Whats the relationship between Shaun Kranish and Ed Brown?

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Oct 31, 2005
Some of you guys know that I've expressed concerns for the means that one of the guys who wants ccw in IL uses to try to get it. I couldn't help but notice on Ed Brown's page that Shaun Kranish's name and a rockford IL cell phone number are showing up. http://www.makethestand.com/faq-1-Ed+&+Elaine+FAQ.html I'm curious if anyone here has any more information on his relationship with the browns. I don't want to react without all the facts but this makes me a little more concerned about having him associated with the fight for ccw.
Current wishlist:

* Rechargeable flashlights -- nice, quality plug-in types
* Large candles -- 3 inch or more in diameter, UNSCENTED PLEASE, as tall as possible -- like church candles
* Fresh produce for eating
* Cell phones
* Satellite phones
* Radio transceivers -- HAM/shortwave, AM/FM, any other band good for emergency communications
* Quality bullet-resistant vests and other armor
* Thermal vision equipment (monoculars, binoculars, scopes)
* Late-generation nightvision, same as above. They've received some junk nightvision from people -- they need GOOD stuff
* Defensive equipment/tools. Machineguns, tanks, etc. Help them with these sorts of things at your own risk, but also think of the risk they're taking by making this stand. They need us.

Those people are f###### nuts!
He seems to be a activist, with a habit of pushing the issues.
First arrest and lawsuit

Kranish was wearing a black tactical holster to symbolize the disarmament of illinois citizens and to provoke conversations. He walked into the office of Rock Valley College President's office, Jack Becherer on October 11, to schedule an appointment to talk about school policy. The secretary asked Kranish if he had spoken to anyone else about the issue, and he said he had not. She instructed him that it would be best to seek out the department head to which the policy pertained before approaching the president. Kranish voluntarily walked into the Department of Public Safety, the college police office. He began a conversation with the Chief of Police, Sgt. Drought, and another officer, Edward Crumb. After nearly two hours, Kranish requested to leave and was told he may not. The officers placed him under arrest and charged him with "Disorderly Conduct," after countless trips in and out of the room Kranish was in and countless phone calls. The charge was dropped two months later due to insufficient evidence. Gaining media attention, Kranish filed a 1.5 million dollar lawsuit against Rock Valley for wrongful arrest and violation of his right to free speech. The outcome of the case has not yet been decided.
I seem to remember something about the other case. He was legally carrying an unloaded gun in an enclosed case, and was arrested.
He attempts to show the stupidity of some laws.

Before Waco, I might have agreed with you.

Im not saying the situation with Ed Brown is the same thing, but I'm pretty sure a lot of people considered those guys at Lexington and Concord to be nuts as well.

On one level my friend, i have to agree with them. Mr. Brown has some serious questions he wants answered about our tax code. The government has refused to provide him with those answers and would rather use force to make him comply with its demands.

Logically, it would make sense to simply provide him with the requested information and avoid the costs involved here.

One also must ask himself why the government is expending this much time and energy. More money is being spent to enforce this issue than is at stake. If the law exists, just show it - hell, show it on national television - and end the standoff.

Perhaps you could educate us all as to why this course of action is not being considered?
Logically, it would make sense to simply provide him with the requested information and avoid the costs involved here.
I don't really want to turn this into an ed brown right or wrong thread but he should have ample access to the constitution to read the 16th amendment.

The government has refused to provide him with those answers and would rather use force to make him comply with its demands.
Force came after a court date where the evidence against him was presented.
There is an abiding question as to whether or not the 16th amendment was properly ratified.
The Federal Reserve Act which was passed at the same time is almost certainly illegal as congress cannot give away the authority to coin money to a private enterprise.
The Tax Code itself is so byzantine in its complications that those tasked with enforcing it often don't understand it.

There is an abiding question as to whether or not the 16th amendment was properly ratified.
No there is not, the matter has been to court several times. Agree or disagree with the verdict, its been upheld and if you want to change it you need to pass a new amendment. We may not think that tax stamps for class 3 weapons should be a valid requirement under the 2nd amendment but they have been accepted in court. Even if we disagree we need to go through proper channels to make things right and not just pretend that the issue hasn't been tested and examined in the ways our system of government has laid out.
The Tax Code itself is so byzantine in its complications that those tasked with enforcing it often don't understand it.

