Too Hot

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It's not about being uncomfortable. It's about actually getting sick or dying from the heat.

A police officer and sanitation worker have both died here this week from the heat.

It is called hydration. I will admit that I have spent 38 months in the sandbox, so I know a little about surviving the heat. Hydrate or die, or as we used to always say. "DRINK WATER!".
I will admit that I have spent 38 months in the sandbox, so I know a little about surviving the heat.

I spend 6m a year in a sand box (middle east) and its hotter in TX right now then over there.. Just as dead too.

To the OP yes its too hot to do a damn thing outside. Im bored out of my mind having to stay indoors
When it's hot like this I do the same thing I'd do in a snow storm...head for the basement and start reloading. (Hate to be stuck in the house, though.)
Only 108F today, so my eldest son and I put away a case of clays and 400rds of handgun ammo at the local outdoor range. I made sure that each of us drank at least a pint of water per hour, and we shot the clays first to get it done during the coolest part of the day.

Let's remember, folk, that talking about the weather is not on-topic for THR but talking about shooting (and adapting our shooting to compensate for the weather) is very much on-topic.
I installed a new heat pump air conditioning system in my house this spring. It reduced my electric bill almost in half. It may be 110 out but the house is a nice cool 72. My electric bill for July was 134 bucks. I have to add that when I bought this house I insulated it like it was in the UP of MI. People thought I was nuts. They all said "it doesn't get that cold here". Duh.......I have not been shooting because it just is not fun when it is that hot out....chris3
I had some friends visiting from England yesterday, so my son and I took them up to the farm to shoot yesterday. We left Plano just before 10:00 AM, arrived at the farm by 11AM and it was already over 100. It was 110 by the time we left around 2 PM.

I hate the heat. But after watching my friends run through several hundred rounds of 9mm, .38 Super, .40 S& W, 10mm, and 45 ACP, it was almost worth it.

Throw in them shooting the Bushmaster and some exploding targets and it was almost fun. Almost.

It's too bad the only local indoor range I know of pumps in air from OUTSIDE. dumb.

I cant be in there for more than an hour.

I'm a New Yorker and cant survive in 100+ for very long, we melt. Give me -40* winters instead :)

I need a jacket filled with icepacks I can keep in the freezer to wear to the range.
The heat is certainly why I haven't been at the range as much as I'd like lately. Of course I've had some trouble with my ankle also, but I could work with that if I could stand the heat.
Got into my pickup about an hour ago (9:30 pm local time) and the temperature read 115! :eek: Have to requalify Monday on an outdoor range near Denton, TX. Thankfully, will do it at 7:00 am. ;)
When I go to the range I put two hand towels in my cooler with plenty of water and when it gets to hot I sit down and pull one of of the towels out and get a quick wipe down face and neck it helps. I also try to avoid the air conditioning it seems harder to transition from 72 to 100+ it also seems to make the heat even worse.Drink plenty of water and it helps to have some gaterade and some snacks to keep your strength up. remember that you don't have to do stress drills every time you go to the range.Just go out shoot and have fun take your buddies out with you if your having fun you don't even seem to notice the heat.
I second the hand towel thing, but I soak it with water, ring it out and keep it around my neck. It really helps when you have to be out in the heat.

Exploding targets were just some off-brand of tannerite I picked up at a gun show during the winter. I'd prefer to make my own but it's getting nearly impossible to find straight AN fertilizer.

Try s/e utah temp over 3 didigits humidity 30 % TOO hot ,. Go to the mts.,8,'000 ft.(30 min. away). Cool 75 deg.Gnats & mosquitos drive you out. Go home,turn up a/c,Open cold beer,tilt back in chair ,raise feet,drink beer,close eyes.Thats all.
It's been unusually cool around here at the range I go to, just outside of the small town of Paradise, northern California. A cool 85-90* is very bearable compared to years before.
We have a nice shade covered rifle and pistol range. Feel bad for all the other states that are supposed to be a lot cooler than California, at least we don't have to deal with the humidity here.
I ditched a match this weekend. Too hot for me. I take a six pack of large bottles of ion enchanced water and a few sports drink in a cooler.

I've also taken a Magnesium and Potassium pill before a match and then during it. Doc said so. I was getting pretty horrific hand and forearm cramps if I didn't.

Once on the way back from the range, I had to pull over when my hands cramped!
My son and I went shooting yeasterday. 105 in the shade according to the range thermometer. The metal roofing didin't help matter.

We got a knock at the door today. It was an alligator wanting to borrow my water hose. It's that dang hot.
The range I use is outdoors. The rifle range is under a shade but the pistol range is wide open. I soak a bandana in cool water and use it as a wrap under a broad-brimmed hat. Repeat soaking as needed. The cooler is very handy as the ice melts. Then lots of water to drink. Gatorade and similar drinks can be good, but I have to watch my salt intake. I do use shooting gloves because they help my sweaty hands keep a better grip.

And I try to shoot in the mornings. When the sun is at full strength in the afternoon, the humidity makes it like trying to breathe hot soup.
It's been well over a hundred here for the last couple weeks, and I've been having a great time at the range. It's usually packed on the weekends, but today I was one of only three people shooting. No waiting, only serious safe shooters. I just make sure I drink plenty of fluids and the heat doesn't really bother me. Of course I worked in restaurants over ~400 degree grills on my feet for 10 hours at a time when I was younger so I guess I got used to it.
Been relatively cool here in Ohio except for a few days of over the top humidity I am lovin it! Bring it on! Hot.... this isnt hot! C'mon show me the real deal. I am from Kansas so I have yet to turn on the A.C. lol!
It's been hitting three digits around here too. However, that didn't seem to keep people away from the outdoor range I sometimes go to today, including my brother and I. It was as crowded as I've ever seen it at the pistol range. The last time we were going to go to said range, though, we decided to push it off a day to go to the indoor one we also like. I guess for me it just depends on how I feel that day, and it's nice to have more than one range option.
Being from the south I like hot weather; really anything less than 75 is not as warm as I like it. :)

That said it does get uncomfortable around here once we hit mid 90's or greater and high humidity which we do in the summer. We don't cancel our pistol matches for the heat. Yesterday I went out specifically during the hottest part of the day (about 2:30 to 5:30) to practice and see what I could do to optimize for the hottest matches we are likely to have. It was upper 90's, high humidity. When I was done, I could literally wring out my t-shirt, and my vest was pretty much soaked through all the way around, so even if it gets a little hotter I don't think it will ever be worse from a sweating perspective.

Besides the obvious, drink water, find shade for a few if you can, etc, the big thing for me is to keep my hands dry. My grip doesn't work if my hands are wet.

Baby powder is the best thing I've found so far. In very hot conditions, my new procedure is going to be to towel off my forearms, and then clap with some baby powder while I'm on deck. I upped the frequency of this considerably yesterday, and found my grip was staying put.
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