The guns of . . . the Beverly Hillbillies?

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May 9, 2005
OK, this is silly but an interesting bit of trivia I think anyway.

Some THR members may be too young to have seen "The Beverly Hillbillies" but I know a good chunk of us have seen it, in both B&W and color. I was thinking back on it today and realized that I couldn't remember what guns they used. The Clampets were commonly depicted with firearms, but I don't know if they used the same ones all the time (Granny's shotgun, for instance) or were just a prop with no consistency. I looked around for pictures and could only find ones with the male Clampets holding what looked to be lever actions.

Anyone got the DVD boxed set and want to review it?

My memory is that Jed and Granny were both seen numerous times with a SxS double-barrel. No idea of the make, and it would be pretty hard to tell on a grainy black-and-white image.

See if you can find some fan websites. It's amazing what kind of info they sometimes have. My guess would be that Jed and Granny used the same prop gun.
I recall the BW days of this show...
Seems to me some folks spoke of "hardware guns". Going from memory, some had exposed hammers, some did not...most likely depended on props and what year the show was done..

I do know a "pot passer" resembles a cue stick. :)
This is proper Clampett Etiquette when vittles are served on the table with the green felt covering and them pockets handy for tossing bones into, or holding your Coca-Cola.

Without checking a dvd

I can tell you there were 2 different guns in the early episodes. One was a double barrel shotgun, and the other was a single barrel gun, possibly a muzzleloader.

In one scene, back in the cabin, Jed is cleaning the shotgun, and Granny comes in yelling for him to get the gun put back together so she can shoot what turns out to be the oil company helicopter.

Next time I watch them I'll try and get a better idea of the guns.
In one episode Jed goes to shoot skeet with the banker. He took a rifle, a lever action if I remember correctly, and tried to hit the edge of the bird so they could use them again. I another episode Jethro used a rifle to shoot the power line going into the house. I don't remember which kind that was.

Why do I remember this trivia but can't remember my email password at work?:banghead:
Poor Jethro, getting taken to task by granny for having to take two shots to knock out the power.
I've always wondered if Ellie Mae :
1. Really could not bake cookies
2. If those cookies were actually supposed to be homemade clay targets.

Well...think about it. Tossing them suckers would provide some great shotgun practice.

You were paying attention to Ellie Mae . Thoughts?

Thoughts, let's see...Me, Ellie Mae, cement pond, fancy eatin' table...yup, I got thoughts.

I remember when Jethro and Jed were bouncing bullets off of the concrete gateway (at the end of the driveway--they were sitting on the front porch) and hitting flies out at about 100 yards. They were using rifles, single shot, and if my memory is anything (and it is not) they looked like Springfield Trapdoors.
Course, that was a loooong time ago.
as I recall.....

Jed: Kentucky or Pennsylvania style muzzleloading rifle
Jethro: lever action rifle (Winchester 1873?)
Granny: side-by-side looong barreled shotgun and a big hawg leg revolver

(the revolver may have been just used in a publicity photo)
I have the dvds, but I'm at work now and will just have to recall from memory.

Jed: Muzzle-loading rifle, not always the same one, sometimes flintlock, sometimes caplock, sometimes trapdoor (It's a prop, people!)
Granny: Outhammer double-barreled shotgun and - I swear I saw this once - a Walker .44 cap-and-ball revolver
Jethro: Henry lever-action, Colt Single-Action Army (or copy)
Ellie May: Slingshot

They have also been analyzed as religious/psychological archetypes.

Jed: New Testament - Mercy, Love, and Patience Untainted by the World
Granny: Old Testament - Wrath/Retribution
Jethro: Modernity/Greed and Ignorance
Ellie May: Paganism/Innocence and Sex
I recall a cap&ball revolver in a couple of episodes. I thought it was either a Colt's Navy .36 or a 3rd Model Dragoon. That said, it could've been a Walker.

The movies and tv had a tendancy to use 1892 Winchesters in place of any other models, but Jethro's levergun may have been a '73. I remember that scene where Jethro shot twice... he shot two wires.

I remember Granny with that SxS shotgun... went witchin' for water and felt it under the whole front yard... took the shotgun and shot up the sprinkler system under the front lawn and had water spewin' evuh-whar'. I disremember which shotgun Jed used and how many muzzleloaders and other rifles I saw.
One of my all time favorite shows !!!! I do not any makes of the guns they used but they sure gave me a laugh when I watched
There was always a big double shotgun.

I recall Jethro shooting what looked like a Winchester Model 92 during target practice off the back porch. They were driving nails in a board and when it became boring they bounced the slugs off a rock into the nails.

Granny had a big cap and ball revolver at least once.
I also remember an episode where Jed and Jethro were out by the "ceement pond" shooting waaaay out back driving nails into a board (a gajillion yards away) with bullet strikes. After all the nails were driven into the board (all on 1 shot each), I beleive Jethro went and turned the board around, so as they could drive the nails back out of the board. Afterwards Jed complained that this wern't no challange to this type of city shootin' compared to shootin' back home.
I do recall it was a lever action rifle Jethro was using.
But yesterday I could'nt remember my shed combination, go figure. :neener:
I stand corrected.
You're right, after a couple of hits on the nails on the board being no challenge, Jethro started to ricocet the rounds off a rock to drive the remaining nails into the board.
This memory thing is scarey.

I also beleive that pistol cap and ball was seen in the episode where Granny believes she has captured General Grant.

*General Grant (pointing to his U.S. beltbuckel while speaking to Jethro) "Son, do you know what this stands for?"
*Jethro "Yessum, that means us."
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