Which calipers do you recommend?

Starrett comes to mind.....:)

....but any $25.00 set that checks against a known would work well.........IMO......

Only the Starrett 120 series is still made in the USA. The rest are foreign made.

I am partial to Mitutoyo (Japan) calipers digital or dial. At work I have digital. They are hard to find but Mitutoyo made solar power digital calipers that were awesome, had a set at a former job. My current collection at home is a set of Mitutoyo dial, an old set of Brown and Sharpe dial, and couple of cheaper dial and Vernier sets that live life dangerous. I have a set of cheap Chinese dual unit dial calipers that have probably been used the most simple because they were my first and I am not worried about damaging them. Bough them back when I was poor in grad school (when you could still get deals on ebay) and have been using them ever since. I check the calibration with gauge pins or blocks every once in awhile and they are still pretty close to right on. Not as good as the Mitutoyo's but I paid way less for them. Match the tool to the need.
I have a couple of sets. Both are digital. A $40 pair that I bought from Sinclair several years ago and a newer set of Mitutoyo. They seem to be about equally accurate and/or repeatable but the $40 pair run the battery down if I don't remove it. That can be a pain. If I could do it again I would just pass on the $40 pair and go straight to the more expensive pair.

I suggest buying them from an established vendor, the more expensive sets are often counterfeited.
Ummmm ... Comments say these:

"... they stopped putting Swiss made on them ... They are no longer swiss made. They are now made in China."

"These are not the brown and sharpes of yesteryear! They may have the same same model number, but they are nowhere near as smooth, and definitely not made in Switzerland anymore. The description listed Switzerland as the country of origin, but that is wrong! After doing some research it turns out that production of the non ISO rated calipers has moved to China. The real Swiss made ones now have a new model number. Being Swiss made is a huge deal for 2 reasons; they’re Much smoother, and much more accurate! I’m a professional machinist ..."​
I do ok with a cheap dial caliper, I figure $10 of its $40 price was for the RCBS trademark.
For the fiddly little bits, I have a pawn shop Starrett micrometer.

I also have a really cheap plastic digital. It only reads to hundredths but is a lot easier than peering at a finely graduated ruler.
I started off with a set from Harbor Freight. About 6 months later I caught a set of Mitutoyo on sale and jumped at the opportunity. I don't think I've as much as touched the Harbor Freight set since. The Mitutoyo is a lot more repeatable on results, smoother operation, and feel like more care was put into their assembly. They also seem to last a lot longer on one battery than the Harbor Freight set.
For any precision tools I can't find antique made in Switzerland, Germany, or the USA. . . I strongly prefer Mitutoyo. They are a great price/value compromise.

I don't suggest dial calipers, being the worst of all caliper species, but you'll have to pick your poison. I would go vernier (requires excellent vision), or digital (more expensive).