What Was The Most Aggravating Part Of The CCW Application Process

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waiting...and waiting...and waiting...

Actually it was only about 8 weeks, but it seemed forever.
Finding a police department to process my finger print card:fire: Thank you Northlake PD for saving the day.
122 day wait while a former sheriff in a county I previously lived in {retired FBI liked to get drunk and urinate in his ex-wife's yard when he wasn't biting strippers on the butt and barking like a dog} held the background paperwork up. He had a reputation for doing this{the paperwork holdups as well as biting strippers} as he was opposed to regular Joe's carrying concealed{in private anyway, he ran as a gun friendly Republican}
No big deal in New Hampshire, but for my Massachusetts non-resident permit it was crafting the required cover letter stating why I had reason to fear for myself or my property.

I got it, but I had help. I was working for a security company at the time and I was able to include a letter from my boss stating that the permit was for work purposes. My cover letter requested an unrestricted permit as I wished to carry while on duty AND off. The State Police agreed. I have no idea whether or not I would have been issued the permit without the help from my employer.

New Hampshire and Connecticut are shall issue, so such bartering was not required.
Being told to pay $117 and that there would most likely be no permit forthcoming...great state, Maryland. :uhoh:
Most of it.

Being fingerprinted, having to pay $55 bucks, and waiting 5 or 6 weeks, all to use my rights that are supposed to be guaranteed by the Constitution.

The class I took, on the other hand, was great.

Waiting 107 days in a state that is "shall issue by day 60" and having to get my state senator involved to call the county probate judge.

Other than that, it was a piece of cake. :scrutiny:
Taking the mandatory class. "This is called the barrel - This is a revolver (the round thing is called the CYL-IN-DER). Blah blah blah.":banghead:
For me, being new to PA, finding 2 guys who lived in state, not in the same house, who I didn't mind knowing I had a carry permit, who'd vouch for me.

Which really wasn't that big a deal.

My PA carry permit took $19, 30 min in the sherriff's office, and 4 weeks of waiting.

I am so totally not going to complain.

Permission to simply BUY a long_gun in NJ took the 3rd degree by the desk sergeant, ("Are you wanted? What am I going to find when I run your prints? You sure you want to do this? etc"), fingerprints, $57 of a verys specifically filled out money order, and 10 months of politely hectoring the CLEO with my hat in my hand.
Applying in Miami, Florida

Called to see about getting fingerprinted. Metro-Dade PD said I could make an appointment in about 4 weeks. Called around to Florida Highway Patrol and some of the municipalities. No one but Metro-Dade would do it, so I made the appointment. On the day in question, wife and I showed up 15 minutes early. Checked in at the desk, and waited. About 45 after our appointment time, they called our names. Asked to see our Driver's Licenses, and told us to have a seat. About another hour later, we were called back up, given back our Driver's Licenses, told the clearance check had cleared, and to wait. Another 30 minutes later, they finally took us back, printed us, and sent us on our "happy" way.

Applying in Alamance County, North Carolina

For fingerprinting they take you thru the double security doors and INTO the secured portion of the jail.

Interestingly enough, they did NOT pat me down for weapons or contraband before taking me in for fingerprinting.
Staying awake through Steve Cannaly's video on firearms.
It's no wonder we haven't seen him since Dallas
Waiting over two months because the Sheriff's secretary 'filed' my report from CA DOJ and told no one it had arrived in the mail. It took a call from me to CA DOJ asking '***?' before it was revealed the Sheriff's secretary had it all the time.

Asked "When are CHL applications accepted?". Told "8-4, weekdays". NOT told "By appointment only" until I drove 10 miles to the county seat and saw the big sign.
1. The fact that I have to ask permission at all.

2. The wait. 100 days, and the law says you can't submit the renewal more than 60 days prior to the expiration.

3. That the blue perps are illegally getting the info that you're a permit-holder through DMV when they run your driver's license (they're using the digitized driver's license picture on the permits in NM, and the fact that the picture was transmitted from DMV to DPS is what's being recorded [rather than the fact that you "have a permit"], so they claim that "doesn't count").

4. The most painful part was watching people taking the test who had no clue how to handle a gun or shoot, and were using guns they'd obviously never used before. They have the right, acknowledged, but that doesn't keep me from screaming in frustration on the inside.
The wait. It took ~ 6 weeks for mine and almost 7 for my wife's. Then you have to surrender the temp permit to the state to get your 5yr permit. But hey, at least it's not NY or MA. If you can get them at all in these states, I've heard the wait is some times 6 months. :eek:
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