Today is the 18th anniversary of my arrival to the United States.

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
Upon arrivals, I could not have imagined even a fraction of the events that have since transpired. I certainly did not expect to have a home full of friends, a safe full of guns and a mind full of plans.
I feel that I speak for a lot of people when I say that I'm glad you are here! I certainly hope that your next 18 years and the 18 following are as fruitful as the previous 18.

The things you list are the things that I use to define SUCCESS.
Congratulations Oleg and happy anniversary. I have been aware of your work for several years now and I know that your keen mind, sharp wit and iron-hard principles will be a significant weapon in the arsenal of freedom over the next 18, and hopefully many more. Molon labe and keep shooting!

Any friendship shown to you in this country has been well earned. You are one of the finest examples I know of Americans. Thank you for your work which is essential to our rights and way of life.

I salute you and welcome you.
Not born here, but got here as fast as he could.

Happy anniversary.

That would have been (counts on fingers, but in binary) 1989, at our around the time communism finally started to come apart at the seams. East Germany first, IIRC, then everything happened like lightning. By Christmas, Cauchescu faced a firing squad.

Interesting times.
Proud to call him Friend

I've never met Oleg; I know him only by his work.

And by their works shall ye know them.

Oleg is a man who has earned what many born here have forgotten or taken for granted.

I'd be happy to stand by his side in adversity.

I'm proud to call him friend.
Congrats Oleg, if anyone appreciates America it's you. I always tell people about your "American by Choice".

I look up to you a lot.

Keep up the good work.

You are one of the finest examples I know of Americans.

By coincidence, I found out today that a hacker whose online journal I read (he contributes to Ubuntu Linux, my usual operating system of late) received his U.S. citizenship.

Many happy returns, Oleg! (And you picked a nicely American state to live in, too ;) Not enough coastline, but it's got mountains, 4 real seasons, a couple of time zones, Graceland, Knoxville, the Smokies, and decent fireworks and firearms laws.)

When I got home from work, I found a parcel with my copy of "Living Democracy" in which one of my posters appears. Quite appropriate for the occasion.


The credit, by the way, belongs mainly to my parents. They took a risk and plunged into the unknown to give me a better, safer and freer life.
Congrats! I'd have to say the best thing you've done since arriving on these shores is to create THR. Good job!
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