What is the pro gun crowd doing to counter Bloomberg?

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May 17, 2011
Columbia, SC
Hopefully this is broad based enough to remain in the General Discussion area. I ran across the following Forbes article announcing Bloomberg's groupies will be confronting Kroger Stockholders at their annual meeting in Cincinnati. http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2014/10/23/gun-control-rally-planned-for-kroger-annual-meeting/?partner=yahootix Does the pro gun side have a similar group countering such efforts? A couple of friends of mine and I have attended local MDA events and talked to passersby presenting "our" side of the argument but I don't see any organized effort other than NRA, who seems to focus only on legislators not individual companies like Target, Starbucks, Panera and now Kroger.
The problem that MDA is pushing a political debate into private enterprise. Private companies that by and large do not have any stake and/or do not want any thing to do with this issue.

IMHO, having pro-2a folks "engage" on this issue, at private businesses, would be counterproductive and likely backfire. Businesses do NOT want to be the platform for debate between two activist camps.

If MDA disrupts a private shareholders meeting, I would hope that the company would have the good sense to have the activists hauled off for trespassing. Free speech does not exist in the private domain (i.e. in a private or corporate venue). That cuts both ways.

What can be done? Flood these businesses with support, letters and purchases that emphasizes that we appreciate their effort to at least remain neutral on the issue. Vote with your wallet on businesses that want to be "social activists."
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What is the pro gun crowd doing to counter Bloomberg?

Hopefully winning the house and senate this fall.

Hit the Ds where it hurts... their quest for power. When they realize that they can't get elected pushing gun control, they will drop it like a hot rock.
We are VOTING; hopefully, so are YOU
I just voted today; voted out all incumbents and anti Americans. Don't vote your union; don't vote your welfare status; vote to save this country -it isn't just guns, it is the complete survival against "ALL enemies. foreign and domestic"

What is the pro gun crowd doing to counter Bloomberg?


Where you can, vote against anyone he supports.

Let him waste his money.

If Bloomers supports someone, vote for the one running against them.
Bloomberg, Everytown and MDA are focusing on private businesses as much or more than they are on political candidates. Voting Pro Gun is a given but that's just one prong of their attack. They are gaining traction with national, regional and local businesses but I don't see any organized effort from our side pushing back and don't understand why we aren't.
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