Was 1989-2004 The Dark Days of Gun Ownership or 1968-1986?

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I am STILL caught in between NH DoS and NICS, routinely denied on dealer transfers... and I work as an armed guard at federal sites....yeah, I have an attorney, bit for now its till " back of the bus " & FTF sales for me....so don' t tell me " its your own fault ".

Do you have a UPIN? The system is far from perfect, and some people who should get a proceed frequently get delayed or denied for whatever reason and through no fault of their own. But that's what the UPIN is supposed to resolve. Might think about applying for it if you don't already have one.
They still can' t get it together. FWIW, I don' t believe in " restrictions beyond sentence " ...if one is " too dangerous " to have all rights back outside, don' t release them.Screw all of them- cops, courts, elected& appointmented whores.
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