UN Ban on guns...

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I recently re-watched--

The Great Great UN Gun Debate
from the Library of King's College, London, 2004
Rebecca Peters, International Action Network on Small Arms,
Wayne LaPierre, National Rifle Assocoation of America,
debate the motion:
"Should the United States Senate support the proposed
United Nations treaty that bans private ownership of guns?"

Peters relied on numbers quite a bit, especially crime
statistics, to support her position. She also claimed
that there were 640,000,000 guns in the world, one for
every ten people. That contradicts Yuri Jerkoff in Lord
of War who claimed there were guns for one of every twelve.
Also, a recent press release about Kalashnikov claims
there are a billion AK rifles in the world, which, if
Peters is correct, would leave -350,000,000 guns in all
other makes and models. I must say, this makes statistics
look rather irrelevant.

When LaPierre challenged Peters over "should a woman shoot
a rapist?" Peters denounced self-defense for women: women
should rely on courts and police for defense against rape;
when women defend themselves, it only escalates the problem.

In four incidents of armed self defense by women known to
me, the men threatening the women backed off or fled from
the armed female. One of the incidents was a potential
gang rape; the others were home invader, burglar, abusive
boyfriend. That to me is de-escalation of the problem.

Peters also said self defense--particularly gun self-defense--
amounted to returning to the Hobbesian view of man's natural
state as nasty, brutish and short (Joe Pesci? Bobcat
Goldthwait?) and only dependence on established authority
can be acceptable behavior in a civilized world.

Peters apparently would view the UK Crown Prosecution Services
pamphlet on justifiable self defense as a descent on the
slippery slope to "Lord of the Flies" anarchic brutality.
Peters refers to self-defense as taking the law into
one's own hands. To me, the CPS brochure seems to support
the idea that there is substantial UK law on self-defense
that does properly lie in the hands of the defender.

It is hard avoid thinking of Rebecca Peters as a UK advocate--
the accent, the hideous fashion sense, the snarkiness:
She told a former handgun sportsman: "You miss your sport,
That's sad, Take up another sport." Royal attitude toward
a commoner.

She was the engineer of the confiscation of 640,000 registered
guns from lawabiding Australians and is proud of her part in
that; but it was not a ban, you see, it was an adjustment in
regulations. IANSA is not talking about bans, that is an NRA
lie: Rebecca hates the USC 1A for protecting "lies" as
political speech. Then she admits that handguns were basically
prohibited in UK and 640,000 registered firearms were
confiscated and destroyed in Australia, but calling those
"adjustments in regulation" bans is an "NRA lie" allowed by
that pesky US BoR 1A. Her double-speak and double-think would
make 1984 Party Official O'Brien proud; what colour sash is
worn by the Oceania Anti-Gun League?
" Peters denounced self-defense for women: women should rely on courts and police for defense against rape; when women defend themselves, it only escalates the problem."

The stupidity of that coment is so deep, that I can't go into it here:fire: :scrutiny: :eek: :mad: :mad: . It's insane!
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