The end of private sales?

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Dec 17, 2012
So, I’ve seen emails stating that after this proposed ATF rule change takes effect, selling even one firearm could potentially require an FFL. Here is the .gov link:

If in effect, does this effectively mean the end of private sales?
More government idiocy. Do you think the criminal element has EVER done legal transfers of firearms? Would you, thinking to come into possession of a firearm for the express purpose of committing a crime, do it in any manner that would make it traceable to you? All the law will do is what about 75%+ of present firearms laws do: Hamstring the law-abiding citizen and hamper his ability to protect himself, but will do absolutely nothing to those who aren't following the laws we already have.

It astounds me that the government is so stupid as to not have figured this out yet.
More government idiocy. Do you think the criminal element has EVER done legal transfers of firearms? Would you, thinking to come into possession of a firearm for the express purpose of committing a crime, do it in any manner that would make it traceable to you? All the law will do is what about 75%+ of present firearms laws do: Hamstring the law-abiding citizen and hamper his ability to protect himself, but will do absolutely nothing to those who aren't following the laws we already have.

It astounds me that the government is so stupid as to not have figured this out yet.
"Preventing gun violence" is what they SAY they want to accomplish. What they ACTUALLY want to accomplish is to create a registry. Historically, every time a country has implemented a gun registry, gun confiscation has followed.

Fixed it for you.

It's just more of the same "The sky is falling!" hype from Chicken Little gun groups that want you to send them money.

I don't see this proposed ATF re-interpretation of Federal gun law as passing constitutional muster any more than the ill-fated pistol brace ban or bump stock ban.

And if it somehow does, then it's not going to affect regular Joes that sell a gun here and there one iota. Plus, the unintended consequence is it'll just drive private sales underground.
If in effect, does this effectively mean the end of private sales?
That is probably the goal.They've been after UBCs and going through an FFL for all gun sales since at least Sandy Hook. It will be in effect for a time-until the court system puts a TRO on it (or perhaps not) until it makes its way to the Supreme Court.

It's just more of the same "The sky is falling!" hype from Chicken Little gun groups that want you to send them money.

I don't see this proposed ATF re-interpretation of Federal gun law as passing constitutional muster any more than the ill-fated pistol brace ban or bump stock ban.

And if it somehow does, then it's not going to affect regular Joes that sell a gun here and there one iota. Plus, the unintended consequence is it'll just drive private sales underground.
I used to think the same thing, but the gun control faction is in earnest. Those gun groups need our money. To thunk otherwise is foolish. Don't count on the Supreme court to save us. Even if they do, how much damage will be done in the intervening years as literally hundreds of court cases work their way through the great financial cost.
They'ven after UBCs and going through an FFL for all gun sales since at least Sandy Hook.
That’s for sure, but this seems to go even further than requiring sales to go through and FFL. This seems that even a single sale will require the seller to actually BE an FFL, except for sale to a family member. And it’s a rule change, not even legislation. Seems pretty bad, unless I’m way off base?
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