The Shield

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While a I watch The Shield every week I see it not as much a reality cop show but a character study.

Vic is a typical guy in a posistion of power that is willing to do anything, run over anyone ect. to get what he wants. He is a strong character but has several critical flaws. Just when you think he is stone cold and ruthless he puts his entire team on the line to pull a bunch of guns off of the street. Then he bends over backwards for a hooker and her kid he feels pity for.

While he plays the tiger on the street his life at home is a shambles and he is the classic weak, insecure male. Seperated from kids he REALLY loves, one of which is autistic, he struggles with affairs with co-workers and those he meets on the job. All this to try and recover a little bit of closeness and affection his own ruined relationship can not provide. He tries to hold his team together while thier own character flaws threaten to topple the whole house of cards.

I have described The Shield to co-workers as NYPD on crack. Guns, good guys, bad guys, rock music score. I can't wait until next week!!!!!!!!!!
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