where to shoot air rifles and pistols?

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Dec 5, 2003
Hi, the nearest gun range is about 45 minutes drive from my place, so I cannot go there often. However, I want to practice to keep (and improve) my skill level. I dry fire my guns, but it seems not enough since I want to know whether I could actually shoot at where I think you aim. So I bought some air rifles and pistols. The problem is: I am not sure where I could shoot them legally without getting someone curious or even calling cops. I know this since one day I watched some people were playing paint balls in a nearby woods and some jerk called the police stating someone was shooting something. This get me really worried. I certainly don't want to get into such a trouble, or at least when the police come, I could be very sure that what I do is legally.

I live in connecticut, and my place is near a beach park, with some woods and wild open field.

I really miss the days where people are not going crazy when you carry a rifle openly. Now even an air rifle sometimes could get you into trouble!:cuss:

Yep, in the basement, down the hall, thru the living room into the kitchen, whereever you can get about 30' or so, regulation air gun ranges are 10 meters. No noise, no smoke, no lead, no fancy backstop, cheap ammo and a really good airgun will outshoot any .22 you have at the intended range. I dont know why more folks are not on this bandwagon.
Just because the cops were called on the paintballers, don't mean they got in trouble. Call the local police and ask if there are any local ordinances against shooting, they'll be happy to tell you. Some city ordinances don't allow shooting anywhere, even indoors, but then again, they may tell you to shoot in your backyard. Better to call and ask about what's legal and what's not instead of them called and them having to come out and tell you. If the woods/vacant land next door is public make sure it's open to shooting or if it's private land, make sure you have permission.
I shoot pellets and BB's in my basement. That's how I taught my sons, and the 4H taught me how to build bullet traps to make it possible. Most local ordinances cover "firearms", of which pellet, CO2, and spring BB guns are not.

I agree. Call the local cops and ask.
you really need to check the local laws, many citys/countys do have laws banning the uses of air rifles...
I luck out and shoot in my backyard almost daily. In addition to that i talk to my neighbors constantly and have informed all that surround me that i am mearly shooting a pellet gun and have a proper pellet stopping target. In return no problems from the law, hell an undercover police officer even lives three houses down and he is cool with it. Just get to know your neighbors.:)
rfwobbly says "Most local ordinances cover "firearms", of which pellet, CO2, and spring BB guns are not."

Couple of things to think about for NY residents:

1- Possession of any BB or pellet gun is illegal in NYC, no exceptions.

2- If hunting with a BB or pellet gun in NYS, you still have to follow the rules about distances from homes, schools, playgrounds, churches, etc. They specifically include them as "firearms" in the hunting regs. Taking a shot at a sparrow or chipmonk will have you breaking the law if your neighbor's house is less than 500 feet away.
Long ago, I lived in a ratty old mobile home ( kinda miss that life sometimes ). I just shot from the living room, down the hallway, and into the back bedroom.

wow i always shot them in the back yard but then again we shot everything in the back yard lol
I don't have a basement, so I use the garage - it's only 22', but it works - I have a cardboard box that holds 5-6 lids from 5-gallon buckets vertically....even from my 1000 fps RWS rifle, they do not penetrate more than 3-4 lids.
I have a 10m range set up inside the house. It is very convenient to just being able to pick up a rifle or pistol and squeeze off a few, not having to drvie to a range, no cleaning time, etc. I have a solid pellet trap from RWS and regulation targets.

While airguns are a great substitute to achieve better accuracy, airsoft pistols fill the same niche when it comes to speed in the action sports. I have shot airsoft and airguns not just since ammo has dramatically increased in price.
We grew up shooting air rifles in the basement. I do the same thing today as shooting airguns is considered discharge of a firearm in my city. It's great practice and you can't beat the price of shooting airguns.

I made pellet traps using boxes filled with a flat newspapers/plywood in center/flat newspapers sandwich. They take thousands of pellets before replacement.
Here in Wichita, it is illegal to shoot an air rifle, pellet gun, etc, anywhere in city limits except at an approved and certified range (sheriff has to sign off on it). Shooting in your home or backyard is considered misdemeaner discharge of a firearm.

Your local city and/or county website should have all the firearm laws and regulations or you can call and get them. I would definetly check out your local laws as this is what you will ultimately be held liable for. It varies from place to place and in some cases the penalties can be very steep.
Fenced in Back Yard in town, with Straw Bales as backing....Illegal? Not sure, because I don't plan on asking our resident Deputy Dog in charge...the less this so-called public servant knows, the better.
Long ago, I lived in a ratty old mobile home ( kinda miss that life sometimes ). I just shot from the living room, down the hallway, and into the back bedroom.

It was not a ratty old mobile home, but USAF base housing.
I picked off some spiders crawling around my house this weekend with a BB gun. Unless you live in an apartment, are BB guns really loud enough to warrant attention from neighbors?
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