The NRA?

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Oct 22, 2005
I read the statement they released yesterday. Obviously, there are many gun rights organizations. The NRA has the largest megaphone. How do you feel they are going to respond to this? To me, it seems that it should fall to them to be the opposition and common sense/ voice of reason, refocusing this
debate' onto issues that might actually prevent these tragedies in the future.

As a mental health professional, I can speak personally to the fact that the system is broken and needs a serious over haul. Getting people ready access to help and NOT letting them slip through the cracks is crucial to preventing these tragedies. I know I'm singing to the choir here, but even if every gun magically disappeared, occurances like these wouldn't stop. Whether it was using a vehicle, home-made bombs, etc- deeply disturbed people would continue to seek media immortality at the expense of innocent unarmed citizens.

To make a long story short, I know a lot of people who feel the same and are responsible gun owners but who have not joined the NRA. In the wake of this horrible tragedy, should I be encouraging them to send their hard earned (believe me- in social services, money is hard earned and very meager) to the NRA? Will they be our voice on the capitol or will the enter the 'debate' and be willing to make concession after concession?

I know I'm just an individual and perhaps I shouldn't expect a massive organization to perfectly reflect my feelings on the matter, but I don't think an inch should be given to this. I think it was just ugly how quickly a knee-jerk call for gun control was brought up. I think it was exploitive at BEST. But if the NRA intends to FIGHT, then it needs support and I intend to help drum it up.
NRA, NRA-ILA and the 2nd Amendment Foundation are where I spend my money and where I think it is best invested. An occasional contribution to JPFO is good insurance.
The NRA IS the Biggest, Meanest, Most Powerful and Most Experienced Dog We have in the Fight!
I read the statement they released yesterday. Obviously, there are many gun rights organizations. The NRA has the largest megaphone. How do you feel they are going to respond to this? To me, it seems that it should fall to them to be the opposition and common sense/ voice of reason, refocusing this
debate' onto issues that might actually prevent these tragedies in the future.

As a mental health professional, I can speak personally to the fact that the system is broken and needs a serious over haul. Getting people ready access to help and NOT letting them slip through the cracks is crucial to preventing these tragedies. I know I'm singing to the choir here, but even if every gun magically disappeared, occurances like these wouldn't stop. Whether it was using a vehicle, home-made bombs, etc- deeply disturbed people would continue to seek media immortality at the expense of innocent unarmed citizens.

To make a long story short, I know a lot of people who feel the same and are responsible gun owners but who have not joined the NRA. In the wake of this horrible tragedy, should I be encouraging them to send their hard earned (believe me- in social services, money is hard earned and very meager) to the NRA? Will they be our voice on the capitol or will the enter the 'debate' and be willing to make concession after concession?

I know I'm just an individual and perhaps I shouldn't expect a massive organization to perfectly reflect my feelings on the matter, but I don't think an inch should be given to this. I think it was just ugly how quickly a knee-jerk call for gun control was brought up. I think it was exploitive at BEST. But if the NRA intends to FIGHT, then it needs support and I intend to help drum it up.

Looking at it from a "big picture" perspective, the NRA -faults and all- is our best hope of stopping the proposed reinstatement of the failed '94 AWB.

Although I have never agreed with the NRA 100% of the time on every issue, I still became an NRA Life Member because they have the clout necessary to gain the attention those in DC who are most inclined to subjugate our 2A rights in order to "atone" for the act of one inidividual.

Even though I am a paid-in-full Life Member, I just sent in a contribution that nearly equaled my inital membership fee because I believe that this time, "it is for real"- the POTUS and his elitist subordinates have just determined that we, the law-abiding, gun-owning Americans, who were horrified at the murder of 20 innocent children, are to be made to pay yet again for the murderous acts of a criminal. Money's tight (t'is the season y'know ;) ) and I've had enough. I've written, and will continue to write, to my Senators, Representatives and my Governor 'til this ends- the next logical step was to have some "skin (green) in the game".

In the end, I cannot tell another gun owner what to do, but I've done what I can and after that it is out of my hands. I just hope that we'll see the continued rise in NRA membership that we've seen these last few days.
The National Rifle Association has been my voice for the past five decades-and I'm proud of it. Are they perfect? Of course not. Do they always do what I would do? Nope, but then nor does anybody else. I will only opine that, if it wasn't for the NRA involvement in American politics, you wouldn't be fretting about owning an "assault" rifle or not, you'd have cause for concern about owning any gun. Please, if the right to keep and bear arms has any meaning for you, I encourage everybody to minimally join the NRA-today.
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