This used to be easier to do

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Feb 14, 2007
NM- far south of I-40
I made a holster for the new Wrangler. 8-9 ounce Herman's Oak, holster pattern by me, tooling patter by Al Stholman with some little additions by me to fill in open space. I debated between an antique finish and leaving it natural and decided on natural as it will darken some with age. This is the second tooled holster recently after something like 20 years not doing any leatherwork. What was easy back then isn't so easy now.

That is one fine piece of work there! I also have a Wrangler that I picked up in 2019 and love it. And please don't take this the wrong way, but isn't that slightly like putting lipstick on a pig;)? Anyways, that is some sweet tooling
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That is one fine piece of work there! I also have a Wrangler that I picked up in 2019 and love it. And please don't take this the wrong way, but isn't that slightly like putting lipstick on a pig;)? Anyways, that is some sweet tooling
No ! It ain't nothing like putting lipstick on a pig ! No way shape or form .

doublh ,
I would be proud to have a holster like that on my Wrangler !
Excellent Work ... you may be getting older but you still have the touch .
Keep On Keeping On Brother !
Hey, it's my pig and I'll smear what ever I want on it. :D :D To be honest I had the same thought at first but decided if I'm going to do the work to make a holster I am going to try to make it pretty.

Yes, it is lined with some horse hide that I had and hand stitched as you can probably tell.

Thanks for the attaboys. After two belts for my two oldest great grand daughters and one for myself it has become easier but still takes me a lot longer than in the past. Oh well, it's that way with everything I do. My wife, the quilter extraordinaire, is suffering the same problems so we can keep each other company grousing about our diminished skills.
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As a matter of interest, maybe, I order my hlsters unfinished then finish them with Johnson's paste wax. Apply a couple of coats, drying and buffing between coats.


This from Doc Barranti.

Bob Wright
Johnson's has discontinued producing their paste wax. I have most of two cans so I should make it until I have no more need for it. More than one coat will work on porous materials but not on hard surfaces. According to people that know about these things you can't build up a wax finish. The additional coats just wipe off. I use Johnson's to keep my old Sperry Topsider shoes in good shape. It must work as I have been wearing them for around 20 years. Not constantly but frequently in the warm months.
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