The annoying question, why do you wear a gun?

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"Why do mean you're not carrying a gun? Why, man, why?"
I think this is often the best way to drive the point home.

My wife isn't philosophically against guns, and actually she likes that I know how to use them and that they are in the house. But she's having a hard time making the leap to actually carry herself. So I explain to her that I really don't care if she never carries. But I prod her incessantly to tell me what she'll do in various scenarios if she's not willing to defend herself. It's very effective.

This method works equally well on people who ask why you carry. People simply don't think it through. Help them think it through.

I really think the seatbelt analogy is a good one. There's no guarantee it will save your life, and you may go through your whole life not needing it. But...
If they are asking, Ive done something wrong in how. ;)

The only people who know I wear one, are my immediate family and one or two very close friends.
Plain truth...

There are people who will do me harm if given a chance. A police officer recommended I carry for safety. Another police officer was kind enough to help me select a pistol and teach me proper use of it.

That shuts them up.
People question the right to free speech all the time. There can be consequences to free speech. Try crying fire in a movie theater to use the classic cliche and see what happens.

I have no problem with people asking why I choose to do something. I only have a problem if they ask the question inserting serious attitude behind the question to make it obvious they do not approve of you carrying a firearm.

For a few years, I didn't carry. The police suggested that I might seriously consider it.
How about....

"My family and I have received threats recently. By any chance, would you know anything about that...?"
I just tell everyone this " I know me, I dont know you.." or the famous one .. "you checkin out my pants" ( WA --- CCW)
"I'll thank you kindly to spend more time worrying about the content of your pants, and less about mine. Have a nice day!"
"I don't *need* to exercise my right to do this anymore than you *need* to exercise your right to ask about it. Isn't it nice that we can both do these things?"
I guess my best answer to "why I wear a gun" is: because, here in Bama'Land
its my legal right. Sometimes concealed; other times openly (refer to Alabama
AG opinion #84-00205, by former AG Charles Graddick) - that is why is voted
for him for Governor~! His opinion still is in effect; unless some stupid little
city has passed an ordnance since then~? :scrutiny: :banghead: :uhoh:
Because there really are EVIL people in this world and the only way to prevent them from killing me or mine is by the use of proper deadly force or the threat of deadly force.

I think that some people just do not understand EVIL, well I do!!!
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Turn it around.

"Well, I carry it just in case. Lots of bad people out there. Why don't you carry one? You're not a convicted felon, or under a restraining order, or something like that, are you? Can't you pass a background check?"

Then look like you don't believe their answer. "Suuuure, uh huh."
There is definitely more evil in this world than I ever dreamed growing up in the country where nobody locked their doors or concerned themselves much about it even when they went on vacation.

I fight chaos. I seek order within the framework of our Constitution.
What I told my relatives at Christmas dinner in Chicago a few years ago:
  • Police have no legal duty to protect individuals.
  • Police have no legal liability with they fail to protect individuals.
  • Police have virtually no physical ability to protect individuals.
If you're not willing and able to protect yourself, you're just not going to get protected at all.

The police draw chalk outlines around bodies. It's your choice whether they draw one around you or around a violent assailant.
Because it makes me feel like a citizen, not a subject and confirms I am an American.
I dont have my carry permit yet, but I've been asked why I carry a knife or own a gun. Right now, I usually carry a CRKT M24, and before that, a CRKT M16, so I'd often get asked why I carry a "knife like that."

I usually answer with:

- So that when you're driving home and get in a car crash, I can break the window, cut your seatbelt, and get you out.

- Why aren't you carrying one?

- If you had my luck, you'd own a gun/carry a knife too.

-If you had the kind of year I have had, you'd be asking why I only have one.

-If you knew what kind of luck I have, you'd be asking why I'm not carrying a bigger knife.

- Because I lent the smaller one to a friend of mine.

Someone made a comment along the lines of "I don't see why anyone in ______ county needs a gun." I responded with "Because ______ county is the drug capitol of the state (not sure if its true, but it sounded good)

Chris "the Kayak-Man" Johnson
Reach out to an anti-gunner if you can.

(edited for focus)They wouldn't ask a police officer why he wears one, simply because it is obvious it is for self defense.
Not the complete story. The police officer rarely uses his gun for self-defense, but it is one of certain physical tools that are named the "Tools of Arrest". Handcuffs, firearms, Taser, baton, etc. The gun is just one of those tools that enable the police to do the job required by law. You might as well ask why a policeman drives a car with flashing lights and a spotlight.

Why I would carry a gun (or, more to the point of the thread), how (or if) I would explain (in no particular order, but which answer depends on the questioner);

1) Because I can. I have the right.
2) To protect myself from people or animals who would do me (or YOU) harm.
2a A gun available immediately is more effective at preventing crime than a police officer who, perforce, will almost ALWAYS arrive on the scene after a crime or animal attack has been committed.
2b The same reason I carry a flashlight, fire extinguisher and first aid kit in my car and a digital camera, too. Just in case I need it.
3) if the question is posed as "Why a gun instead of something less controversial?". I will invite the questioner to a cup of coffee for a probative discussion if he/she seems genuinely interested.
4) If the questioner is being obnoxious or argumentative, I refrain from responding in kind. I will try my best to be a good ambassador, but I will also try to point out the lack of ambassadorship on the questioner's part. Usually, I will soft-pedal my response by asking, "I do not mean to offend you or alarm anyone. I carry for reasons of my own. Why do you ask? I might be willing to discuss the concept with you." Such an answer (though wordy) does keep the corridors of diplomacy between pro-gun and anti-gun individuals (if not the groups) open.

Reaching out to anti-gunners one at a time is probably going to be the most effective tool any of us individually can use in reinvigorating the Second Amendment.

Lost Sheep

p.s. I love it (them).
Pilot said:
Because it makes me feel like a citizen, not a subject and confirms I am an American.
VA27 said:
Smile and say, "It's a fashion statement. Don't you think it simply shouts, Don't mess with me?"
How about combining concepts:
"It's a fashion statement. Don't you think is simply shouts, "I am a citizen, not a subject."?
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The ancient Greek hoplite warriors went into battle butt naked, and put on their armor and weapons literally at the last minute (these items were often carried for them by slaves). The obvious reason for this is that it made them a lot more mobile.

The same rationale applies today. Carrying a weapon on a routine basis can be very inconvenient and restrictive. Even with a permit, I would tend to not carry unless there was a very definite perceived threat. Just my opinion of course.
I live in a relatively safe environment, nevertheless I carry every day. General population attitudes towards firearms are not “anti” here. If those, who know, ask me, I mostly mention something about car safety belts and better carrying a gun whole my life and not needing it, than needing it once and not having it. Moreover, I have a wife and children for whom I am responsible. Mostly I get an approving nod.
well, because the stuff out in the real world that hurts needs to be kept out of reach. Therefore, I carry to gun to "reach out and touch" it without danger of getting my hands dirty in hand to hand combat, and it keeps my clothes much cleaner without blood stains.

Honestly, +1 for the "Why DON'T you carry a gun, really, why, why?"
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