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Well, that didn't take long. Call for Permanent AWB on Whitehouse.gov

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We knew he supported this from day one.
It is not a if it happens it is a when it happens. Sooner then some thought.
That is just information transferred from his website to the white house website. Doesn't mean its going to happen.
That is just information transferred from his website to the white house website. Doesn't mean its going to happen.

Nothing can absolutely predict the future. Because I took my last breath is no indication that I will take my next.

But I am funny this way:

When a person says they believe something or wants to do something, I actually believe they mean that is their intent.

-- John
I must write to express my disapproval of the President's position with regard to making the failed Assault Weapons Ban permanent. The Constitution is clear when it comes to the Second Amendment. "Shall not be infringed" means something to me, it means to me exactly what it says, it means the Federal Government and by the 14th amendment the state governments; have no authority to pass such measures. The Assault Weapons Ban was never about controlling crime anyways, it was always about disarming law abiding Americans and I thank God Americans saw through the facade in '94. Many Americans have woken up to the reality of self defense and of an armed polite society. We will never vote for any candidate who would strip us of our rights and we will not stand quietly and idly by while those we elected to serve us strip us of our right to defense. The President's support for the AWB is troubling coming from someone who lectured on constitutional law.

I for one will be writing my congressional representatives to ensure that they understand why a renewal of the AWB is unacceptable and why other gun control measures sure to come are unacceptable as well.

The "gun show loophole" is a lie propagated by the Brady Campaign in the interests of ending private firearms sales. The "Tiahrt Amendment" has always allowed firearms trace information to be shared with law enforcement agencies. Finally, no law enforcement agency would consider biometric firearms. The risk is simply too great to their lives and quite frankly to mine as well. And while I'm at it Ammunition Accountability is a stupid idea too. It imposes an undue burden on legitimate users and doesn't work either.

Elected officials who support gun control don't get re-elected. Why should you care what I think? There are millions in this country who share my views.


Mr. rabidgoldfish
Student, University of Florida

Just sent this to [email protected]
That is just information transferred from his website to the white house website. Doesn't mean its going to happen

Yup that's just an official statement of his intent, he didn't really mean it. He just put that up there for the heck of it.
I find it ironic that his "Friends of the Court" petition in regard to the Heller case clearly states that he doesn't believe individuals have the right to own firearms.

Their decision, and consequently, the very text of the Constitution of the United States of America prove him wrong, yet he makes no admission of his fault. Nevertheless, he's able to become the President of our country, swearing an oath to "uphold the Constitution of the United States", which he believes to be "wrong".

Under 35 years old? Not born here? I don't even care about that really. If you think the Second Amendment (or ANY part of the Constitution) was an accident, you shouldn't be the President.
I see a lot of IBTL's.

If THIS has nothing to do with our RKBA, then we are saying that we honestly do not have it in us to discuss any REAL threat to the RKBA on this site.

While the statement is old news, I think that it IS a significant progression to see it now on Whitehouse.gov. I felt that makes this newsworthy enough to merit our its thread.

... especially since we have had MANY discussions on here that assert that our administration will have "bigger fish to fry."

If anything, this should be a reminder that we must remain vigilent, and SHOULD be a wake-up call to those that have argued on the behalf of the administration.

-- John
If THIS has nothing to do with our RKBA, I have to give up around here.

You're right, but I was referring more to the folks that almost immediately took your post off topic.
I'm just waiting for on the onslaught of Obama apologists spinning their way out of this one.

This is his agenda, this is what he wants, and now this AWB policy sits on the main website of the Presidency, with a congress ready to pass it, and an AG ready to enforce it.
Well, it didn't take long for the conspiracy crowd to yank the wheel on this one causing the discussion to veer right off of the high road and into the off-topic ditch.
If your post disappeared it's because silliness on the most vetted birth status in history is an absurd waste of time, or you responded to the absurdity.

Now, this posting on the whitehouse.gov website is a transplant from the change.gov website which was transplanted from the presidential campaign website and has been up for public viewing since Joe Biden was picked for the VP position during the campaign.

IOW, while not exactly old news, it is just a continuation of old news that's been around since September of last year.

Does that mean that we ignore it? That would be stupid to do. Does it mean we have a case of the vapors and wring our hands? No, that would be just as stupid. Does it mean that we organize and work harder to preserve and restore out rights? Damn strait it does.

It's been long past time to get up off the couch.
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