What happens after Rittenhouse is acquitted?

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Overall rate of success or failure of lawsuits indicate nothing about individual suits.
On'e attorney can certainly be expected to discuss it in advising his client about his prospects.

bTW. I asked about the number of successful suits--not the "overall rate of success or failure".
Rittenhouse will undoubtedly file multiple lawsuits. I believe he will win most of them and that he is entitled to compensation.
Why do you agree or disagree?

I think @Spats McGee is correct.

I think that heay have a better chance against some media personalities / organizations such as CBS for example.

Can you link to a specific example in regards to Biden / the current admin?

I tend to remember that Biden alluded to KR.
I wonder if they can make a case against all the crowd-share outfits that tried to deny him funding for his defense? And social media sites that tried to influence opinions of him, and restricted favorable opinions of him? If so this could end up being a landfall case that sets a lot of precedent.

What they did was put a video to Mark Wallace asking Trump a question about if he's disavow white supremist and militia groups during the presidentialdebayes. KR, and many others faces were shown in that video.

If that qualifies as slander/defamation, then everyone shown in that video could have already filed suit; but no has to my knowledge.

And thats different than CBS twitting that KR testified that he murdered two men in self defense (CBS did include the words self defense possibly to shield themselves) or Sunny Hoistin, a former Fed Prosecutor, using the word murder when she darn well knows the difference.
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The governmental officials will not be sued. That's just a revenge fantasy, not worth the time to discuss. Looking at the crap spewed by the current left and right governmental nuts, the courts would be swamped for a decade.

The media will keep you tied in court for years if you sue them. Might get a settlement.
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How is the # that @Zerodefect knows of really relevant to anything?

No offense intended to Zerodefect
Perhaps not intended, but you did say it.

Look: the fact hat media organizations rarely make payouts fo those who feel they are damaged by their statements is extremely relevant to the discussion of whether a claim by Kyle Rittenhouse would have a snowball's chance in Burma of resulting in a payout.
By the way, if a media organization were to see any material risk from such a suit, they wold surely offer to settle out of court, the plaintiff['attorney would surely recommend acceptance, and the fact of the settlement would not be known to the public.
No. I asked you to clarify how your questioning his knowledge of how many cases does he know of is relevant; of which you didn't.
It was a rhetorical question, obviously, and your question was therefore argumentative.
About a civil suit.....

If Rittenhouse prevails on all charges in the criminal trial, it would mean that the jury decided that there was at least some reasonable doubt as to his guilt.

For him to prevail and take anything home ins a civil suite, he would have to show that a preponderance of the evidence proved that he had incurred monetary damages as a result of a false statement by a defendant.

O so not see that as likely enough to make the effort worthwhile.

People love to say "I'll sue ya'', but since I do not have an income or some intellectual property of value that might be impaired by someone calling me a _______ (whatever), I would most likely not even pick up a phone to call an attorney.
It was a rhetorical question, obviously, and your question was therefore argumentative.

Well maybe not so obvious or rhetorical to @Fine Figure of a Man either

No matter what the number, how would it be relevant?

As an indicator of likelihood of success. Plaintiffs very rarely collect on such claims.

On'e attorney can certainly be expected to discuss it in advising his client about his prospects.

It's fine. Let's call it rhetorical. I ask them too. It'd been easier if you had just said that half dozen posts ago as it was obviously not obvious to all.
Nick Sandmann did sue and won. Precedent is established.

One thing should be certain, businesses in Kenosha should have already purchased the equivalent of "plywood" for boarding up their storefronts. Hopefully not at current pricing.

This is where metal rolldowns pay the way.

I think we may see a few more emulate Korean shop owners.
How many successful lawsuits against media organizations do you know of?

Here's one. I heard a montage today of some of the things the MSM said about Rittenhouse. I believe it was on Bill O'Reilly's podcast. I'm not a practicing attorney but would guess that he has pretty good grounds for a lawsuit against some of these people.


Edit to add: I posted this prior to seeing Tirod's post.
A 17 year old should not have been there in the first place, and armed to boot. His Mother did know he was going to Kenosha whether she knew he was going to be armed I don't know. I would have definitely prevented my Son from going. Even so, I hope he's found not guilty. As far as suing someone if he's smart he'll ride off onto the sunset and try to put this all behind him. To keep in the public eye after something as charged up as this is would be asking for retribution.
One thing should be certain, businesses in Kenosha should have already purchased the equivalent of "plywood" for boarding up their storefronts.
The Governor has just put 500 National Guardsmen at the disposal of local law enforcement. This tells me that (1) an acquittal verdict is expected, and (2) there may be rioting in response.
As far as suing someone if he's smart he'll ride off onto the sunset and try to put this all behind him.
Do you think that is even possible? I don't although I bet he would like to. Maybe if he changes his name, moves, stays in hiding for a long time. grows a beard, dyes his hair....
Who would choose that option? Don't think I would.
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