probably the best I've ever seen.
As long as we are willing to sit back and try to have a reasonable discussion about how the left is destroying the 2nd amendment then we will lose.
Patrick Henry would have worn a loin cloth,swung on to the stage on a vine and played guitar, if it would have made a point to serve our purpose.
We forget that the Left has continued to lie and cheat and steal our rights away, while denying the lying, cheating and stealing are taking place. At this point I think it's about time to then turn the tables and be as damned nasty as they are.
We very well may be the last generation to enjoy our freedoms if we seek to be gentlemen. Perhaps it is time to be loud mouthed insufferable zealots if we choose to pass our Constitution and it's freedoms forward to another generation.
I can only submit to you that those who were terrorist in this great Country in the 60's are now held as idols of our current POTUS.
In that light I can only hope a thousand Ted Nugents a day rise among us to raise hell.

^ This

One needs to look no further than the many cowering comments at THR over the last couple months to realize a majority of "men" of this day and time have been neutered. :eek:

If we fight on their field and by their rules, we lose....No passion, no guts, no glory!

When ships were made of wood and MEN were made of steel.....

Google the Ted interviews with Piers Morgan

^ This too....Nugent flat knocked Morgan out with the "do you care about all murder or just murder with guns". Morgan never recovered from that.

On the other hand, the wimpy Ben Shapiro (that someone recommends) crumbled like a sand castle under Morgan's pressure. Sorry, Shapiro didn't man up to Morgan and appeared nervous, unsure and trembling from Morgans pressure.....Not the kind of man I'd want to have my back. :barf:
No Ted might not represent EVERYTHING everyone of us believes. So what? I bet I don't either. Guess what folks, I only big game hunt with a bow. So are the members on here going to chastise me for that? Seems a little bit like cutting our noses off to spite our face.

I don't think so. As a non-hunter who owns guns primarily for defense and shooting competitions, I've never taken any heat for it. Nor have I given flack to anyone else so long as their gun ownership is safe and legal.

He is an advocate for our sport and our 2a rights. He uses his fame to get his voice heard by thousands if not millions. And we should stand beside him. He doesn't have to be perfect. He doesn't always have to say the perfect phrase. But I would stand beside him in a firefight with bad guys in a second. And be proud to do so.

No where in this thread has his passion for the Second Amendment been called into question, nor his advocacy. However, what I look for in a good advocate is a person who can deliver a message in a way that raises critical thought and ultimately sets the conditions for people to question gun control, and possibly change their minds. While Mr. Nugent might get gun owners and NRA members fired up, I'd like to see broader appeal to fence sitters and possibly anti gunners. See Ben Shapiro's guest spot on Piers Morgan for an example.

I'm not sure what your imaginary firefight with Ted Nugent as your battle buddy has to do with this discussion, but I will mention that just because I've fought alongside someone doesn't make them an articulate persuader in the art of debate. It doesn't automatically mean they would get my vote if they ran for office. Heck, it doesn't even automatically make them a good person.
You're right. Being outspoken and passionate does not make one nuts. Being nuts is what makes one nuts, and Ted is a nut

Ted is not a nut.

Google the Ted interviews with Piers Morgan

Yes I was very proud of Ted. Pierce got his feathers ruffled, but Ted was calm cool and polite. He beat Morgan at his own game.

Alex Jones, on the other hand is a nut. So compare what these two guys say publically and you will see what I mean.
^ This too....Nugent flat knocked Morgan out with the "do you care about all murder or just murder with guns". Morgan never recovered from that.

As a pro gunner, I haven't been able to make it through his appearance(s?) on the show. It debilitated into a pointless shouting match that wasn't going to sway anyone or teach me anything. On facebook afterwards, the only mentions of Ted and Piers were pointing out how crazy Ted appeared, including people who normally do not spend time considering gun control.

You saw what you wanted to see, a perceived champion for your rights. Antis saw a crazy gun owner. The undecided people I know also saw the latter. Not good, as they're the target audience any advocates should be trying to win over right now.
As a pro gunner, I haven't been able to make it through his appearance(s?) on the show. It debilitated into a pointless shouting match that wasn't going to sway anyone or teach me anything. On facebook afterwards, the only mentions of Ted and Piers were pointing out how crazy Ted appeared, including people who normally do not spend time considering gun control.

