These Are Historic Times

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May 24, 2003
National Review
September 19, 2003

These Are Historic Times
by Victor Davis Hanson

Is it to be Lincoln or Sisyphus?

By May 1864, Abraham Lincoln was in real trouble. The spectacular victories
of the past year at Gettysburg and Vicksburg were mostly forgotten — in the
manner that we no longer talk much about the amazing campaign in Afghanistan
or the historic three-week drive on Baghdad.

If we think the present snipings and car bombings in Iraq are disheartening,
imagine a spring and summer of discontent after Wilderness, Spotsylvania,
and Cold Harbor. Add the gloom of the stalemate at Petersburg — and the very
capital in danger from the raiding of Jubal Early.

By the dog days of August, Grant was no longer the hero of Forts Henry and
Donelson or Vicksburg, but had become the "butcher" whose purported
obstinacy and brutality had nearly ruined the Army of the Potomac — going
through men and capital at an unsustainable rate. "We had not bargained for
this" was the general feeling among the ranks as the daily fatalities

If the news from the battlefield was not depressing enough, Lincoln wrestled
with recalcitrant border states, draft rioting, simmering resentment against
emancipation, budget shortfalls — and, of course, an upcoming election
replete with an array of often really vicious opponents. Most prominently,
radicals like John C. Frémont damned him for a failure of nerve. Copperheads
turned to the diminutive, dapper, and glib failed general, George McClellan,
who was willing to throw in the towel and accept a brokered stalemate.
Lincoln, who had done so much to prevent war, was castigated as a warmonger
with the blood of thousands of his hands. And this was in his fourth, not
his first, summer of bloody fighting.

Few in the heat of summer 1864 saw that the war had, in fact, been fought
rather brilliantly — and the tide had already almost imperceptibly shifted
for good. Grant had worn Lee down in Virginia. Sheridan was loose in the
Shenandoah Valley. Uncle Billy Sherman was grinding his way to Atlanta — and
aiming at larger things still.

Then suddenly Sherman took Atlanta on September 2. Frémont withdrew from the
race. Public opinion turned against McClellan. And in little more than two
months Lincoln was reelected with 55 percent of the vote. Sherman cut
through Georgia. Grant tightened the vice around Richmond. The primate of
the editorial cartoonists was now Uncle Abe. The rest was history.

We are near the end of such a pivotal summer ourselves, the type that
defines not just a presidency, but an entire nation for generations to come.
After the spectacular victories in Afghanistan and Iraq, public ardor for
the conflict is temporarily cooling. Because of the past recession, the
effects of 9/11, the tax cuts, and the cost of the war, we are running up
billions in projected annual budget deficits. Our own McClellans and
contemporary Copperheads deride the president as a miserable failure cheek
by jowl with major newspapers.

Few stop to appreciate that 50 million are now liberated with the first
chance of real democracy in the history of the Middle East. We almost take
for granted that the Taliban and Saddam Hussein are gone and that 90 percent
of Iraq is functioning under local democratic councils — in an irreversible
process that is taking on a culture and logic of its own. We are angry not
that the situation in the occupied countries is stabilizing — so far at a
cost of less than 300 — not 300,000 — American dead, but that they are not
yet normal societies. Few Americans ask why and how Saudi Arabia, Syria, and
Iran are suddenly whining privately rather than shouting defiance.

So beneath the hysterical headlines of quagmire, Vietnam, and stalemate, we
have sorely hurt our enemies. We have driven the remnants of the Taliban
into the Pakistani coffeehouses, the terrorists into caves, Saddam Hussein
into a low-rent apartment, his sons into the Inferno — and replaced them all
not with dictators, but real opportunities for freedom and consensual
government. Instead of more skyscrapers exploding in American cities, 7,000
miles away jihadists and Islamic terrorists are being hunted down in their
own once sacred enclaves.

