What happened in Oakland then?

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The BG got into a apartment complex and eventually was tipped into law enforcement. They armed up a swat team and BG killed a few more by the time it's all over.

That should about sum it up, there is a big thread or two floating about this forum related to that event.

There will probably be some changes made by Law Enforcement to improve in the future as a result of this sad and horrible event. Right up there with the famous bank robber with armor shootout years ago.
I don't know if it's insensitive but I was wondering if people know about the distances and circumstances and such. One article read like the original SWAT team got out with 1 wounded, then 2 other guys charged in and both got shot, one fatally, but took the BG out. And the BG was shooting through walls with some sort of rifle at some point.

If someone was shooting through walls that's a complicated situation.
I am sure it will come out on A&E in about four months with plenty of "if only guns were banned this would never have happened" interlaced through the whole story.
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