Video: LEO takes on 3 during armed robbery.

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Sep 21, 2006
Hill Country, TX

Okay, I did a search and couldn't find this posted anywhere, but the way my search luck has been going someone will let me know it's a "dupe" within the first 5 responses:cuss:!

This guy is unbelievable. His composure and quick thinking throughout the whole ordeal is, to me, just incredible.

Note: they say he was carrying a revolver.



Certainly the right word for a contrivance like that. Funny how there were at least 6 or 7 video camera angles (heckuva budget for a mom & pop stop n rob), one of which was outside the place and across the street in an elevated position (this one had the ability to auto-zoom in on the suspect somehow - smart camera), and another which was way down the street in the other direction, just past where the getaway car was - also a smart camera to know to get into position right past the getaway car. Also, this second camera knew to zoom *out* as the getaway car came toward it.

Good entertainment however.
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I tend to agree with PremiumSauces. I smell a contrived video.

Watch the last 45 seconds of the video closely. When the officer is in the back room, he's clearly wearing an obviously LIGHT colored uniform. After he emerges from the back room, and comes around the corner, he can clearly be seen wearing an obviously DARK uniform.

Along with PremiumSauces' observations, this tells me either the whole video is staged, or parts of it were reenacted.

Also, the narrator is wrong when he states the officer was carrying a revolver. Again, watch the last 45 seconds carefully. After the officer steps out of the back room into the store, he can clearly be seen carrying a semi-automatic handgun.

The video was staged or at least partially reenacted, IMHO.
This is a TruTV "reality" show clip. It is a mix of store video and "reenactment" for the show. The clips with the dark uniform appear to show the actual video and the clips with him in the light uniform appear to be part of the reenactment.
Well, folks, the narrative describes how the PD guy took the job ONLY if the store owner would mount multiple cameras in places he selected.

When editing for TV, it is very common to zoom in on existing footage. Think of all those Civil War documentaries that keep from being static by zooming in and out of, or panning across, still photos or paintings or correspondence.

It would appear that there was also surveillance outside at a neighboring business--unless the store owner was instructed to and was able to get uncommonly thorough exterior coverage...on other people's property??

Only boo-boo I saw was not securing the apparently DRT guy's handgun. I'm also assuming that the editors did not bother showing him reloading outside...I HOPE!.

I, for one, believe in putting two shots in the body metal of any escaping vehicle, to mark it for LEO identification later. Few things more conclusive than MY bullets in THEIR upholstery to show I'm telling the truth.
I, for one, believe in putting two shots in the body metal of any escaping vehicle, to mark it for LEO identification later. Few things more conclusive than MY bullets in THEIR upholstery to show I'm telling the truth.

I don't think this is a good idea... in most states you can only shoot when deadly force is appropriate (duh), and generally neither police nor civilians have a legal right to use force against a fleeing criminal. Also, what if you miss and your bullets hit some innocent bystander across the street?

This happened in Shreveport, Louisiana, where the police department issues Glock 17's. Assuming he had a round in the chamber and a full magazine, he had 18 rounds in the weapon. As quickly as that incident happened, I seriously doubt he needed to reload. Once they heard shots, those thugs were out of that store quick.

As far as not securing the weapon of the thug he shot in the back room, I believe it was a judgement call on his part, and he didn't necessarily make the wrong decision.

As an experienced police officer, he knew that the instant the perps out in the store heard the shots from the back room, they might very well start firing on the unarmed store employees, or attempt to take them hostage.

The extra time it would have taken him to secure the weapon of the downed perp, might very well have cost the employees out in the store their lives, or resulted in a hostage situation.
I am not going to question what he did.

I will say that I would not be shooting at a car driving away at a high rate of speed.

But, being a cop he has a lot less worries about what happens when he starts shooting than Joe Citizen does.
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