What's wrong with this picture?

The first thing I noticed was the Dr. Pepper. 😃 I can't see a trigger on the revolver but maybe those old timee eye-tilian cowboys slip hammered their guns. It was a cheesey movie so why should the guns differ from everything else. :rofl:
The first thing I noticed was the Dr. Pepper. 😃 I can't see a trigger on the revolver but maybe those old timee eye-tilian cowboys slip hammered their guns. It was a cheesey movie so why should the guns differ from everything else. :rofl:

There is a trigger, but
there isn't enough pull left to fire it and advance the cylinder.
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Angel Eyes is missing part of a finger. His guitar playing days are over. I'd want to fill a grave or two also.
Can o' corn!

Well spotted. Where did you find the closeup?

How close do you want to go? I just assume the cartridges are for a rifle. 😁 I do find it odd the cartridges are pushed down to the case heads. The gun is backwards in the holster, presumably for a faster draw.

OK, I thought I was clever in guessing that there were no percussion caps on the nipples of the revolver. Then Legionaire pointed out "Cartridge belt and a cap and ball revolver" and I realized I was a dope.
Didn't movies have technical advisors back then?
Some did, some didn't. I think the most realistic gun handling was in L.A. Confidential. The weapons specialist on that one and several other movies was Mike Sudrow. I couldn't find a single gun "mistake" in the movie. My wife gets so tired of me pausing a movie to examine it and saying something like, "that's just impossible!"