Texas: Campus-carry bills are dying!!

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If this bill passes and people are allowed to carry on Texas college campuses, it would be a major win for us people who believe in our rights. The amount of college crime is utterly rediculous. There has been an increasing amount of theft, robbery, and rapes on colleges. Law abidding citizens cannot walk from one end of a campus to another without the sense of feeling completely defenseless. I get the feeling that the anti-gun people try to use mass school shootings such as Virginia Tech as a reason to shoot bills like this one down. However they also don't realize that if there was just 1 person who had a carry permit and carrying was allowed on campus, they could have potentially stopped this horrific tragedy from occuring. You always hear about people complaining that they are mistreated or there rights were violated, but when us 2nd ammendment believers feel like are rights are violated bureaucrats tend to sweep it under the rug. I may not be a resident of Texas however I feel that when a bill like this is passed, its a win for everyone who firmly believes in the right to carry.
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