Like Sisyphus, we have pushed our terrible rock nearly to the top of the
hill. We need only a few dramatic final and critically symbolic shoves —
either the capture of Saddam Hussein, proof of bin Laden's demise, textual
or material evidence of WMDs, or the finalization of a legitimate government
in Baghdad — to go over the top, showing the discontented at home how far we
have come. But just as Sisyphus was forever doomed to start pushing his rock
anew — once it cascaded back just as he reached the apex — so shall we too
have to start all over again should we loose our nerve with the summit now
within sight. And such large boulders roll faster and in deadlier fashion
downhill than during the slow and arduous push up.

Expecting the U.N. to curb the chaos in Iraq is understandable, but I think
delusional. It has no real record of nation-building — but a long history of
watching millions die and rot from the Balkans to Rwanda. True, if a Western
country finally takes a strong stance, then the U.N. tags along well enough
and can provide cosmetic legitimacy so dear to influential elites in Europe
and America; but it never by itself really solves the problem.

Instead, U.N. bureaucrats in New York will haggle over a postbellum
socialist constitution in Iraq and to whom to apportion oil concessions,
while they pull out aid-workers with each bombing in anger at American
inability to protect them. They will talk ad nauseam about humane rules of
engagement, while their poorly trained soldiers either shoot too soon or too
late. For years, such peacekeepers, whether in Srebenica or Mogadishu,
wielded no power and commanded less respect as women and children were shot
down in their presence. The Europeans under U.N. auspices will send sizable
contingents of bureaucrats and profiteers, not soldiers, to Baghdad. The
Iraqis distrust Indian, Pakistani, or Turkish peacekeepers more than they do
us. The Baathists also would prefer the United Nations to us — easier
targets, more readily intimidated, less auditory of their own clandestine

Work with the U.N.; heap lavish praise on the U.N.; protect the U.N. in
Iraq; show it deference and respect. Invite it in for humanitarian help.
But, by God, don't allow it to take over operations in Iraq. Of course, it
would be nice to join more closely with the French and Germans — if only to
deflect their formidable cultural criticism that resonates so well in the
Arab world. But, alas, they will never come in friendship, or offer real
help, to Iraq. Such countries that so profited from Saddam Hussein, and so
opposed our removal of him, for matters of pride alone cannot now help, even
if they wished to.

Begging them to do so will only add insult to hypocrisy, inasmuch as they
staked their prestige — their very honor — at stopping the United States at
the U.N. Miraculously, for the first time since the 1930s they therein found
a power in international fora that they lacked in the real material world.
And such power and notoriety on the cheap are heady draughts and not so
easily put away. Before the great televised debate at the U.N., Mr. de
Villepin was known most recently only in amused fashion by a few academics
for his lunatic book on the murderous Napoleon, while Mr. Schroeder appeared
abroad mostly via tabloid stories about his dyed hair.

Neither country has real power or moral authority, but both find influence
on the world stage largely through calculated criticism of the United
States. Indeed, in their own fashion the Franco-Germans are parasitic on
America — emulating its culture, counting on its military protection, while
explaining to anti-Americanists of the world why Europeans understand best
what is so pathological with the United States.

Yet sophistication is not morality. Neither is nihilism. More people,
remember, fried in France this August while its social utopians snoozed at
the beach than all those lost in Kabul and Baghdad together. I think an
American pilot who flew over the peaks of Afghanistan or a Marine colonel
now patrolling in Iraq was far more likely to ensure that his aged mother
back home lives under humane conditions than was a Frenchman this summer on
his month-long vacation on the Mediterranean coast. So remember, this August
Americans lost 100 brave soldiers fighting selflessly for the liberty of
others while thousands of Frenchmen perished through their children's
neglect and self-absorption.

Modern Germany is at heart an ally, but, alas, currently a very mixed-up
place that we should all be wary about. It is a nation that was created by
American arms, rebuilt by American money, protected for a half-century by
American tanks and planes, and unified only through American encouragement
and support — and with the danger past reelected its present government by
virtue of its public anti-Americanism. That complex mélange of appreciation,
resentment, and lingering guilt should preface all discussions about its
present politics. If we are to deal with Germans at all, I suggest that we
either ask them, and for that matter the South Koreans too, to deploy to
Iraq half the number of troops that we have inside their own borders, or
simply start transferring 20,000 or so U.S. soldiers out of both countries
to serve as either replacement or additional contingents in Iraq.

