Vermont AFL-CIO releases pro-gun rights statement

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Well, except, this is aimed at us. We, conservative gun owners, are the enemy in their eyes.

True but that’s just because of the lies told in the media, I am not their enemy even though I am not part of their group.
having some private funding, shadowy as it may be, is not the same thing as being the official paramilitary arm of a political party and that party running cover for your activities in the highest levels of government. And again, Antifa is not an organized group. They are a collection of groups, organized locally. You might be able to call them a citizens militia if you really wanted to stretch a term.

The Brownshirts were the equivalent of Hezbollah or Hamas. Antifa is nowhere near that.They aren't a caucus in the Democratic party and receive no official funding or state support. The SA did and they were set loose against a great number of people in pre-war Germany, namely Jews and anarchists/communists.

Antifa isn't fascism. It's not even close. You can openly say you don't approve of Antifa, but calling it fascist is nothing but hyperbole.


People could argue that the civil unrest caused by these people helped put Biden in office. And Biden's party is the party who were downplaying all that civil unrest ("riots" deemed "mostly peaceful protests).

Antifa is organized. It's just not organized in a contemporary fashion.
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