Today, three historic votes in Arizona legislature.

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They claim that the the original argument behind concealed carry is that because the permit holders were trained, they were safe. Now with the new pending law, we are erasing this argument. They also argue that people without permits will not know the proper rules and consequences of using a gun.

The last argument is that the new law includes the rule that the weapon must be disclosed to a police officer when near them...

Both hosts appear to be dead set against the law.
Not "when near them", only during the course of a defined police contact, investigation, detention, traffic stop.
Thier argument holds no water - we have allowed open carry since 1912, with training being something you got from your parents, mentors or the NRA.
It is not on the agenda and no one knows when it will be brought up again. My contact at Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce's office doesn't know when it will come up again either, just that it will, "probably in the next day or week".
The last argument is that the new law includes the rule that the weapon must be disclosed to a police officer when near them...

I don't live in AZ but like i would ever want to walk up to a cop drinking his coffee and say "excuse me officer, I have a gun, just FYI" :scrutiny:
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hey armored man, where is this held up?

Just wondering who to contact, my own reps seem rather anti but I've never really dealt in state politics at least not yet

As An open carrier living in the boonies, it's not a personal issue but this would make winter jackets a whole lot easier.

Not to mention that our constitution also includes the right to bear not just keep. Open carry works but there are times concealed would be nice without having to ask permission to exercise my right.......
House. They already passed an identical bill out of Committee of the Whole, the last thing before the Third Read final vote, so we expect they will simply subsitute the Senate Bill for that one, and send it up to the Gov. She asked for some minor changes in it to ensure she would sign it, so I don't think that will be an issue, either. It's just waiting for that final action that is annoying...I'd hate to see it die in waiting now...
AZ Constitution also says the right to bear arms in defense of self and state shall not be impaired. I like that one.
yup, that was the Constitution I was referring

to. Ours goes further and without the confusing to some prefatory clause.

I'll start calling Monday morn, thanks for the info.
Good luck on your bills. Here in VA. We had a bunch of pro gun bills that the Governor supported including a fire arms freedom bill that was held up by two jerks in the Senate. They had to break just about every rule of the Senate to do so, but it looks like they get away with it. I wonder what respect they think they will be afforded by the people when they will not even follow their own rules.
You mean like the US Congress? :) Yep, and people who don't care what gets done or how keep voting them back into office.
No floor calenders posted for Monday yet...I'll keep checking.
sorry for the naivete here:

I want to call my reps tomorrow to voice my support for this bill and for action to be taken ASAP

I am not sure what stage the bill is in, or what to ask though ? Can someone with knowledge on this let me know how to speak intelligently to my rep (secretary) about the bill # and what stage it's in and the gist of what to say ?

I'm embarassed to be this naive but if I don't ask I'll never learn.

Yes, that's the pre-emption bill; that and the AZ made firearms bills are both on Governor Brewers' desk. It's the Constitutional Carry bill that stalled in the House, and needs to be brought to a Third Read final vote, and substituted for the House bill that made it to the same point. This is what we are waiting for, hopefully in the next few days.
do you happen to know the HB # for the bill that is waiting for the third vote ? These bills are a bit hard to navigate...
I had my concerns about Brewer when she initially took office. I actually liked Napy for the most part and was a little concerned over her leaving for a federal posistion but Brewer has really made herself out to be quite the constructionist. I agree whole-heartedly about the passing of the bill since I think that we need as few rules as possible if we're ever going to be free. Each time we allow the government to make rules they suppose will protect people, we give up a little more freedom. I'm a law abiding citizen and have made ftf firearms sales in front of police officers in Circle K parking lots. They have no reason to fear me and I have no reason to fear them. This law supports that ideology - as long as you're not doing anything wrong, you shall have no need to fear the long arm of the law. And the constitution supports that as long as we're not doing anything wrong the government has no need to make rules abridging our freedoms. It's like that quote that you see on a couple signatures that says something about how if you are willing to trade liberty and freedom for safety, then you deserve neither.
According to the Arizona Republic [Phoenix paper] "Senate Bill 1108 and House Bill 2347 so they consist of identical language that would, among other things, eliminate the requirement for concealed-carry weapon permits for U.S. citizens 21 and older."
someone help find me a job out there and put me up for a few days and im on my way

i wish Delaware could even come close to the 2A support of Arizona
Buck Snort said:
If this program becomes law I've GOT to ask myself why in hell would I want to stay in the PRC.

And you are basing that on if the AZ law passes or not? You seriously need to get out of the PRC more often. Who cares if the AZ law passes, in this regard, get out NOW before the PRC closes it's borders! :neener:

azyogi said:
According to the Arizona Republic [Phoenix paper] "Senate Bill 1108 and House Bill 2347 so they consist of identical language that would, among other things, eliminate the requirement for concealed-carry weapon permits for U.S. citizens 21 and older."

So, according to the new bill, would you still have to be 21 years or older to conceal carry, considering that the open carry age is 18?
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