Where is your safe located?

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Gun safe

I recently tackled the "safe" question. Though I found a number of units that would fit in my "safe room" I also considered the bedroom closet and the basement.

It came down to this. I considered my current storage location to be secure, so the need for a safe would only come about if I doubled my collection of long-guns. If I did need a safe it would be for volume storage. Therefore, it really didn't matter where it went so long as it was in the house and accessible for a "bug out" scenario. Definitely NOT an outbuilding or any room accessible directly by a door leading outside. I would want multiple penetration points before someone could "get to" my safe...it should be in an interior room.

So then I thought...if I really need access to a gun, I would need it more accessible than it would ever be if it was in my safe or safe room. So I opted to implement a secondary "safe storage" method.

My "safe room" is actually tucked away and not very accessible so I keep a few secure locations at key locations around the home.

What is a key location to me? A place I will likely spend a lot of time during the hours when a situation is most likely to occur. For that I use a quality mechanical, push button combo drawer safe. In that safe I am able to keep my carry gun du'jour handy.

Thus my primary collection is secure. My defense firearms are also secure...but ready and accessible.

Good luck! (avoid the attic and garage...and OUTBUILDINGS)
a Concrete Man Cave about the size of a 2 car garage

Yeah baby, NOW you're talking! With a heated concrete floor too. I lust for a home with hot water radiant heat in the concrete floors, and the garage/shop floor. And a big-ass honkin' reinforced concrete man cave in the basement! With an uber-secure door.

Must be content with my hovel for now.

this has been said already, but i would think the garage would be about the worst place you could put it. not only is it the easiest area for a thief to access and haul away your safe, but the temperature swings and humidity could cause damage to your collection. i don't know where in texas you're located, but much of this state can get pretty damn humid for much of the year.

i chose a small interior closet. in order to get it through the door, i had to remove both the closet door and safe door. otherwise, it physically would not fit. the space is so tight that leverage tools will be of little use unless someone rips out the walls and studs first. granted, a determined and knowledgeable thief can and will defeat it, given enough time, but that's unfortunately true of most any safe.

in the right situation, a basement would work, but we don't have many basements in this state. so i'm guessing that, like me, you don't that option.

good luck.
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