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too many guns?

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I think you hit the nail on the head TIMC. And thats the answer to my question I think right there.

You old timers have the guns AND the ammo. And the training / experiance.

You are very correct with that statement. As one of the old timers I can say I believe we were raised different in our thoughts about gun ownership and colecting. My lessons learned over the years were; Collect what you want but finish each one before moving on to the next. than means buy the gun, do what ever modifications you want and stock an ample supply of ammo.

As an example; the K-98 I bought with the intention of just keeping it as a collectable has close to 1000 rounds of ammo I bought for it. I never bought it to be a shooter but I have put a few rounds through it and will always be able to shoot it if I want. Without ammo I might as well just bought a picture of a K-98.
I'm young so I don't have many guns yet (<10), but I look forward to collecting more over the years. And yes, I "stock up" on ammo when I'm able to. I'm just a poor student right now, so I can't afford much, but I get what I can. Oh I get training too.
I made a pact with myself to never smoke and I spent the cigarette money on guns, as well as a die set for each caliber. Most of the guns I acquired, as probably with the older gents here were a far more cheaper item than now.
...someone sounds a little jealous....

I've picked up my guns over the last 2-1/2 decades and have bought & traded off many as well. I have spent time training & learning to use the guns I have -- and can throw rounds down range w/ any of my guns at a moment's notice.
Well, I was gonna smack you too, but everyone else has taken care of that for me...Thanks, Everyone!

some points --
"I guess I am coming from a more from a practical "guns as tools" point of view."

and we're not, thanks...

" I guess I just feel "the good old days" of shooting for fun are coming to an end. "

and we don't, thanks...

"And are now stuck with a large pile of useless metal."

useless, in your opinion. Art can still be art, mementos can still be mementos...

"And I wonder if that isnt just how the Democrats and antis want it."

no, they want us to have nothing of any sort of weapon at all...

"As for me, I am going to limit my collection and maximize the amount of ammo for that collection, with a heavy emphasis on 22 kits for training. "

ok, and that's good for you...

personally, I think you may be overemphasizing training. Single commando resistance to whatever you think may happen, is rarely effective.

We (my family) feel that becoming familiar with one gun is as good as the other, as long as you're familiar with both (DA .45's are pretty much all the same - what counts is hitting the target) and we don't believe training with .22 LR does anything except teach you to shoot .22's. We use real ammo...:)
I'm shooter... and a collector of things that shoot.

I only have 23 guns.

Of those 23, 7 are used once per year on my annual prairie dog excursion. Yup - 7 guns that only get used 5 days/year. And I take a minimum of 250 rounds per rifle. Some much, much more.

2 only get used during deer season. I deer hunt 10 days/year, with 50 rounds/gun.

1 revolver only gets used when I get lucky enough to get drawn for my bear tag.

My ARs (10 and a few 15s) get used varminting, and I'll occasionally take the AR10 deer hunting if I know I'm going to be pushing/walking alot.

My CCW handguns get rotated, depending on covering clothing, temperature, social setting, etc.

Some are plinking/fun guns. My Mosins are a blast to shoot, and cheap.

As for ammo, I have more than enough to get me through the lean times, and am an obsessive reloader. If I shoot it, I reload it (apart from rimfires) and believe in keeping components on hand for several hundred rounds.

Wow - I never realized how many guns I was short. Time to go shopping again! :neener:
I have heard firearms are an extension of a man's penis and the more I obtain then the bigger my penis...thats always a good thing. :)

Seriously...I have coveted fine firearms since I was a child and now that I can afford them I buy them. They have turned out to be rather good investments. Some women collect shoes/wardrobe...who am I to tell them no? We all have hobbies...this is one of mine.

In the last (5) years I have spent approximately $35,000.00 dollars on firearms and wish I could have spent 10 times that.

The way I see it, if a gun owner has more than the 1 pistol, rifle, shotgun; they may as well be a collector. Or an investor.

I have a few that family members have left to me. I have rainy day duck, goose, and deer shotguns. Bluebird day dove shotguns. As well as rainy day rifles and sunny day rifles. Pistols for plinking and defense. Certain calibers of all for certain situations or distances.

I have a couple unfired ones I've never shot. Even a couple that have been shot, but not by me. I'd like to, but as I watch the market value continue to climb, I don't.

I don't smoke, so that's something like $1500.00 I'm ahead compared to those that do. I seldom drink, so that's maybe another $1500.00 ahead.
And, that's probably close to what I spend on guns, ammo, and shooting through the year.

I've thought about the 1 pistol, rifle, shotgun scenario through the years. Even when money was tight, I seemed to have more than one of something.
I figure to each his own.
"How about you old timer guys who have been shooting your whole lives, do you find yourself picking up the "old favorites" and not having the desire or need for the "next new thing"?"

