This could be tomorrow

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Min, there are some flaws in your scenario ... common flaws that are made because most people believe the lies told about the American people by the left. :rolleyes:

What you describe is pretty much what happened on 9/11 and America didn't go to hell in a hand basket ... Americans did NOT start attacking Muslim/Arab Americans. Even though the mainstream/leftist media tried desperately to make it look like white Americans where putting together lynch mobs, there where only a handful of anti Muslim/arab hate crimes because of 9/11 ... if anything the American people (especially whites) have become too PC about arabs to the point of endangering us even more.

I figure the American people will show their true colors if another large terrorist attack happens. They will show that they are honorable, decent, compassionate and united people ... despite what the leftists who control the media, the governments of our so-called allies in Europe and the Democrat party think of us.
Is the motivation to destroy Americans on American soil in the most destructive way possible there? YEP.

Is the manpower to carry out this type of destruction available? YEP.

Is the means - both financial and logistical - there? YEP.

Have something of this destructive scale occurred in the past? YEP.

1. Some whackos have that motivation, but so what?

2. Disagree with the manpower being available.

3. Disagree on the means.

4. Disagree on the historical precedent. The 3k at the WTC on 9/11 amount to 0.00107% of the Americans on American soil. Every year, 15 times that many die in car crashes. At the time, nobody was paying much attention, either.
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What Zundfolge said.

I'm not saying that one shouldn't be prepared for a bad situation, but to sit around and dream up such a specific scenario really doesn't offer any insight into getting through a difficult situation. Such a convoluted scenario would have way too many variables to even consider, let alone plan for.

Dreaming up such things might be amusing for those bound by the drab, soft-walled reality of cubicleland, but is really nothing more than just a step or two below a role-playing game.

Once you get beyond the basics, you've gone from being prepared for an emergency to engaging in a mental jerk-fest.
To my way of thinking, you'd be much better off planning for more mundane things: being housebound due to heavy snow/bad weather, first aid training in the event emergency services are temporarily unavailable (what do I do in the event of a deep laceration or broken bone?) and basic security. (In other words, while it may be cool to have that web gear, the likelyhood that you'll ever use it in a for-real situation is bound to be slim to none.) While I like (love) guns, and think it's a good idea to have a bunch of ammo on hand, I doubt I'll ever be in a situation where I'll have to be loaded out like a one-man ninja army.

Sorry, but all of this fantasizing about the collapse of human civilization is nothing more than backwoods beer-belly-Bob BS*.

*No offense meant if you happen to live in a rural area, drink beer, have a belly, are named Robert, Robin, Rob, or any other name that can be easily transformed into 'Bob.'

What was that quote by a great leader? " All we have to fear is fear itself" While that may not be 100% true,the main thing is to be ready,keep extra food,water,batterys, know the drill...
But for the love of God, don't go off the deep end..keep your eyes and ears open, your firearms ready, and go to work, and leave the rest to God and the government. The terrorist want us to live in fear, and if we do live in fear they have won at least 1/2 of the war. So to each his own,as for me and my family we are reasonably prepared but will not let the maniac terrorist cause us to tremble and hide..just my 2 cents worth...
Who said anything about fear? You all are obsviously misinterpreting my idea of "preparedness" - see, I am born again, and when one of these terrorist acts take me out I shall be going to heaven! Amen. :D

Until then, I am equipping my new sports car with a survivalist package - MSR Whisperlite stove, dried food, a Glock 19, knives, fire-starting implements, a Cavalry Arms AR15, flashlights, a portable radio, etc. etc.
"Sounds like a slow weekday in downtown Seattle. "

Yeah I can just see if there is really bad terrorist attack in the Puget sound metro area. The Seattle liberal socialist nut cases will be doing something bad.

Anything to get the riot on with those people.

I can just see them leaving the metro area in hordes and then breaking up and scattering through the outer areas in groups

Not fun and it seriously could happen.
9/11 showed us that most any scenario is possible. It sorta split us into two main mindsets: One, to get even and try to make sure those who would do that sort of thing won't be around for a repeat. The other, "If we'd be nicer, they'd leave us alone."

If there is a repeat of a 9/11 style of event, this latter group will go berzerkoid. The Mediahcrities will go bat-guano, hyping the event in order to sell advertising and create excitement. The probable reality is that outside of that immediate area, nothing's gonna happen.

It seems to me that the better part of wisdom for those not living near the epi-center of the mess would be to continue with daily life. My caveat would be that one not lollygag around in Condition White...

:), Art
You might want to remember what some unknown person did in the riots of the 1960's near the U fo Dub.
As the rioters were doing their thing, a small pickup truck with a single occupant drove up to the middle of the crowd and dumped out a hive of suddenly angry bees. The comrades hated that more than the tear gas. The beekeper didn't like it too much, though.
If this happened today, you'd be able to laugh yourself to sleep after watching the 11 o'clock news on channel 7.
How can a scenario like this happen when we have so many "enlightened" human shields here? :)

Seriously, though, if something like you described were to happen, I would think that any real civil unrest would be localized. Outside of the major cities I think the rest of America would try and wait it out with what they have.

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