Time to get organized and put some boots on the ground!

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Apr 3, 2006
Maryland, the 'Kwa
So the Dems took the House and Senate. Potentially bad news for gun owners. The buzz on the internets is that we can expect AWB II, registration, one gun a month, no more on-line ammunition sales, etc. I've definitely been part of the discussions.

But talking isn't enough. We need to start getting ready to fight whatever gun control measures come down the pike after 1/20/07. Thus far people have suggested sending more money to the NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc. That's all well and good, but I have another idea.

Let's us--the people of THR--organize action teams/units/affinity groups in our areas and start distributing some literature. The NRA and GOA do a good job lobbying Congress, but their outreach leaves something to be desired. People only read the websites they direct themselves to and the NRA's idea of breaking the anti-gun media stranglehold is sending a magazine to people who already agree with them. We need to get information out to individuals who aren't already involved.

My suggestion is that we put our collective research/writing/design resources together and start making up non-partisan, fact-based leaflets about the various anti-gun measures that we expect to see. As soon as something hits Congress we should have literature ready to be finalized, printed, and delivered. I can help with this, but I can't do it alone. THR has some excellent researchers, great writers, and talented designers. Let's tap that potential.

Distribution is easy. It only takes some time, some gas money, and some people. All a unit has to do is get together, roll each leaflet into a tube shape, and put each one into an individual plastic bag with a small rock. Once you have boxes of these throwable weatherproof messages packed-up and ready to go, pick a time to start getting them out there. Divide up into pairs (a driver and a thrower) and drive around neighborhoods throwing the leaflets on to people's driveways. People will pick these up, they will read them, and (if properly wirtten) they will like them.

If our leafleting campaigns go well we can potentially start going door to door getting people to sign pre-written letters to their congresscritters, but that will take more resources than we're likely to start out with. Hopefully we can drum up enough support with our literature drops to get the second phase going.

The NRA, GOA, et al do what they do very well. But we can't rely on them to save us. We need to win more hearts and minds with a grassroots effort if we're going to keep our Constitutional rights over the course of the coming years. We all have something to offer.

Let's make this happen.
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