And problems like that raise questions of due process and equal justice:
how is that possible if the law is not understandable to the law enforcers,
much less to those who must abide by the law?

The ideal answer, though, is petitioning the Courts to recognize the
problems and pressuring Congress to clarify and simplify the law.
He seems to be a activist, with a habit of pushing the issues.

I just looked up his records with the Winnebago County Court, and he looks like a hot head, that is if the accusations are true anyways.

He's currently got the following charges pending:
3 counts of the felont aggrevated weapon carrying/ posession charge
1 count resisting arrest/ resisting a police officer
1 count driving on a suspended license.

In 2002, he didn't know how to obey the speed limit.
He went down for speeding 31+ MPH over the speedlimit
and (not really too bad) he got hit again for 11-14 MPH over.
I just looked up his records with the Winnebago County Court, and he looks like a hot head, that is if the accusations are true anyways.

He's currently got the following charges pending:
3 counts of the felont aggrevated weapon carrying/ posession charge
1 count resisting arrest/ resisting a police officer
1 count driving on a suspended license.

In 2002, he didn't know how to obey the speed limit.
He went down for speeding 31+ MPH over the speedlimit
and (not really too bad) he got hit again for 11-14 MPH over.

Speeding is hardly an offense which should lead you to indict someone as a hot head. At worst speeding is a regulatory offense that occasionally can be characterized as unsafe behavior. I know lots of places in Illinois where driving 31+ above the posted limit wouldn't come close to being unsafe.

To my knowledge, his charged offenses for carrying are all tied directly to his activism. For example, he has pushed the Illinois law as it is written by doing "fanny pack" carry. Which I believe is a form of carry suggested initially by Concealed Carry, Inc. Resisting, as we all know, is often a "tack-on" offense and could have been added simply because Shaun had the audacity to argue with the arresting officer.

I've traded emails and phone calls with Shaun. He comes across as a fairly level headed young man...though certainly firm in his beliefs. Does that make him a hot head?
Shaun may be many things, and people can examine his tactics and conclude they might do things differently, but hot head he is not.
We already have a thread open for "Is Ed Brown right?" and "16th Amendment/tax is constitutional/unconstitutional" discussions. Please try to keep this one somewhat on topic.

HonorsDaddy said:
Mr. Brown has some serious questions he wants answered about our tax code. The government has refused to provide him with those answers and would rather use force to make him comply with its demands.

jselvy said:
There is an abiding question as to whether or not the 16th amendment was properly ratified.

I believe both of those contentions are also being discussed in the thread I referenced. Please continue the discussion there if you have something new or different to add to the 7-8 pages already posted on the topic.
His wish list looks just like mine. What laws do I have to break to get people to send me toys? And seriously guys if you can't send at least Gen III NVGs don't even waste my time...
Doesn't look like he's been here in a long time but I found his username here and sent him a PM.
Sean Kranish moved or is in the process of moving to New Hampshire as part of the free state project. He supports the Browns obviously. I would check Icarry.org for an update. Either way I dont know what to think of these situations.
Sean Kranish moved or is in the process of moving to New Hampshire as part of the free state project. He supports the Browns obviously. I would check Icarry.org for an update. Either way I dont know what to think of these situations

He moved? While his case was still pending?
He moved? While his case was still pending?
I just skimmed the icarry forum and they're saying he also dropped his attorney to represent himself.

Ultimately I want to hear the skinny straight from Shaun but I think if we want to get ccw in IL its important we seem like a bunch of reasonable, relatively normal people. I worry about the implications of rallying behind someone who is involved with something like the brown's. Being portrayed as a bunch of people who want to wear drop leg holsters in public and don't believe income tax is constitutional and that there is a masonic conspiracy to take over the US/world, I think could do us a great deal of harm.
I have met and talked with Shaun a number of times. He can come across as totally rational one moment and then declare that G. Bush personally ordered the 9/11 attacks with equal sincerity.

In some respects I feel bad for him because he is one of the few who are willing to stick their neck out. OTOH, I am not as sure his tactics are the "best" approach, whatever "best" might mean in this case.

I sort of lost interest once he decided to move to NH and tilt at a new windmill. The political situation in Illinois cannot be fixed in a few months or probably even a few decades and if you do not have the staying power, you are not going to be able to accomplish a whole lot.

Last time I checked his web site, I think I saw that he was now representing himself in his court case. That does not bode well for him winning his case, if I read it right.
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