As in the case with the U.N., we should seek mutual cooperation with Europe,
we should avoid gratuitous insults and incidents, and whenever possible we
should allow them to gain honor and prestige in the world. But never should
we imagine that they would — or could — in any real material way help the
United States.

Our real challenge is not the conduct of the war, not the money, not even
the occasionally depressing news from Iraq. After all, if the problem is
manpower, there are tens of thousands of idle Iraqis. If the problem is
money, Iraq will shortly be a very wealthy oil-exporting country. If the
problem is know-how, no one better than the United States understands how to
establish a free market, democratic society.

No, it is more a psychosocial malaise, a crisis of confidence that is
beginning to creep back into the national mood a mere two years after
September 11, fueled by election politics. Too many of us have forgotten
that we are in a global war, and that victory demands tenacity, sacrifice,
and adherence to unpopular beliefs and values.

In a newspaper this week, I scanned news on Iraq and then flipped to a
column written for the American homeowner. It really was a humane and
thoughtful piece about saving toads — and why pool owners must leave
floating objects in their chlorinated water to ensure that any unfortunate
toad that scrambled in for a late-night drink might find a life raft and
thus not drown in such an antiseptic soup. Such concern at a time of war for
garden amphibians perhaps reflects well on our morality, but right now
primordial and vicious al Qaedists, Baathists, and Islamic-fascists are not
worrying about the drowning of toads in their suburban swimming pools

We are fighting with tremendous skill, at a minimum loss of lives — and in
the middle of an economic slump and a raucous campaign. But the paradox
remains that the very rapidity of our victories abroad and the absence of
another 9/11 at home have lulled far too many into thinking that Islamic
fascism and Middle East totalitarianism can be eradicated in a few months,
or that a complex society like postbellum Iraq should resemble a New England
township five months after a war.

Ponder instead that in a summer long ago a similarly beleaguered Abraham
Lincoln did not remove Grant. Nor did he lecture Sherman about the niceties
of taking Atlanta or later veto his bold ideas about cutting loose through
Georgia. He did not broker a deal with Mr. Frémont on his right nor did he
listen to gabby George McClellan — or consider the Copperheads anything
other than defeatists whose enticing policy of appeasement would only
postpone but not end the killing. And he most certainly did not ask Canada
or England to broker an honest peace, or to send peacekeepers along the
Mason-Dixon line.

Instead, with a treasury that was almost broke, and an electorate that was
exhausted, he pushed on through the gloom of summer and found his reward in

So will we — if we do the same and push our rock over the top.
Sort of by definition, all times are historic.

While Lincoln and the folks of the Civil War may have had it bad with conflict, that does nothing to comfort those losing loved ones today, in Iraq or elsewhere.

It is rather ominous of comparing the current situation with that of Lincoln, and that we are at a pivotal time and that now, as then, there are those who would work to discredit the President. Remember, the did actually assassinate Lincoln.

The comparison with Sisyphus is equally bleak. Sisyphus was doomed to continually try to roll the boulder up the hill and over, but never make it, doomed by supernatural forces (the gods) which he could never actually fight or overcome.

Something tells me Hanson is sorely lacking in his understanding of analogy and success.
DN Spy...

Maybe so (or not) the Lincoln and Sisyphus call, but it seems to me that the meat of the matter is to "endeavor to endeavor" - to push on in the face of what we know is political hackery foreign and domestic - and complete the task undertaken.

I agree with the author as such. And I sincerely hope it will be done without major effect to our economy; I shudder to think of a Democratic Party win since I see no real FDR/HST type in the current (and soon to be more, I suspect) contenders.

May we agree to disagree?

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