You saw what you wanted to see, a perceived champion for your rights. Antis saw a crazy gun owner. The undecided people I know also saw the latter. Not good, as they're the target audience any advocates should be trying to win over right now.

Nonsense!....If that's what you call a shouting match, you must have grew up in a glass bubble.

There's no having a civilized debate with Morgan, one must be as passionate (shouting as you call it) as him, if they're going to win a debate with him. Do you take a knife to gun fight because it's more gentlemanly?

Antis, will always believe gun owners are crazy, nothing new there and the so called scientific study of undecided people (on Facebook) who saw "the shouting match" are not really undecided at all.....Seems they already had a preconceived notion about guns/us anyway. They just hadn't came out of the closet yet.
Antis, will always believe gun owners are crazy, nothing new there and the so called scientific study of undecided people (on Facebook) who saw "the shouting match" are not really undecided at all.....Seems they already had a preconceived notion about guns/us anyway. They just hadn't came out of the closet yet.

I neither called it scientific, nor a study. What I shared was anecdotal, and even if I (or anyone else) had more than one anecdote, allow me be the first to say that doesn't constitute data. But experiences are experiences, and that was mine.

Your own confirmation bias is worth noting here. Any fence sitters who weren't swayed by Ted were just secret antis to begin with. Once again, the narrative is reframed in hindsight for the viewer to see what they want to see.

Your point about Piers's show not being a place for civil discussion, is his weakness in this debate. Shapiro kept his cool, making Piers look like the one who was bent out of shape.
See Ben Shapiro's guest spot on Piers Morgan for an example.

Sorry, Ben wasn't at the top of his game with a monster like Morgan!

I've saw him in other interviews and he did fine but as I already stated, he crumbled like a sand castle under Morgan's pressure. Sorry, Shapiro didn't man up to Morgan and appeared nervous, unsure and trembling from Morgans pressure.
I'm not poo-pooing anyone's love for Ted. It's fine. Just understand he's not a good ambassador to the cause. If I see any evidence, or even any indicators that he's changing minds, then I'm happy to change my mind. But I didn't create this world, I just live in it.

One more note on the Shapiro interview, Morgan and Co. found it worth chopping. It could have been to create room for more content on the show. Or it could have been to make him appear a certain way, or to keep his time to a minimum if his debating skills appeared to outdo Morgan's. It's interesting to compare this to, say, Jones, who got full time.
I do agree, that sometimes Ted comes across a bit crazy. :neener: but when he's on, he's on and BTW, according to how others judge us, we all have our moments of sanity or lack there of. ;)

Ted had a knock out though against Morgan, something Ben didn't do, with the only caring about murder if it involves a gun. Showed Morgan to be the two bit phony he is and anyone that could not comprehend that, we'll never, let me repeat never win over to our side anyway.
Watch both of them. The earlier one was even more decisive a smackdown on Morgan.

First one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjNwMOLulUQ

My favorite part:
Ted: Tell you what, let's ban water, that way nobody drowns anymore. You go work on banning the guns, I'll work on banning the water, that way no-one will drowned anymore; It's IMPOSSIBLE!
Piers: YOU'RE RIGHT! Where there's no water, nobody does drown! Why not the same for guns?
Ted: WOW!!! ALRIGHT! Let's ban water... get lost, you're wierd. That's impossible, you can't ban water, and you can't ban guns. Can't do it.
Piers: Why would you ban water rather than guns?
Ted: To stop the drownings. We want the poor fat children to float.


Here's the new one from last week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkjIMxf0VyU
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Okay, that wasn't nearly as bad as I'd painted it in my head. I like the guy, would watch again. I thought there'd been another interview before the TX one, but I guess the last one I saw was from March 2011, or some other outlet. Still, that doesn't change the perception a lot of non-fans of the man.

Thanks for getting me to go back and watch that.

