US district court civil suits...

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Jun 29, 2019
I believe I have a basic understanding of Jurisdiction, however not enough to know the answer to my question. So please feel to correct me if I am wrong.

I know that the Federal Court system is divided up Into 10 circuits. California being in the 9th, Texas being in the 5th, New York in the 2nd, etc...

If I file a federal lawsuit against the state of Texas in Federal court, since I live in the 5th Circuit. And Texas is in the 5th circuit. The lawsuit would be in the 5th circuit. Correct?

So now here is my 2 part question. I live in Texas, in the 5th circuit. If I wanted to file a lawsuit against California, would the suit be required to be filed in the 5th circuit, the 9th circuit or either?

Let’s say I wish to file a Joint lawsuit against both New York, and California both in the Same lawsuit. Would that lawsuit be required to be filed in the 5th, 9th, or 2nd or any of the three?

I do know about standing, cause etc... or at least a basic understanding. Let’s assume there is cause, and standing etc... the question refers to just Jurisdiction if I understand it correctly. However if I am incorrect please let me know.
I believe I have a basic understanding of Jurisdiction, however not enough to know the answer to my question. So please feel to correct me if I am wrong....

You're asking another one of your vague questions, for which there is no simple answer.

Who are you suing? If you're a resident of Texas, and want to sue the actual State of California, the Eleventh Amendment precludes you from bringing suit in federal court.

What is the basis for federal jurisdiction -- federal question or diversity of citizenship? If diversity of citizenship, exactly who are the defendants and where are they located?

If the basis of federal jurisdiction is that the suit concerns an issue of federal law or is based on federal law, exactly what is the lawsuit about? What is the legal foundation of the claim? Where did the acts, transactions, or events giving rise to the claim occur?

These sorts of questions concerning federal jurisdiction and venue can get very complicated. I seem to recall that in law school we spent several weeks, at least, on the basics (I don't recall exactly; that was some 45 years ago).

I think we'll call this one done.
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