This is what we're up against

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What many of these people just don't comprehend is: Their fear does not justify me being disarmed and my being armed does not justify their fear. They believe without firearms the World will be safer without understanding that before firearms existed the World was far more dangerous.

What many of these people just don't comprehend is: That a few of their wealthier allies do not really care if without guns the many will be less safe because they really only care about the safety they can provide themselves with their wealth.

What many of these people just don't comprehend is: Creating an easy, simplistic, feel-good delusion that you are a good person acting for the betterment of all is, however self-gratifying, not the same as taking responsibility for making the hard decisions and choices reality demands for the betterment of all.
This is what we are REALLY up against:

We need to demand action too!

I love this comment:

Drucilla Marie Gallego If you insist in buying guns without background check then you take the responsibility of keeping your kids safe and not entice a child by leaving a loaded gun within reach . Curiosity killed the cat, don't let curiosity kill your child or a peer. The law should enforce harsh penalty to the parent responsible of child endangerment for access to a weapon.

"If you insist in buying guns without background check then you take the responsibility of keeping your kids safe".... ummm, well, yeah. That's exactly what PARENTS are supposed to do. Too many parents are relying upon the government to keep their kids safe.
I LOL'ed at the gyrojet comment. Sigh. See, this is exactly why people without experience should not be taken seriously when it comes to policy.
put every teaparty poster beside it
and behold the similarity.

Here it`s Antigunners blabla-ing vs guns.
There it`s the less educated blabla-ing about
global economic stuff they simplify to a point
they call it some kind of -ism.

It boils down to: Most people who put up signs
in anger are often unlucky when it comes to thinking.

Yeah, those ignorant conservative/libertarian groups are terrible. If the Ron Paul types would just explain the positives of government regulation, they could prove that they're educated. :rolleyes:
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He is saying their goal is playing on emotions, not accuracy with facts or logic.

Well that makes sense. Why not play your hand to people's fears instead of making an educated, well conceived argument. It's certainly less time consuming to BS everything instead of having to do research.
"It's certainly less time consuming to BS everything instead of having to do research."

Obviously. That's why I think the vast majority of the anti-gun movement is fueled by intellectual laziness. The same laziness that wastes resources, the same laziness that rejects rights and responsibility, the same laziness that puts Strong Men and totalitarian governments in power. If you can even make a horse drink water when led to it, how can you possibly get people to stop thinking lazy? On some level, we are resisting entropy in our society, ever tending towards tyranny unless we do our part.

Obviously. That's why I think the vast majority of the anti-gun movement is fueled by intellectual laziness. The same laziness that wastes resources, the same laziness that rejects rights and responsibility, the same laziness that puts Strong Men and totalitarian governments in power.

Well...don't you think that a Totalitarian Government can also have an armed populace?
It even looks like whoever drew up this poster decided to illustrate the nice rifling marks on the side of the casing to. I'm guessing that's what the black streak is down the middle.
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