I surprise myself from time to time. I like my old favorites; I still have a Ruger Single-Six I bought in 1972. I like 1911s, along with lots of other traditional handguns like the BHP and CZ-75B. For some reason, I took a liking to the FNP-45, bought one and finally picked it up yesterday.

PUNCH LINE: I picked it up on the way to take my 87-year-old father to lunch. I didn't know what he'd think, being that it's a polymer .45 with a rail and 15-round mags, etc. and he'd rather shoot a Python.

He looked it over and said, "I wish I'd had one of these in WWII instead that old Colt they gave me." :what:
I consider it my duty to buy as many guns as I can. They all need LOVE - even the "not so pretty" ones.

Seriously, I don't have nearly as many as I want and doubt I EVER will.

Besides, WHOSE business is it whether I own 1 or 10,000? Not yours, not my neighbors, not the police, not the state or federal government, NOBODY!!!!

I doubt any one would question why someone would have many books, or why a coin collector would own more than one coin. I don't think you would take your car in to a mechanic that had one wrench. I love guns. I love how all there parts work together, how the wood and metal come together to make such a beautiful machine. I like to work on them, fire them, clean them, think about there history, and family members who have trusted them to my care. Bringing back a milsurp, that served a veteran well, to good condition, is a way to keep there memories alive. When they are passed along to my kids, I hope they will always appreciate them as much.
Dont you feel a little silly that you didnt pick one handgun, shotgun and rifle that you really liked and spent the money on ammo?
How about you old timer guys who have been shooting your whole lives, do you find yourself picking up the "old favorites" and not having the desire or need for the "next new thing"?

It sounds like you need more guns so you can be "silly" and have some "old favorites" too. I guess you have start somewhere. Looks like you started with 22's and I think you're pointed in the right direction.

You need a large gun safe so you can look at all that empty space and tell yourself "why do I need such a silly gun safe", if I can't fill it up with "silly guns"?

You'll learn. You sound like me when I was 16, so you have a lot of time left to enjoy your hobby. Don't waste the opportunity. Enjoy. You really only have one chance.
20 firearms now.....reload all but the shotgun(thats next)...when at the range, constantly doing drills with the P30 and others...enjoy it all!!
I don’t drink. I don’t smoke, I buy guns, ammo and Mags we all have addictions of some kind!!!

I am in the 30 plus category that includes duplicate of most including 5 Glock 19s and well over 50 mags. I believe in having a minimum of 10 mags each. Two of the Glock I use for matches and the rest are incase of an emergency brake glass guns. I got them well before the big panic when they where still cheap.

But I also have 2 cars, 4 TVs 3 stereo receivers and 3 video game systems. I just like toys.
One point of correction...

Those of you who have 30+ guns in a huge safe and 100 magazines and basically are sitting on a giant arsenal...

I would suggest that 30 guns isn't a "giant" armory - 30 beltfeds is a giant armory. Thirty guns is simply a nice collection.

But aside from that, I think I agree with the OP, though maybe he could have phrased it better. It's not that having a lot of guns is silly, but that having your stated objectives and your actions not match is silly. Having 100 rifles and basically no ammo is just peachy if you have a nice milsurp collection because you like old military rifles. It's downright stupid if you want protection from burglars.

I know people who compulsively buy guns while claiming (and I think believing) that they're for self defense. Once you've got a dozen ARs and a dozen AKs, you've met that goal, and it's time to reevaluate what you need and why. Stop buying guns, and go take some good training classes. OTOH, if you've got a dozen AKs, you're just scratching the surface of a comprehensive AK collection.
Dont you feel a little silly that you didnt pick one handgun, shotgun and rifle that you really liked and spent the money on ammo?

Cite an example of,

One handgun:

Which can be used for deep concealed carry.
Which has a long site radius (range use and competition).

Which utilizes a large capacity magazine.

Which can fire all of the following,


Then I will sell all of my handguns and purchase that one unique firearm.
for me it is just to see what they can do and to perfect my knowledge and experience with each one. I love it. But I will admit that sometimes I wonder when I am going to go and shoot that one thats been in the safe for a year or two.
I'm not old yet, but I've been shooting for about 45 years and still like new things. I have 70+ guns, about 8,000 rounds of ammo total, shoot IDPA, sporting clays, a little three gun, so just because you have a lot of guns that doesn't preclude having fun with them.
That is quite an assumption.

Who says that I don't have ammo for all my guns too?
You know I don't believe in having too many guns. I'm just a young kid compared to most of you guys, I'm only 22 but I have been able to pull off buying at least one gun a year since I was 16. I shoot every one of the 2 shotguns, 2 hunting rifles, 2 22's, 1 pistol and even my .17 pellet gun. Sometimes I'm a liitle short on money to buy all the ammo I ever wanted, but hey I buy it when I can and shoot 'em all. I only hope that some day I can say that I've got
100+ guns or some crazy number like that.
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