What was the first gun you ever held?

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A great-uncle on the farm in Missouri had me fire his Remington 12 gauge with a deer slug...I was 11 years old and didn't weigh any more than the gun. The target was a coffee can on a fence post. They howled as I landed on my back, I missed the can but had my revenge cuz the slug smashed the fence post nearly in half...!
don't know the age maybe about 7 or 8 , papaws ( grandfathers ) glenfield marlin mdl 60 he bought it 2 days after I was born , this is the same gun my brother shot me in the leg with when I was 13 :cuss: , just last year papaw gave me the gun as he is now 81 years old , and didn't see the need to own it anymore , this is my most cherrished toy . as for first handgun? model 28 at ILEA in 1985 . couldn't hit the inside of a barn when I first shot it . but know I can atleast hit the roof ...:D
It was one of my Dad's friends hunting rifle. A 30.06 bolt action. Don't know make or model. I think I was around 10?
Colt 1860 Army six shooter. First gun I ever shot as well.. think I was around 8? None of my friends could hold it up, much less shoot it like I could. :p
Age 9 Dads old JC Higgins, Double barrel 20 gauge.

Found it in granpas closet, and put it together myself.

Ah the look on everyones face when I came down the stairs, at my grandparents house carrying it.

I knew better than to load it with the 20 year old shells I found in granpas desk.

My mom dropped a cinderblock.

:D :D :D :D :what:
I think the first one I held was some sort of military Colt or S&W revolver in 45ACP. The person that introduced me to shooting only had about 5 handguns - the mentioned revolver, his beloved 1911, a little snub nose 38 and a couple others. I shot all three of them when I was 7 or 8. Guess that's why I've never quiet believed that the recoil from a 1911 would knock a full grown man on his butt. :rolleyes:
I don't remember either !!!

I think it was the Marlin 22 Magnum bolt action that's still sitting in my safe although it might have been a mini-14.
On The Side Of A Creek Bank-

Greeting's All,

At about the age of 9, a life-long family friend let me
hold (and shoot) a Smith & Wesson .22 caliber "Kit
Gun" with a 4" barrel. This had to have been around
1956; or a little after? :cool: Fired a total of 6 rounds
and I can't remember hitting a darn thing!:uhoh:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

probably dads old sears and roebuck .22 semi auto,

first hand gun was some beat up old colt .45 in boot camp.

after the first round i was like,"gee, that werent so bad"

First gun I ever held was my dad's duty .357 when I was 7. First gun I ever shot was a .22 rifle at church camp. :D
First I ever held (becides my laser death ray toy guns) was a .22 bolt action rifle. I cant remember who made it. That was when I was about 15 and my mom freaked (she doesnt like guns). The first one when I started getting into them again (about 2 years ago) was a Browning .380.
My dad's duty revolver, a Smith Model 65 if I recall correctly.

Wish I had a picture of this: When dad joined the Sheriff's department (the early '60s) dad says that the Sheriff carried a Colt single action.

I just love the idea of the county Sheriff bustin' them commie pinko reefer smokin' long hairs with a Colt single action.
When I was about 5 or so my father let me hold his .22 bolt action rifle. Basically it just sat in my lap and I fiddled with it. Apparently, according to my family, I shot it but I can't remember such. I have no idea why he had it, he never went shooting. Unfortunately, he gave it away to a friend for helping him move. About the same time I started showing an interest in it, too. Coincidence? :confused:
We were out in the garage and my dad pulled down something from the rafters that was wrapped in an old blanket. He removed the blanket and let me hold the 98 mauser he'd brought back from the war.

This must have been around 1960 when I was eight or so. I still remember how heavy it felt, and wondering how anyone could carry it around.
I never held a gun until I was 11-12 years old, my parents were (are) bleeding heart liberal, rabid anti-gunners. They wouldn't even let me have toy guns when I was a kid. My uncle took me to the range when I was 11 or so and let me shoot his 22 High Standard and 6" K-38 Smith. I don't remember which I actally held first, probably the H-S.
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