ETA: Gaiudo, I don't have time right now but will try to catch the first one you linked sometime soon.
I love the attempt at wit to try to belittle someone when they point out a truth that doesn't agree with yours. My imaginary gunfight with my battle buddy? Brilliant. I actually battle everyday with extremely mentally ill patients. Some of the people on my side aren't exactly articulate. But that doesn't mean they aren't an asset. You want someone who perfectly expresses your views and opinions. Good. Become famous, get on tv and express your own opinions just exactly how you want. I'm happy to take Ted.
Ted does better than most could, he ain't perfect, but his heart is in the right place
He's always willing to stand up on the prow and take the waves. That's admirable. But he's a screamer and a little nutty. I wish there were more celebrities willing to take the heat he takes who could make the same points with less rock and roll.
There's no having a civilized debate with Morgan, one must be as passionate (shouting as you call it) as him, if they're going to win a debate with him. Do you take a knife to gun fight because it's more gentlemanly?

If there's no having a civilized debate with Morgan, than why try to have a debate with Morgan? What's the point? Unlike a gunfight, in which you can actually win, Morgan's thing is a TV show. He not only controls the topic, but the ground rules, setting, and even the conditions of victory. It is no battle, there is no fight. It looks like real discussion, but it's just pro-wrestling.

Hence the numerous references to "smackdowns" I keep hearing. As well as the obvious appeals to his superior "charisma". IIRC, pro wrestling scenes always have a valiant hero, and detestable villian. Piers has no problem being either if it means ratings. And I can have no respect for anyone who goes on those shows to get drawn into ridiculous shouting matches (granted, Ted did a decent-ish job keeping that to a minimum). Personally, I'd rather see Ted heading up marches and rallies, and making press releases...if he's truly as composed and persuasive as everyone keeps saying.

It's not like people aren't willing to hand him a microphone on the chance he'll say something stupid :rolleyes:

We are complaining about someone on our side?????

Have some of you folks read your own posts and comments??

Sorry, at least he has the courage and convictions to stand up and take account of our situation at his own risk. How many folks on THR have done the same?
In the highly caricatured cosmology of the gun control debate, Ted Nugent is the true embodiment of good and its proud defender against the often ludicrous but highly pernicious manifestations of evil.
That's exactly what I said in my first post! It makes no sense to me. Lets hate on the people on our side: cut nose, spite face.
I gotta say, it's funny to watch the people complain about our spokespeople, these same people who whine and say we need to make our tent bigger for RKBA, bash the people currently residing in the tent. I have a feeling they are just butthurt that they made the wrong decision on Nov 6, 2012 and are just lashing out against those of us who knew all along...
I love the attempt at wit to try to belittle someone when they point out a truth that doesn't agree with yours. My imaginary gunfight with my battle buddy? Brilliant. I actually battle everyday with extremely mentally ill patients. Some of the people on my side aren't exactly articulate.
I've grown very weary of posters who like to take the war/battle/fight analogies to an extreme. One even using the word "literal" coupled with one of those. Additionally, I wished to point out that a person's performance in a firefight doesn't necessarily correlate to any other ability. I personally served with someone in Iraq who went on to become a multiple murderer, and I know of at least two other men who were good soldiers overseas, but went to prison for child pornography. I wasn't out to belittle you and I'm sorry that I turned your post into the point of frustration where it all bore down. That said, even though you went back and deleted your firefight/Ted Nugent reference, you did add here the assertion about doing battle with the mentally ill. I'm sure your job is difficult, but really?

I gotta say, it's funny to watch the people complain about our spokespeople, these same people who whine and say we need to make our tent bigger for RKBA, bash the people currently residing in the tent. I have a feeling they are just butthurt that they made the wrong decision on Nov 6, 2012 and are just lashing out against those of us who knew all along...

Go back and read my posts. I went out of my way to make clear that his passion and advocacy were nothing to criticize, let alone complaining that he shouldn't be a spokesperson. Rather, I'm concerned that the man who may be our most recognizable and vocal advocate is not reaching the undecided and anti-leaning folks in my demographic. I formed this opinion based on their reaction to Ted Nugent. I'd like to see an advocate with appeal to this crowd, who can communicate on a rational level, whose background doesn't have more of the eccentricities (and therefore baggage in their eyes) that Mr. Nugent's does. Also, my butt thanks you for your concern.
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Some love him, some hate him, but we won't argue and insult over him, at least not here.
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