Walmart and Guns

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Oct 6, 2005
Upstate SC
New WalMart ID Policy

Just a heads up on another new WalMart policy.

On Friday I was in my local wally world getting a box of .22's and some other stuff. I was informed that it is now WalMart policy that any item that has an age restriction now requires ID to be swiped, no exceptions. This includes alcohol, tobacco, R rated movies, ammo, etc. I finally managed to get through the various phone calls confirming this is indeed corporate policy.

Sucks, around here walmart is the only place with decent practice ammo at anywhere near a decent price. 12 dollars vs 20 for a bulk pack of .22 remington for example.

Just figured I'd share so no one else is surprised.
They've been carding me for ammunition for several months now when I buy ammo there. Luckily, Bass Pro Shop is closer and almost as cheap!
Carding isn't a problem, I'm used to that.

Its the swiping my drivers license through the reader on the register.

Do KY drivers licenses have the little reader strip on the back? If so I wonder if they just lied to me.
i agree. carding is a non-issue. swiping my id for a legal purchase is a little orwellian for my taste. thank god for cheaper than dirt.
I believe that carding on ammo sales has always been required by WM. But it's universally ignored by everyone who has worked behind the gun counter for more than a week. The only time I've ever been carded was by clerks who were obvious brand new to sporting goods and had another WM clerk hanging over their shoulder showing them exactly what to do.
Is this in a certain state? They can "swipe" my ID all they want, it won't do them any good.
I first heard about it here from a CA member.

I dont know if the police cars still have the swipe thing in thm to read the barcaode on my license, but they never worked from what I unsderstand. They just type the license # in.

If they didnt work in what they wer supposed to, I dont think its going to work in a CC reader.

I got a couple of valuepacks and some mini-mags at WM last night, just got carded. Some of the guys in sporting goods dont bother anymore. Almost always get carded for smokes, but no swiping of the DL for them either.

"Wal-Mart corporate policy" varies from store to store. Sometimes its different at one store, depending on who's working.
In the past when I did get ammo at WM,it depended who was working on whether or not they ID'ed.....haven't gotten ammo there in a while..their prices are not that great these days.They always asked for a date of birth though,I always gave 12/25/1947....I'm only 40,but they never said a thing.
But I still love wal mart..anywhere you can buy underwear,a canned ham and bullets at 2am.....sign me up!;)
Why does anyone buy from Walmart in the first place? Why support a company that sells crappy guns to begin with and doesn't care about us? Look take some time and shop around, you can find anything you want and without using a Chinese company front like Walmart. Check out gun shops that actually care about our rights.
these results are interesting

I'll have to follow up with this, cause that would mean I have a manager blowing smoke up my rear
A few years ago I was in Wal Mart at Nags Head, NC. I wheeled a cart up to the checkout register with a bottle of sunscreen, some Diet Dew, chips, salsa, and 2000 rounds of Federal #8 target load. It was the middle of summer and all of the local WM's were sold out of target loads. The Nags Head store had an entire shelf full and I bought every box they had.

I didn't get carded. But I think I scared a couple of years off the life of the high-school age girl working the register.
i bought some .45 and 9mm from the wally world here today. no i.d. check.

Kino74... i have checked out the local shops. the local shops wanted $95.00 more for a 10/22 than wally world, and it wasn't a crappy gun. same model number on both boxes.

also, i had one of the local shops tell me that the wwb 9mm they sold was better than wally worlds that's why it was $7.00 more a box. we then compared lot numbers on the wally world box, and the box he was selling. they matched.

i crossed this shop off of my "places to buy from" list.
I'm betting you have a manager blowing smoke - I'm in MD, and I've had clerks ask me for my ID on occasion, but there's nothing for them to swipe, even if they wanted to. No barcode, nothing.
I bought some .22's a week or two ago - ID check, but no swiping.

It wouldn't have done him a lick of good anyway, I don't need to get the license with all the info in the barcode until about 2013...

I work in a drugstore, we have to swipe all ID's for any Sudafed sales now. So at least in OUR system, here's how the old licenses like mine work: The barcode won't bring up ANY info. Buuut - we have to type it all in the FIRST time. Then for any LATER purchases, whatever we typed in stays on record. Hmm...

Now, NEW NC licenses have all the info 'in' the barcode already, and offhand I recall that FL and SC licenses have at least some of the info in the code (or stripe we run through the credit card reader).

BTW, this was in a border town between two states, but there must not be any people from my side shopping there much - took the poor guy 5 minutes to find my birthdate...

Now, I'm not saying how WAL-MART does it because I don't know! But, FYI: the whole purpose of drugstores scanning licenses for Sudafed/PSE sales is to keep a database of who buys it, when, and where!!!
I got carded at the Wal-Mart here in Kilgore, TX when I asked for a box of .22s, 50, not a brick (testing extraction and ejection on a .22 rifle I haven't fired in years) and the clerk asked me if it was for a hand gun :confused: I said "no, it's for a rifle" with a bewildered look on my face.

I realize that that is none of his cotton pickin' business and he really has no business asking that, but I'm really not the type to get huffy about something inconsequential like that.

Anybody else have that question asked them at Wal-Mart?
Bought 400 rds of 9mm yesterday at the Wally World here on North Rock in Wichita and wasn't carded. In fact the old guy and I shot the poop for about 20 minutes. I asked him about the carding thing and asking if the ammo they sell was for rifles or pistols, he said he had never heard of that policy.
Anybody else have that question [is it for a rifle or handgun?] asked them at Wal-Mart?

At least the last time I was there, maybe beforehand...

It didn't overly bug me until I later learned that they're in bed with Mike Bloomberg's "Mayors against 'illegal' guns" coalition. So long, Wally World, nice knowin' ya!

Though, let me tell you about this Wal-Mart. It's pretty new. It's not a "SUPER Wal-Mart." At first, they had no plans to sell guns AT ALL. But not too long after they opened, they had a place set-up for guns, and then they had it stocked shortly thereafter...

Try the internet.

Uh, what? (sp?)

(not sure all of these work, get the idea! ;) )
I asked him about the carding thing and asking if the ammo they sell was for rifles or pistols, he said he had never heard of that policy.
That is a pre-screen for the next question- which deals with age. If you answer rifle, it will ask if you are 18. If you answer pistol, it will ask if you are 21.
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