Where are the UN's tents?

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Aug 25, 2004
I do not want to hijack anyone else's threads about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrin, but I have a rant I'd like to get off my chest.

[rant] It looks like the South is devestated from New Orleans to the FLA Panhandle, and well up into MS, AL and maybe as far North as parts of the Tennessee Valley. Folks are talking about it taking months for recovery to really get in high gear. There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 800,000 folks who will be without electricity or potable water for as long as 90 days, if not longer. Transportation infrastructure is shot to heck because of eroded roads, broken bridges, and the like.

The one thing I have not seen on any TV news broadcast is - the white tents that the UN puts up to form instant refugee camps anywhere else in the world. Where is the UN in this disaster?

Continuing on my rant - where are the US Navy ships? We sent scads of themn to Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, the Dominican Republic and many other places so fresh water and electric power could be provided to disaster victims. how come the US Navy is not sending ships to the US to assist in this disaster?


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stay safe.

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Continuing on my rant - where are the US Navy ships? We sent scads of themn to Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, the Dominican Republic and many other places so fresh water and electric power could be provided to disaster victims. how come the US Navy is not sending ships to the US to assist in this disaster?
Because ships are not what's needed. We can launch air rescue from our own bases and have lots of facilities that are not damaged nearby.

However, I haven't heard France whining that the EU hasn't sent enough aid yet.
Any body here good with webpages?

I am sure many of you are. I'd love to see an "International Hurricane Katrina Relief Donations" web page, cataloging the amount of money other nations have sent to the U.S.

It would just sit at zero.

We don't need them. We can take care of our citizens. We don't need the French sending money, or anyone to park aircraft carriers off our shore.

What we do need, is for other countries to stop badgering us into giving more money everytime some other event happens.
I sure would like to see a USN carrier loaded with helicopters picking people off the roofs of their flooded homes.

Maybe a thousand sailors in small boats checking for stranded Americans.

Never happen. The USN is too busy preparing to fight China's massive fleet of sampans.

God Bless the US Coast Guard!
Of course we don't NEED them, but I think we should highlight the fact that they never do anything for us.
We should take the money we're "billed" by the UN and use it instead to help rebuild along the Gulf coast. At least it will get used for something good for once.
However, I haven't heard France whining that the EU hasn't sent enough aid yet.

+1. And you won't. Our problem is our problem, and everybody elses problems are ours, too. I'm waiting for celebations in some countries of the devastation we have just experienced in the south coastal. :fire:
People, learn your history. The Navy has aided in almost every single natural disaster in this country (at least since I've been in these past 25 years). From providing nuclear power to the island of Oahu after a major hurricane to earthquake, flooding, tornado and hurricane relief and clean-up everywhere it's been needed ... We'll be there.
As much as I like to harp on the UN for never doing anything to help the US, I would also like to give kudos to those who help us.

If I remember correctly, during the flooding in 1993 there actually was ONE country that sent relief to the US, and that was Bangladesh - they sent sandbags, hey - it's better than nothing.
Considering that this is a group that routinely uses blue helmets for target practice, I'd say the last thing the UN wants to do is show blue in Alabama.
I expect Red Cross to provide aid?
Yes, they respond to every disaster and sell food, coffee, etc. :fire:

Actually, they're not all bad. They have organizational experience in dealing with natural disasters and that is quite useful.
Hate to say it guys, but you're far more capable of dealing with this than Sri Lanka was capable of dealing with the tsunami.

I very much doubt that there would be much help for Britain in a similar circumstance. I wouldn't take that as 'evidence' of worldwide 'anti-British' feeling though.

I had a feeling this thread would happen.

Hope everyone affected is well. Going to be some big insurance claims - wonder how many people affected by December 26th 2004 had insurance?
Personally, I'd rather not set the precident of having the UN and other nations assist us. Screw them. They don't want to help, we don't need their help.
VENEZUELA has offered aid! President Chavez has offered to send food, water, rescue workers and fuel.
What's that about beggars being unable to be choosers? Or are you in fact not a beggar, and the international community is right to focus their efforts (if any) elsewhere and leave the US govt and the insurers to pick up the tab because, in fact, they can.
The poorly hidden agenda of the UN, is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Students of history and veterans of the cold war may recognize this phrase. It is axiomatic on the world stage that the US has more of everything; therefore, it is only fair that we give everything to everyone, and receive nothing from them.

We are also reminded that we should feel guilty for what we have, for we must have come by it unfairly: People being equal, only thieves and cheats will have more than anyone else. So, not only is it right that we give our wealth to those who lack it, it is also reparation for our crime in having obtained it in the first place.

When the EU, or Africa, or any other entity calls for us to give of ourselves, listen for the chorus of communism behind the plea.
Where is the UN in this disaster

Absent. Just as it should be. We don't need more corrupt institutions getting involved.
Washington and every state capital is enough.

No sense sending ships to supply power until the water goes away.
Sorta like throwing a toaster into a bath tub.
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